Wishing you prosperity, bring on the red envelopes.

The city of Ying is the domain of the State of Chu, and on the eve of the Lunar New Year, the atmosphere is undeniably lively. 

Despite having gone to bed late the night before, Xianyue woke up early the next morning. It wasn't that she wished to sleep in; the clamor from the courtyard was rather noisy, not exceptionally so, as it was similar on ordinary days. Yet, today her spirits were unusually high, and upon hearing the sounds from outside, she felt an irresistible urge to rise, flipping over and sitting up. 

As she opened the door, the sky was a brilliant blue, washed clean, and the winter sun shone radiantly, filtering through the sparse branches in the courtyard and warming her face, offering an indescribable sense of comfort and ease. 

Xianyue closed her eyes, a smile gracing her lips as she stretched. The bustling servants, busy with their tasks, turned to glance at the slender figure at the door, barefoot like jade upon the smooth, icy marble. Strands of hair danced in the breeze, resembling an ethereal sprite emerging from the forest. 

For a fleeting moment, they were taken aback, quickly lowering their heads, pondering why Miss Xianyue was not still asleep in her chamber at such an early hour. 

Xianyue opened her eyes and beamed at the startled servants, her smile brighter than the sunshine itself, raising an eyebrow. "Good morning." 

Perhaps for them, it was not particularly early, but for Xianyue, she had nearly forgotten the sensation of the morning chill and the sunlight gracing her skin. 

One of the servants informed Lei Yun that Xianyue was awake, and he soon arrived with food. Upon seeing Xianyue barefoot, a slight frown appeared on his brow. Although the weather in Ying was mild, it was still winter, and the early morning air was damp. On the surface, Xianyue looked like any other delicate woman of the State of Chu, but her shoulders bore the weight of burdens heavier than most men could endure. 

It seemed she had never fallen ill; despite the cold of Panchi and her thin garments, she had never even caught a cold. All afflictions appeared to be shouldered solely by Prince Feng of the Feng Kingdom. 

After finishing her breakfast, a servant soon entered her chamber, announcing that hot water was ready for her to bathe. This time, several servants assisted her, helping her change into fresh clothes, but they were not permitted to touch her hair. 

By afternoon, the festivities grew even more boisterous. The sounds of firecrackers echoed outside, filling the air with an indescribable joy. Everyone was bustling about: some hung lanterns, while others pasted couplets. Xianyue glanced at the hall, free from any trace of dust. Yet, the servants bent low, wielding cloths, tirelessly polishing surfaces, though it was unclear what they were cleaning. 

Such are the masters and their servants; Xianyue couldn't help but wonder if these people shared the same obsession with cleanliness as Lan Yixuan. 

After wandering through the estate, she found no sign of Lan Yixuan. When she darted into the kitchen, she found Lei Yun donned in an apron, a spoon in hand, embodying the role of a chef. The air was thick with steam, and from afar, she could already smell the enticing aromas. 

In the kitchen, aside from him, only a few servants were washing and chopping vegetables, all wearing gloves. Though Lan Yixuan did not shy away from hard work, he was not one to indulge in unnecessary suffering. 

"Lei Yun, what smells so delightful?" 

Hearing Xianyue's excited voice, Lei Yun turned around, his gaze meeting Xianyue's radiant smile at the door, her pristine white attire and sparkling countenance fixed upon the spoon in his hand, salivating. 

Lei Yun chuckled, seeing her about to enter, he hurriedly stepped forward to block her path. "The oil and smoke are too heavy; you just changed clothes, it's better not to go in." 

Xianyue craned her neck, standing on tiptoe, pointing at the dishes on the stove. "Are those for dinner tonight?" 

Lei Yun nodded. She lightly clenched her right fist beneath her chin, laughing. "Where is your young master? Why haven't I seen him or Lei An?" 

"They left early this morning." 

Xianyue responded with a simple, "Oh," and then told him, "Continue cooking." 

After she spoke, she retreated from the kitchen and encountered Lan Yixuan returning from outside, Lei Yun following behind him, seemingly laden with something, beads of sweat dotting his forehead. 

"I heard from the servants that you woke up quite early today." 

Xianyue ignored him, sidestepping Lan Yixuan to approach Lei An, lightly tapping the large box he was carrying, then turning to Lan Yixuan. "What is it?" 

