Entering the Palace

The banquet was set in the Qinghuan Hall. By the time Xianyue and her companions arrived, the moon had ascended to its zenith. Everywhere she looked, the flickering lanterns surrounded them, twinkling like a vast ocean under the night sky, shimmering with a dazzling clarity. 

The palace of the Chu kingdom, while lacking the grandeur of the Zhou dynasty's palace, was devoid of any oppressive atmosphere. Unlike the vibrant hues of the Feng kingdom, this place was cloaked in lush greenery, interspersed with splashes of vivid flowers. The verdant landscape radiated an ineffable vitality, uplifting one's spirits as one gazed upon it. Nestled within the foliage, the palaces stood proudly, their brilliant blue facades illuminated by the night's glow, simple yet striking. Long corridors extended toward infinity before bending at right angles, with crescent-shaped arches separating the gardens, offering a unique charm. 

It seemed that everyone here recognized Lan Yixuan. Wherever he walked, the palace maids and eunuchs would halt in unison, parting to clear a path, bowing respectfully to pay their respects. There was no need for a guide; Lei Yun and Lei An walked ahead, and when they finally stopped, Xianyue caught sight of the three large characters of "Qinghuan Hall." 

Inside, the atmosphere was vibrant and lively. Xianyue stood at the entrance, the hum of conversation enveloping her, though she could not discern the specifics. Judging by their attire, it was evident that they were nobles and officials of the Chu kingdom, gathered in groups of three or five, often erupting into hearty laughter as they chatted amongst themselves. Occasionally, a few curious glances drifted in their direction. 

The women of Chu were petite, while the men appeared somewhat slender. If not for their resplendent garments, their proud demeanor could easily be mistaken for that of scholarly gentlemen. Thus, it was not surprising that Xianyue quickly spotted Bai Zhufeng amidst the throng, clad in his familiar black attire, closely following an elderly man with graying hair—this must be Bai Ao, the current head of the Bai family. His posture was impeccably straight, surrounded by a mix of young and old, men and women alike. The women were in their prime, resembling blossoms in both age and beauty, with delicate smiles that evoked the charm of spring. Although she could not see Bai Zhufeng's expression at that moment, Xianyue was certain it must be somber. However, this was somewhat unexpected; in the past, he would have discarded such trivialities and left the crowd behind. 

Bai Zhufeng sensed a faint gaze upon him from behind and turned to find Xianyue leaning against the doorway. A flicker of joy ignited within him, yet it faded upon noticing Lan Yixuan standing beside her, causing his brow to furrow slightly, as if in displeasure. 

Bai Ao wore a smile as he introduced Bai Zhufeng to his peers. Upon seeing him abruptly turn, he too turned his gaze, though he lacked the excitement displayed by Bai Zhufeng. The shrewd and worldly gleam in his eyes darkened with concern as they rested on Lan Yixuan. 

"Old man," Bai Zhufeng tugged at Bai Ao's sleeve, eager to continue speaking, but Bai Ao cut him off without hesitation: "Not allowed." 

Their exchange was marked by a silent duel of glances, leading those nearby to wonder what had transpired, unaware it was merely a contest between grandfather and grandson. 

Ignoring Bai Ao's consent or dissent, Bai Zhufeng turned to the officials and their daughters encircling him, adopting a tone of polite authority: "I have matters to attend to and must take my leave." 

The smiles of those around him faltered, creating an awkward silence as they exchanged glances with Bai Ao and nodded. Bai Zhufeng made his way through the crowd, stepping forward, prompting a delayed realization among the others. 

At the entrance, a woman dressed in white leaned against the wall. With her unadorned face and the dim glow of lanterns, she bore a touch of vermillion between her brows. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, and as she smiled slightly, she exuded an effortless elegance. 

The group that had previously gathered around Bai Ao now turned their attention to her. Given the rumors circulating in the world of martial arts, particularly regarding Bai Zhufeng, they could not be ignorant of the unfolding situation. It seemed increasingly likely that these tales held a grain of truth. A man with three wives and four concubines was a natural occurrence, and if this noble heir were to marry a princess from the Feng kingdom, the Bai family's standing would become unassailable. Even if she were merely a concubine, it would still bring glory to their lineage and ensure the family's enduring prominence. 

