Journey to the Kingdom of Chu

The sky was a brilliant blue, the sun shining brightly. With the conclusion of the Martial Arts Conference, the Princess of Tian Dynasty, Yun Yan, had garnered much attention. Emissaries from various nations and notable heroes of the martial world departed in succession, leaving the official roads of Pan City bustling with activity, where luxurious, finely crafted carriages and robust steeds occasionally passed, stirring up clouds of dust.

Xianyue sat astride her horse, wielding a withered stalk of rice straw, squinting her eyes against the sunlight. The horse ambled along at a leisurely pace, and a smile lingered at the corners of her mouth, reflecting her relaxed demeanor, while the seductive vermilion adorning her brow shimmered with a touch of lightness.

"Is that Miss Xianyue?" 

Suddenly, someone emerged from ahead. Xianyue reined in her horse, opening her eyes to observe the figure before her—a tall man clad in a dark blue long robe, his strong physique and round face contrasting with his dark complexion. He bowed slightly, his demeanor exuding utmost respect.

Xianyue nodded, gripping the reins tightly as she half-squatted in her saddle. "Do you seek me?"

The man looked up, captivated by her smile, which seemed brighter than the sunlight itself. He quickly lowered his head, saying, "My master wishes to meet you, Miss."

Straightening her posture, Xianyue leapt down from her horse and tossed the reins into the man's hands. "Lead the way."

With both hands cradling the reins she had entrusted him, he bowed and walked ahead to guide her.

Though the Zhou Dynasty had declined, the official roads of Pan City still bore remnants of past grandeur, adorned with pavilions. Even in the winter season, the sun shone brightly on this clear day, but the wind remained biting, leaving the surroundings desolate. The rustling of skirts and the starkness of bare trees cast dappled shadows under the shifting sunlight.

As the sheer fabric danced in the breeze, Xianyue spotted a dark figure with his back to her, standing tall and straight in the sunlight. He seemed as steadfast as the mountains themselves, exuding an aura of unwavering strength, as if he alone filled the entire world.

"What a refined interest you have, Young Master."

Xianyue chuckled lightly as she approached the pavilion where Xuanyuan Hao was seated. Although there were fewer travelers at this time of year, she suspected that Xuanyuan Hao had taken the initiative to ensure the area was clear.

Upon hearing her voice, Xuanyuan Hao turned suddenly, his gaze falling upon Xianyue as a gentle smile illuminated his face, glinting with golden rays in the sunlight.

As she reached the entrance, a radiant smile blossomed on her face, reminiscent of fireworks in full bloom, as she beheld the lavish spread of delicacies laid out in the pavilion, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"These are personally crafted by the head chef of Tianxiang Tower."

Xuanyuan Hao regarded her with utmost seriousness. He had an innate authority that commanded respect, and even the most casual words from him elicited no dissent. At this moment, his earnest tone was impossible to ignore.

Xianyue paused momentarily, squinting her eyes, her brows arching playfully. "Are you intending to host a feast in my honor?"

Her laughter rang bright, her clear gaze sparkling like stars, illuminating the world around her. Yet, she felt unworthy of such a gesture.

Her brown eyes dimmed slightly, reflecting the melancholy of the distant Tianxiang Tower in Pan City. If this was merely a banquet, why must it come from Tianxiang Tower specifically?

For the first time, Xuanyuan Hao felt a pang of helplessness, mixed with a touch of bitterness. How could someone as astute as Xianyue fail to grasp his true intentions? Perhaps she chose to disregard them, knowing yet feigning ignorance.

Indeed, once a woman becomes resolute, she can be even more unyielding than a man.

Xianyue approached the table, her right hand swiftly sweeping over the jade pitcher, lifting it high. The delicate spout aimed at her lips, and she could hear the gurgling of the liquid as it cascaded down. A few droplets splashed onto her face, drenching it in a cool mist. When the stream dwindled to mere droplets, she tilted her head back, shook the cup, and listened closely, ensuring no drop went to waste. Wiping her mouth, she carelessly discarded the wine pitcher onto the ground, laughing, "What a fine wine!"