Xianyue directly inquired of Lan Yixuan. These two brothers, like Qinghen, were steadfastly loyal to their master, and without Lan Yixuan's permission, she would not pry for even a word, no matter how much she pleaded. 

"Fireworks and firecrackers." 

So many? Xianyue shot a suspicious glance at Lan Yixuan, who met her gaze without a hint of deception. Seizing the opportunity while Lei An was distracted, she swiftly grabbed the large box from his hands and merrily scurried toward her room. 

With so many fireworks and firecrackers, she could enjoy them all night long; she genuinely relished the lively atmosphere. 

As evening approached, the cacophony of firecrackers persisted, crackling as if intent on deafening her. 

Xianyue had spent the entire afternoon seated in her chamber. When Lan Yixuan came to find her, her door remained ajar, and the window was open. She sat by the window, staring blankly at the royal palace of the State of Chu, lips pressed together, brows occasionally furrowing, lost in thought. 

Lan Yixuan stood at the door for a while, but Xianyue didn't even turn her head, seemingly unaware of his presence. He remained silent and quietly retreated. 

By dusk, the mansion had yet to be lit, and the sky was not too dark. The crimson heavens occasionally bore fleeting streaks of light, resembling shooting stars, though the brilliance was not particularly pronounced. 

"Miss Xianyue." 

Only when someone bent down beside her and softly called her name did Xianyue turn her head, her clear eyes locking onto the servant standing beside her, revealing no trace of surprise. 

"Your young master asked me to inquire if you will join us for dinner tonight." 

At the mention of dinner, Xianyue suddenly recalled the delectable dishes she had seen in the kitchen earlier, and despite having eaten plenty at noon, she had spent the entire afternoon lost in thought. Engaged in mental labor, she now gazed up at the sky, the deep crimson hue heralding the day's end. She was hungry; it was time to eat. 

Pushing back her chair, she sprang up and dashed outside, with the maid trailing behind her, calling out, "Your young master is in the courtyard!"

Xian Yue waved her hand, signaling her understanding, and hurried to Lan Yixuan's courtyard. She noticed the "double happiness" character pasted at his door and couldn't help but laugh, feeling a warmth in her heart. 

Irrespective of the romantic intricacies between men and women, she, too, was human—a woman at that—who had her moments of sentimentality. In this unfamiliar place devoid of her brother, the thought that there was someone who could tolerate her little mischiefs, indulging her occasional whims, was quite delightful. 

As Xian Yue stepped outside, the lanterns hanging beneath the eaves and branches, which had been dormant during the day, glowed brightly. Thanks to the servants' diligent cleaning earlier, everything appeared notably brighter and more pristine than usual. 

Lan Yixuan sat in a small pavilion in his courtyard, backed by a moderately sized lakeside, surrounded by flickering lanterns that illuminated the scene like daylight. He was at the entrance of the pavilion when he heard the door creak open. Turning around, he was bathed in the soft glow of the lanterns, his face illuminated like a gentle gem. 

As always, he wore his royal purple robes that exuded an air of aristocracy. Xian Yue, too, was dressed splendidly; the garments he had chosen for her from the silk shop were all in pristine white, fitting comfortably against her skin. From their first meeting, it was evident that he spared no expense, always offering himself the best. 

Neither of them had gone to great lengths to adorn themselves for the occasion; today held no distinctive significance compared to their usual encounters, yet it bore a different meaning for each of them. 

This was the first time in a decade that Xian Yue celebrated the New Year outside the desolate and silent Pear Blossom Abode, yet she would never comprehend the day's significance to Lan Yixuan. 

"Oh dear, Lan Yixuan, you've become even more charming than before," she exclaimed. 

Xian Yue found it odd that neither the courtyard in Yanjing nor the residence in Yingcheng bore names. Those standing outside were oblivious to whose residence it was, while the inhabitants knew their location but not its title. 

Lei Yun had meticulously prepared the New Year's Eve feast, and the abundance of dishes laid out before Xian Yue made her eyes sparkle with delight. She turned to Lei Yun, smiling warmly, "Thank you for your hard work, Lei Yun." 

"It's all part of my duties," Lei Yun replied, his head lowered, avoiding her gaze. 

As Xian Yue's eyes gleamed at the lavish spread, she picked up her chopsticks and addressed Lan Yixuan, "Young Master Lan—" 

Before she could finish her sentence, she spotted Lei An approaching with two large jars in hand. Xian Yue's keen sense of smell was almost canine as she dashed toward Lei An, still clutching her chopsticks, and took the wine jars from him, returning to her previous spot. "With so many dishes, I won't be able to finish them all. Young Master Lan, Lei Yun, and Lei An have also worked hard. Let's invite them to join us." 