As Bai Zhufeng approached, the gaze of the crowd converged upon Xianyue, yet she remained unmoving at the door. Lan Yixuan, who had initially stood beside her, gracefully shifted to make room for Bai Zhufeng. He maintained a calm smile, yet there was a hint of playful mockery in his demeanor as he positioned himself across from her. 

"What brings you here?" 

Had she not claimed the palace was too suffocating and lacked charm? Surely, this evening's feast would offer no novelty. 

Xianyue smiled, a subtle yet brilliant expression, showcasing a row of pearly whites, in stark contrast to the reserved smiles of noblewomen. She did not even glance at Bai Zhufeng, instead flicking a lock of hair from her forehead. "I came as I pleased." 

Bai Zhufeng, perceiving her seemingly indifferent attitude, assumed she was upset over his failure to deliver her red envelope the previous night. 

"I didn't mean to." 

He had prepared her gift long ago and instructed his servants to ready the horses. He intended to leave right after the New Year's Eve dinner, but just as he was about to depart, the steward informed him that his grandfather required his presence. Though he had no intention of going, the servants insisted he remain. Just as he was about to force his way out, his grandfather appeared, causing his face to flush with frustration, nearly fainting. The steward intervened to mediate, leaving him no choice but to comply. 

Xianyue raised an eyebrow, observing Bai Zhufeng's downcast demeanor. She had nearly forgotten about the incident; she had enjoyed herself so much the night before that Bai Zhufeng had faded from her thoughts. Before sleeping, all she could recall was her anticipation for his red envelope. Sometimes, Bai Zhufeng could be quite obstinate. When she mentioned wanting a red envelope, she was certainly envisioning a significant sum of money. 

While speaking, Bai Zhufeng retrieved a small red box from his pocket. The box was exquisitely crafted, adorned with a vibrant phoenix. He grasped Xianyue's hand and placed it gently in her palm. 

Xianyue looked up at him and opened the box, revealing a tiny crescent moon within, accompanied by three delicate gemstones, resembling decorative pieces. Yet, Xianyue understood these were far from mere trinkets. She focused intently on the item in her hand, oblivious to the fleeting astonishment in Bai Ao's eyes and the barely audible sigh that escaped his lips. 

"What is this?"

Xianyue carefully placed the items back into the box. Behind Bai Zhanfeng, a throng of people had gathered, each person straining to edge closer. Xianyue's gaze swept over them lightly, noticing how they bowed their heads and nodded towards her, their smiles tinged with a hint of flattery and servility, growing ever broader.

The princess of Fengguo certainly held value for flattery.

"The keys to our family treasury are yours to claim whatever you desire," Bai Zhanfeng's voice rang out clearly, as if deliberately intended for certain ears. The crowd behind him stirred; the state of Chu had a history spanning five hundred years, and the Bai family had been a pillar of that history for nearly four centuries. Their treasury was likely not inferior to that of the royal palace. The Bai family had always been united; for three hundred years, there had been no internal strife. Whoever ascended to the position of head of the family would be met with the unwavering support of the clan, which was a crucial reason for their enduring strength. Yet how they achieved this remained a mystery to outsiders.

Bai Zhanfeng was renowned as one of the finest martial artists in the realm, and the Bai family's guards were formidable in their own right. Xianyue, unlike those delicate noblewomen who could barely lift a finger, sensed that Bai Zhanfeng spoke with the assurance that few dared to challenge him in such a manner.

Waving the box in her hand, she caught sight of Bai Ao's displeasure and promptly tucked the item away in her bosom, smiling playfully, "Be careful, or I might have my people empty the contents."

A flicker of concern crossed the faces of those present. Chu and Feng were distinct realms; previously, they had kept to their own territories, but now that they were on friendly terms, the possibility of enmity lingered. Was it not rather reckless for this noble heir to entrust such a vast fortune to a foreign princess?

Bai Ao approached, standing beside Bai Zhanfeng, surveying Xianyue with keen, penetrating eyes. When he focused intently on someone, it was as though he wielded a sharp blade, instilling unease. Yet Xianyue remained unfazed, a faint smile gracing her lips, indifferent to Bai Ao's scrutiny.

He might disapprove of her, but what did it matter? She held no affection for him either, and his opinions bore no weight on her.

