Chapter 12 - Dreams and Nightmares {Part 2}


Waking up in a cold sweat of a fever in my bed, as my hands quickly gripped the duvet as I jolted up. Glancing, around the small dimly lit room, it was quite dark outside and the sun had yet to break over the empire.

A bead of sweat slightly formed on my forehead as I quickly wiped it away with my hand, the material of my chemise brushing against my forehead, soft.. a contrast to the nightmare I just had.

"Hah" I muttered to myself as I let go of my hands from the duvet, I had enough? Its enough torture that I have to live a new version of my lives every single time. All because of this God, a Divine blessing it would be called if I spoke about it to a Mage or sorcerer? However? For me, this is more of a curse, I want to break this… I want to live my life normally like how everyone Else in this empire does it.

"Heuk!" I Shouted out loud as my eyes slightly Widened as I felt the spot on my neck, where Leonardo had slit my throat in my 40th life before we had a chance to be exiled or burnt by the people who were punishing the imperial family for tax evasion and how they did nothing to help the poor or people who were struggling. Hoarding the riches for themselves as the various Tabloids suggested.

"Did i have a nightmare"

"The same one I'm used to experiencing?"


"I Hate this, I hate this entire life"

Rolling over in the bed I slightly looked at the antique clock as I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust my eyes to the Darkness. On the bedside table with the vase beside it, It read the time < 4:28am >



"So early. . . Should I just get up at this point?"

"I don't think I'll be able to go Back to sleep after experiencing a dream so sickening and horrible!" I said to myself before I then rolled back the duvet as I stood up out of bed, making my way over to the balcony of my chambers. I opened the door As I stood outside.

Feeling the cool wind coarse through my hair, I always enjoyed the smell.. The fresh flowers in the summer, I like this…. I was more familiar with my home in the east, but this? It reminded Me of home.

"I should really work back on the New Years eve, Banquet preparations" I said to myself As I rested my body against the balcony, as I slightly pulled one of the powers from the wall off as I smelled it, Fresh… A light Pink Peony. Reminding Me of the warmth of the spring i experienced in the east, with the same golden smell of the pollen from the bees during the summer.

Quickly walking back inside my room, as I kept the balcony door open - letting nature take its course as the wind rushed through the room seeming to calm it down…

I finished sorting out the rest of thinvitatiosnaThthat hadn't had the addresses put on them, Novels from around the empire, such as the southern and western despite them two parts being in a state of civil Unrest. It was the capital's job to keep the peace between both in whatever ways we could maintain.

"Father? Did i send papa and invitation this new years eve banquet"

I pondered to myself as I looked At the various invitations scattered on my desk. I knew I was working too hard but I felt a will, a strong sense to prove that I am capable of being a Crown Princess and the future Empress of this empire. I wouldn't Let anything or anyone stand in my way in this life.

I didn't send papa an invitation for some reason, so as i started writing it out I remembered what he said to me when I was younger, I was his little girl. He cherished me too dearly even after I had gotten married;

"The Banquets that The Emperor and Empress throws are quite extravagant"

My father said with a smile on his face as he brushes a strand Of hair away from my face

"With your mothers beauty? Ellie? Im sure youll be the star of the sky in that banquet"

"Ellie? If an offer ever arrives, would you invite your father?"

He was always so caring, so bubbly, so full of life and so eccentric… My father? Despite him being a widower, he never let that stop him from loving me. He never blamed me for my mother dying shortly after I was born due to blood loss, He treated me the same. I loved him… but I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about how I'm being treated, he would protest against it.

Countless letters came to The Imperial Palace addressed to me, But I had never found the time to reply as I was busy with my duties Of serving the empire as the Crown Princess, I had a reputation to hold and upkeep but he never once seemed angry when I replied a month later, after I had received it.

. . . .


"God, do I really miss my family this much?"

"I could easily go back if i wanted to, i'm sure the Empress and Emperor would let me"

I said to myself as I looked at the invitation to my father I was writing out, signing it before then quickly sealing it as I wrote on the address for where it was meant to..

Murcadina, the Eastern part of the empire. The place I called home before this one I knew. . .

After finishing writing out the invitations that now had their addresses on, I looked at the pile that had mounted on top of my desk.

The sun now breaking through the night and a long golden stream of light delicately shon throughout my rewind by the windows and the balcony.

Hearing A sharp knock at my door this early, I was quite perplexed As I looked up at the door with a puzzled expression on my face before then hearing a voice.

A voice That wasn't one of the maids or the servants in the palace.

My own husband's voice!?

Why - Why is he here … he has no reason to be!? Is it too early in the morning? If he's going to start an argument with Me again? It would just Ruin my mood for the rest of the day!.

. . . .


Hearing another sharp knock again at my door, as Leonardo called out.


"May I come in for a moment?"

"It's quite urgent"

I stood up from my desk as I walked over to the door, Slightly hesitating when to open it before I then turned the handle as I looked up at him.

I never Realised how much he towered over me when i didn't wear the heels I usually wear, it's weird. To me? He seems more intimidating this way..

"But this is the man who kills me in every one of my lives, of course he has to be intimidating" I thought to myself as I looked up at him, there was an eerie Silence between both of us before I then said calmly.

"Of course"

"Come in Leo, Have a seat!"

"But what is is that you wish to discuss, so early in the morning with you unannounced presence"

"If I had known that you would come visit me, I would have gotten changed'

I said, Casually as I looked at him. Stepping aside from the door to let him in. As I looked at the weird Peaceful and serene look he had on his face. I never once saw him have This expression on his face. It only Makes me wonder what he thinks sometimes.