Xuanyuan Hao sat down opposite her, tilting his head slightly to scrutinize the soft flush of inebriation in her eyes, his heart aching under the blinding light of the sun. "Aren't you worried that I might poison you?"

Xianyue inhaled deeply, savoring the lingering faint aroma. She smiled, licking her lips, and leaned closer to Xuanyuan Hao, her hands resting on the cool marble table. "Would you do such a thing?"

Her tone held a puzzling certainty that few could decipher. As she took a seat beside him, each word she uttered nearly shattered the smile on Xuanyuan Hao's face: "I know you wouldn't."

She smiled again and continued, "In my eyes, Xuanyuan Hao is a man of integrity, above such despicable deeds."

Xuanyuan Hao was taken aback, his brown eyes widening. She was correct—he would not resort to such base actions. He sought to claim this world rightfully and honorably; he had no need for treachery. Yet, as those words spilled from Xianyue's lips, an inexplicable ache lodged itself in his heart.

Pouring himself a cup of wine, he downed it in one swift motion, yet the act felt insufficiently gratifying. Without a second thought, he grabbed the wine pitcher, eagerly trying to drown his sorrows. In a fit of rage, he slammed the now-empty pitcher onto the table, shattering it into fragments. Wiping his mouth, he fixed his gaze on Xianyue, laughter erupting from him unexpectedly.

Xianyue looked up, catching his gaze briefly, her expression complex before she quickly averted her eyes, focusing on her own meal.

"Xianyue, you are a remarkable woman; the more I get to know you, the more I admire you, making it impossible to let go."

Xianyue raised an eyebrow, her hands smeared with oil, her mouth full. "Xuanyuan Hao, if the Princess Yunyan were to hear this, would you not fear for her heart?"

She was already dissatisfied with herself, feeling cornered. If Yunyan were to catch wind of this, she would surely despise her.

Xuanyuan Hao frowned. "She is a woman of propriety."

Xianyue gazed at Xuanyuan Hao, feeling a twinge of pity for Ning Yunyan, despite her aversion towards her.

She was indeed a woman of discretion, aware of the ebb and flow of social niceties. Yet, living with such burden, high above where the air is thin—if one day she transformed from a princess into a queen, envied by all women, how sorrowful would it be to have no one to confide in?

To Xuanyuan Hao, she would make a fine wife, but such value was not born of love. If one day she lost her sense of proportion, what fate would await her?

Should she marry Xuanyuan Hao, she would gain what she desired, but Xianyue believed she was even more unfortunate than Nian Xiaoyu. At least her life was not a transactional relationship; she was not a mere pawn in someone else's game.

Xianyue chuckled, feeling a bitter sadness well up within her. What right did she have to worry for others? She could not afford to stray even a single step; her fate was not so different from Ning Yunyan's.

"Will you truly not become my woman?"

Xianyue suddenly raised her head. Such a question had not been posed to her by Xuanyuan Hao before, yet this time, for reasons unknown, it sparked a sense of irritation within her. 


She picked up a handkerchief resting nearby, dabbed her lips, and wiped away the grease from her fingers. With her hands placed on the cold tabletop, she rhythmically tapped her slender fingers, the sound cutting through the air like a discordant note. She smiled and suddenly inquired, "Xuanyuan Hao, how would you choose between a kingdom and a beauty?" 

The notion of beauty does not necessarily equate to an extraordinary woman, but rather represents a unique blossom flourishing in the heart of an emperor. A dazzling flower, if it is not the one cherished in the heart, how could it possibly compare to a splendid kingdom? 

Xuanyuan Hao gazed silently at Xianyue, his lips sealed in contemplation. 

"Xuanyuan Hao, you already possess the answer deep within." 

He did not love Ning Yunyun, yet he married her, which was precisely to fulfill the desires within his heart. 