Bai Zhanfeng had clearly prepared a gift for her; he must have intended to present it last night, but something had thwarted him. If she had been uncertain then, she could now confidently deduce that Bai Ao had prevented his grandson from attending.

"Princess," Bai Zhanfeng addressed her with respect, devoid of the sycophantic flattery others displayed, then turned to Lan Yixuan, who stood beside her, and similarly bowed, "Young Master Lan."

In that moment, she glimpsed the surprise flickering in Bai Zhanfeng's eyes.

She regarded Bai Ao, then shifted her gaze to Bai Zhanfeng, who appeared less than pleased with her status. A subtle smile curved Xianyue's lips; this man, standing at the pinnacle of power, had never considered exploiting his grandson for advantage. Perhaps he understood Bai Zhanfeng well—he was a good elder, a fine grandfather.

Lan Yixuan returned the greeting with a smile, and they exchanged a few pleasantries—neither too warm nor too distant.

"The old master was unwell last night, so I kept him company at home and didn't come to seek you out," Bai Zhanfeng continued as he approached Xianyue.

She turned to him, nodding slightly, "I bear you no grudge."

She had not truly dwelled on his absence.

Bai Zhanfeng studied Xianyue's eyes, where the flickering palace lanterns and his blurred reflection danced. He furrowed his brow, "You're not even a little angry?"

He felt a contradiction within himself; before they met, he had been concerned about her feelings, yet now that he faced her, with her utter lack of anger, he couldn't help but feel a surge of disappointment and frustration.

"Let's go inside," Lan Yixuan interjected, stepping past Bai Ao to stand before Xianyue. Suddenly, without warning, he grasped her hand. In that moment, Xianyue could distinctly hear gasps from the crowd, their eyes wide with astonishment, a reaction that could rival the might of mountains and seas. It wasn't only them; Xianyue herself felt bewildered. She struggled briefly, but no matter how much she attempted to pull away, Lan Yixuan held fast.

"Master Lan," she exclaimed.

Xianyue's face remained adorned with a radiant smile, her voice barely audible—only Lan Yixuan, standing closest to her, could discern it, yet it bore a palpable edge of frustration. 

"Consider this a favor repaid." 

Xianyue felt an overwhelming urge to lash out; indeed, since their chance encounter in the Qihuan Mountains of Yanjing to their stay at the Lin'an Inn in Ancheng, he had provided her with every comfort. She had undeniably received considerable kindness from him, but all of it had been freely given, not coerced. As the saying goes, "When Jiang Taigong went fishing, only those willing to bite would be caught." Why should she owe him gratitude? 

Seeing Xianyue still in turmoil, Lan Yixuan leaned in closer to her ear, whispering, "Otherwise, we shall leave the palace right now." 

At his words, Xianyue instantly became more compliant, leaning against him and greeting those who approached. 

"Did you see that? It's time to give up." 

Bai Ao observed the distracted Bai Zhanfeng, his aged voice tinged with authority, resembling both a command and a counsel. 

As Xianyue leaned against Lan Yixuan, having only taken a few steps forward, she was met with excited exclamations from the entrance. "Brother Xuan!" 

Xianyue smiled, not loosening her grip on Lan Yixuan's hand; instead, she nestled closer to him, turning with him to face the source of the voice. 

Today, Hua Chuxue donned a flowing blue dress, adorned with a delicate lavender bow at her chest, her hair styled in the most popular youthful Feiyun bun of the state of Chu. With skin as fair as snow, upon seeing Xianyue in Lan Yixuan's embrace, her innocent, enchanting eyes dimmed as if doused with icy water on a winter's day. 

She halted abruptly in the center of the room, beaming before turning and receiving a snow-white creature resembling a small cat from one of her attendants. Its pristine fur was untouched by dust, round and fluffy, clearly well cared for. As Xianyue watched her gentle handling, the warmth of her affection was evident; however, the attendant trailing behind Hua Chuxue trembled slightly as the cat was handed over, instinctively taking a step back. 

Hua Chuxue, cradling her pet, approached Lan Yixuan and positioned herself between them. With a playful nudge of her elbow against Xianyue, she smiled and, releasing Lan Yixuan's hand, stepped aside. Hua Chuxue then offered the little round creature to Lan Yixuan, declaring, "Brother Xuan, the ball wants to see you!"