Lei An, taken aback by Xian Yue's eager gaze fixed on Lan Yixuan, clearly hadn't expected her to say such a thing. 

Yet Lan Yixuan remained silent, and Xian Yue laughed lightly, unbothered, "Isn't the New Year about bringing joy and warmth?" 

Lan Yixuan raised an eyebrow, "Then shall we have the servants sit with us?" 

With her mouth full of food, grease coating her lips, Xian Yue shook her head. If those people joined them, the atmosphere would become stilted; their demeanor would be unappetizing. Even with a table full of dishes, her ravenous nature would leave her little to savor. 

Xian Yue opened the wine jar, bending down to pour Lan Yixuan a drink, who, upon looking up, saw her earnest expression as she carefully filled his cup. The softness of her gaze, tender and serious, reminded him of her affection for fine wine, second only to her feelings for Feng Jiulan. 

"Please, both of you, sit and eat with us," Lan Yixuan finally spoke. Lei Yun and Lei An offered no objections. However, as they settled down, Xian Yue noticed the astonishment in their eyes, especially in Lei An's, whose expression suggested he might have seen a ghost. 

Xian Yue sat facing Lan Yixuan, with Lei Yun and Lei An on either side. Suddenly, she sprang up and ran to the entrance, returning with a pair of chopsticks. She filled her bowl to the brim with food and set it beside her, pouring herself half a cup of wine. With the others watching in mild surprise, she raised the glass with her left hand, holding the wine bottle in her right, lightly clinking them together. She smiled gently, "It's not that I'm denying you a drink; it's just that your health prevents you from overindulging." 

Though she didn't specify who she was referring to, it was clear to everyone at the table. 

That sweet and gentle smile—who else could it possibly be? 

"I also raise a glass to His Highness; please drink as you wish," she said, gazing at Lan Yixuan, whose hand holding the wine bottle suddenly stiffened, though a smile soon followed. 

Her manner of drinking was more exuberant than anyone else's. Once finished, she wiped her mouth with her hand and slammed the wine jar back onto the table, pointing her chopsticks at Lei An. "What are you staring at? Let's eat!" 

She laughed, yet there was a fleeting trace of melancholy in her slightly intoxicated gaze. 

Having developed a habit over time, Xian Yue ate rapidly. Once satisfied, she dropped her chopsticks, which clinked against the bowl and threatened to fall to the ground. In an instant, Lan Yixuan's demeanor shifted; he crossed over Lei An with an unthinkable speed. 

Xian Yue leaned back in her chair and focused her gaze, spotting her discarded chopsticks swaying atop Lan Yixuan's foot. She looked up, only to find his face ashen, his usually gentle eyes now filled with a tense fixation on the inconsequential chopsticks. 

"Lei An, pick them up," he instructed. 

Startled, Lei An complied, retrieving the chopsticks and placing them back on the table. 

Yet Lan Yixuan suddenly turned, his gaze towards Xian Yue filled with a perplexing complexity, mingled with a hint of pain—though it vanished as quickly as it appeared. This man was adept at concealing his true feelings; he might occasionally reveal emotions that were out of place, but they remained fleeting. 

He fixed his gaze on Xian Yue, struggling to steady his rapid breath. She sensed he had something to convey, but he abruptly stood. "In the future, refrain from carelessly tossing utensils, especially on days like today." 

His voice was soft, yet Xian Yue sensed an underlying concern. 

Confused, Xian Yue obediently responded, straightening up as she turned to look at Lan Yixuan, who stood just behind her, feeling the roundness of her overindulged belly. 

She ate quickly and heartily, making noises that were somewhat inappropriate, causing Lei An to shoot her disdainful glances as she savored her meal. 

Leaning back, she tugged at Lan Yixuan's garment. He turned to look at her, and the chill and mockery usually present in his smile were absent. 

Xian Yue smiled, instinctively sensing she was up to no good. Lan Yixuan had the same feeling when she suddenly jumped up from the table, approached him, and sincerely exclaimed, "Wishing you prosperity!" 

Then, with her palm outstretched before Lan Yixuan, she raised an eyebrow, "Now, where's my red envelope?"