"In your long life, Xuanyuan Hao, I, Feng Xianyue, am merely a fleeting passerby, skimming past your world without ever stepping into your life." 

Xianyue fixed her gaze on Xuanyuan Hao, her words delivered with unwavering conviction, as if she were an advocate in a court of law. 

"You refrained from confronting Bai Zhanfeng, not because you doubt your ability to defeat him, but because you do not wish to oppose him over a woman. If the roles were reversed, Bai Zhanfeng would spare no effort, even risking his life, to defeat you. Do you truly believe I should become your woman? Alongside Ning Yunyun?" 

The corners of Xianyue's mouth curved upward, devoid of warmth. Even if she were to acquiesce, her brother would never approve. 

"Are you able to relinquish your ambition for dominion over the world for me?" 

Xianyue gazed intently at Xuanyuan Hao, persisting with her inquiry. 

Xuanyuan Hao did not flinch from Xianyue's gaze; his brown eyes met hers resolutely. Without a moment's hesitation, he shook his head, "No." 

Ending the chaotic era and uniting the world had always been his dream. 

"I shall treat every citizen of Feng Kingdom and its nobility with kindness, especially your brother. He shall remain the crown prince and perhaps even ascend to king, enjoying the highest honors. I will ensure no one disrespects him." 

He stood, looking up at the cerulean sky, "Regardless of how many women I may have in the future, you alone reside in my heart." 

Xianyue drained her cup of wine and approached Xuanyuan Hao's side, both of them gazing up at the azure sky. She glanced sideways at him and laughed, "The woman in your heart?" 

She chuckled as she passed by him, "Then let me dwell forever in your heart." 

As she reached the exit, Xuanyuan Hao forcefully grasped her hand, prompting her to turn and face him. Her brows had smoothed, her bright eyes revealing no trace of displeasure, even radiating a hint of mirth. Yet Xuanyuan Hao felt an undeniable discomfort. 

"Do you fancy Lan Yixuan?" 

Xuanyuan Hao fixed his penetrating gaze upon Xianyue, his eyes sharp as daggers, unwilling to overlook even the slightest expression on her face. 

Xianyue furrowed her brows, perplexed. How could she possibly have given off such an impression? She truly did not comprehend where she had demonstrated any interest in Lan Yixuan, nor was she aware of any actions he might have taken. 

To Xuanyuan Hao, Xianyue's silence seemed akin to tacit acceptance. He released her hand with a chuckle, "It's getting late; you should leave." 

Xianyue cast him a glance devoid of longing and turned away, her dark tresses dancing in the breeze, a faint fragrance lingering in the air. 

"Will we be enemies from now on?" 

Xuanyuan Hao murmured, his soft voice carried away by the biting wind, whispering into Xianyue's ear, "Whoever dares to invade Feng Kingdom and harm Feng Jiulan shall be my enemy." 

Xianyue halted but did not turn around; she waved her hand dismissively, leaving those words behind as she departed. 

Xuanyuan Hao watched her disappearing silhouette, his left hand resting against the pillar of the pavilion. It was only when her ethereal white figure vanished into a mere dot that he returned to his seat, surveying the chaos on the table, chuckling to himself. He lifted his wine cup, but his hand was abruptly seized. Xuanyuan Hao looked up, entirely unperturbed, gesturing for the person beside him to sit down. "Pin Yu, it has been too long since we shared a drink. Join me for a toast." 

His gentle eyes, warm as a spring breeze, held a trace of pity. Jun Pinyu complied, taking a seat in the designated spot and placing the wine cup he had previously snatched from Xuanyuan Hao before him, sighing, "It was my fault for allowing you to meet her." 

If they had never crossed paths, he would not have felt a spark. If his heart hadn't stirred, he would not now be sorrowful over her resolute rejection. What kind of woman could resist her allure? 

Xuanyuan Hao shook his head, downing the wine in one go, "I have no regrets." 

He gazed steadily at Jun Pinyu, speaking with unwavering resolve. He smiled back, meeting Jun Pinyu's concerned expression. 

As she had said to Nian Xiaoyu, falling for someone shouldn't lead one to negate their existence due to rejection. Likewise, he would not regret his initial feelings for Feng Xianyue, despite her refusal. Their first encounter lingered in his mind, her white attire and unadorned beauty, her grace and smile unforgettable, etched forever in his heart. 

That kind of woman, regardless of whether he could possess her, was enough to enchant any man. Why should he harbor regrets? Loving such a universally adored woman, his sunshine shone brightly. 

He believed she was different from Nian Xiaoyu; even if she were to fall in love with another man one day, she would not abandon her principles and dignity, losing her boundaries. 

"Pin Yu, I chose the kingdom of my own volition." 

Had he not married Ning Yunyun, he might have sought after it. Yet now, he found himself stripped of the qualifications to do so. He chuckled softly, tasting the bitter aftereffect of the exquisite wine in his mouth. How ironic it was that he, the proud Xuanyuan Hao, found himself overwhelmed with helplessness and remorse, even feeling a twinge of inferiority. 

Jun Pinyu stood, seizing the wine jug from Xuanyuan Hao's hand and pouring it over himself, as if to awaken from a stupor. The sweet wine streamed down his hair, trickling onto his face and drenching his clothes. 

"Is the world bound to fall into chaos without Feng Xianyue?" 

He patted Xuanyuan Hao on the shoulder. Xuanyuan Hao turned abruptly, surprise etched on his face as he observed Jun Pinyu's pallid visage, dampened by the cascading liquid, rendering him an image of despair. 

He watched Jun Pinyu as he crazily smashed the wine jug onto the ground, his tall figure trembling, growing increasingly pale and desperate. 

Jun Pinyu stood where Xuanyuan Hao had just been, his hand resting on the vermilion pillar, gazing into the direction where Xianyue had vanished. In truth, he could see nothing, yet he felt as if she were standing there, poised to turn and call his name for eternity: "Jun Pinyu." 

He laughed, a sound steeped in sorrow. His hand, resting upon the pillar, clenched into a fist, the pain in his eyes hardening into resolve: "Never hate me." 

Xuanyuan Hao sprang to his feet and hurried to Jun Pinyu's side, gripping his shoulders, "What are you planning to do?" 

His tone revealed an urgency he himself had not noticed. 

Jun Pinyu did not reply; he shrugged off Xuanyuan Hao's grasp and strode toward the pavilion's exit. "I promised to help you become the ruler of the world." 

"Miss Xianyue." 

Xianyue retrieved the reins of her horse but had yet to mount when she heard someone calling her from behind. Turning, she was surprised to see Luo Cheng, whom she had not encountered for many days, accompanied by the former leader of the martial arts alliance, Nian Anba. 

She smiled and hurried toward them, marveling at their uncanny knowledge; she had informed no one of her journey to the Chu Kingdom, let alone her departure. Yet, here they were, waiting for her. 

"Alliance Leader Nian." 

Xianyue nodded respectfully at Nian Anba, and upon noticing Luo Cheng beside her, she raised an eyebrow, patted his shoulder, and playfully poked his cheek. As expected, Luo Cheng staggered back several steps, covering the spot where she had poked him, his face instantly flushed as if scorched by fire, his ears turning red. With his head lowered, he declared with unexpected resolve, "Miss Xianyue, please conduct yourself with dignity."

Xianyue laughed with delight, pointing at Luo Cheng. Nian Anba made no attempt to scold her but regarded her with gratitude in his eyes. 

Once her laughter subsided, Xianyue said to Luo Cheng, "I understand, I understand! You belong to your little junior sister now. Don't worry, I simply find your blushing countenance amusing."

At Xianyue's words, Luo Cheng's face grew even redder, nearly as if it would bleed. He raised his head to protest, "I—"


He moved his lips but, upon meeting Xianyue's teasing gaze, found himself at a loss for words.

"Miss Xianyue," Nian Anba interjected, casting a glance at his eldest disciple, feeling a mix of exasperation and affection. Cheng'er was good at everything except being too easily embarrassed.

"I have come to express my gratitude," Nian Anba continued as he approached Xianyue, waving his robe as if to kneel before her. "Thank you for your counsel to my daughter."

That day, Xiaoyu had attended a banquet, returning with swollen eyes. Just as he had been about to chastise Luo Cheng, she had embraced him and wept bitterly. He had heard her lament about being an unfilial daughter more than once, but it was only that day he finally felt relief when she agreed to marry Cheng'er and stay by his side.

He had only this one daughter and had worried over her for years; now, he could finally breathe easy.

Seeing Nian Anba about to kneel, Luo Cheng instinctively followed suit. Xianyue placed her hands on Nian Anba, stopping him, while her foot prevented Luo Cheng from making contact with the ground. "Every parent's heart is tender; I understand Nian Gongzhu's feelings, but there is no need for such grand gestures."

Her casual tone struck Nian Anba, causing him to regard her with newfound admiration. He had a vague understanding of Feng Xuanling's attitude towards Xianyue, and he couldn't help but reflect on how difficult it would be to part with such an exceptional daughter.

"Please, no more bowing," Xianyue insisted, withdrawing her hands and foot while pointing at them.

"When are you and Nian Xiaoyu getting married?" she inquired.

"Soon. Master is selecting an auspicious date for me," Luo Cheng replied, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Xianyue caught his words clearly. "What a pity! I must depart for the Kingdom of Chu and won't be able to attend your wedding."

Feeling awkward as she rummaged through her pockets, she found she had no suitable gift to offer. Spotting Nian Anba looking at her, she managed a sheepish smile. "I have nothing to present as a gift, so I wish you and Nian Xiaoyu a lifetime of happiness, peace, and a hundred years of harmony."

She patted Luo Cheng's shoulder with genuine sincerity. "Emotions can be cultivated, Luo Cheng. Treat her well, and she will realize that you are the one worthy of her lifelong commitment. You two will find happiness together."

Luo Cheng met Xianyue's gaze and nodded, recalling Feng Jiulan's words. Indeed, such an outstanding woman deserved to be the only one for any man. She should be happy; if she could not find happiness, wouldn't that render the world utterly unjust?

"Here, take this." 

Nian Anba suddenly produced a small, rounded object resembling a bamboo tube from his robe and placed it in Xianyue's hands. Luo Cheng watched him, a mix of emotions swirling within, before understanding dawned on him.

"What is this?" Xianyue examined it closely. Although she could not discern its purpose, she trusted that anything given by Nian Anba must be valuable.

"It is a special firework crafted by the people of Qiu Yang Mountain Villa," he explained.

Xianyue nodded, without hesitation, placing the item in her robe. If trouble arose in the future, she could seek help with it. Was this not Nian Anba's promise to her?

"Take this as well." 

Nian Anba reached into his robes again, producing a token engraved with a pattern resembling a tiger, though it lacked a tail.

"No matter where you go, as long as you see this symbol on the token, it signifies the industries under Qiu Yang's banner. With this token, they will do their utmost to assist you."

Without any reluctance, Xianyue accepted the token, stuffing it into her robe. "Thank you very much."

Nian Anba nodded, having never intended to bestow these items upon her, but this girl was simply too endearing to resist.

"Now, I must take my leave." 

Xianyue pointed toward the horse waiting for her and addressed Luo Cheng and Nian Anba.

"Until we meet again," Luo Cheng said shyly, smiling, as if certain they would see each other again.

Nian Anba took a few steps forward, watching Xianyue ride away, and let out a sigh.

"Master," Luo Cheng called softly, gazing in the direction Xianyue had disappeared, puzzled by Nian Anba's sigh.

"Feng'er cannot handle it," Nian Anba replied, his sigh deeper this time. One was his precious daughter, whom he had sheltered and cherished, and the other was his most valued disciple. How could he not worry?