Chapter 14 - The Crown Princesses gift to a Mistress {Part 2}

The Central Hall of the Imperial Palace was a place where history and power intertwined, its vast expanse both awe-inspiring and intimate. Tall columns of jade and gold stretched to the high, vaulted ceiling, where delicate, shimmering lights hung like stars caught in a silken web. Soft whispers of silk curtains swayed gently by the breeze that drifted through the palace's open windows, bringing the scent of blooming flowers from the royal gardens that were located almost everywhere around the palace.

The walls, draped in rich velvet tapestries, tell stories of past rulers - Emperors and Empress Consorts whose legacies live on through their portraits, each framed by ornate golden borders. Massive marble columns rise majestically, their surfaces etched with ancient symbols of strength, wisdom, and love, interwoven with vines of gold that seem to pulse with life.

Beneath the walls of The Imperial Palace, trouble was already starting to break through the thick walls and columns that coated the place, the tapestry hanging behind the throne starting to slightly come loose as the room filled with more tension and anger.


A messenger from the Crown Prince, a lowly servant stood in front Of the Emperor and Empress as he presented them with a set of documents that he had gotten from the Crown Prince, about him taking a mistress…

"A Crown prince taking a Mistress is quite unheard of!" The Emperor's voice boomed loudly as it echoed slightly in the halls, casting a chill of cold air down the messenger's spine.

Emperor Virion II, Turning to his wife who sat beside him - Empress Laria Odenne said coldly and sternly as he looked at her before then pointing back at the messenger servant.

"Laria? I hope you're not going to send something to someone who's undeserving of it?"


"I'm not sending one."

"A mere Mistress? Who does she think she is!"

Empress Laria said, scowling at the messenger. Who came to deliver the news that her son was taking another Mistress while still being the Crown Prince and having a Wife already.

Emperor Virion II glanced at his wife, taking In her expression as he was just as mad, no wonder The Imperial Palace was in such turmoil.

"It would make more sense for him to take that B*tch as a concubine when he's ruining!"

"Honey! Please calm down! I'm sure we can resolve this!" The Empress pleaded to her husband as he looked at her, glancing exchanged between their eyes.

The Emperor Virion, Looked at the messenger- a servant Someone who was close to the Crown prince. Angry, he was raging, you could practically see the smoke rising from his body.

Anyone would be angry? If they found out that their own son was acting irrationally and was immature for their own again Of 25 years old.

"What! He is not taking another Mistress!" The Emperor's loud voice boomed through the central hall as his wife looked at him seeming to get more concerned by the minute

"Dear! Do you even know if he has consummated his marriages with the Crown Princess?"

"Your Majesty ! With all due respect I think you have a right to Reprimand your own son for his stupid decision!"

"Lara! You know i can't do that"

"People would Talk badly about the Imperial Family!"

"We would be a laughing Stock to the nation! If we can't even keep following the rules of the palace!"

The Emperor glanced at the messenger Before then getting off of his throne as he walked up to the messenger, intimidation as he glared at him.

"Go back to the Crown Prince -"

"And tell his highness that we won't accept him to have any other women than his wife by his side!"


The messenger, a lowly servant, quickly bowed as he said calmly, trying not To anger the Emperor further as this news clearly shocked him. A crown prince already taking a Mistress while having a Wife? It was Unheard of. It would cause shame and embarrassment in the court for the entire Imperial Family if the new one got out.

"Virion! Please! It doesn't make sense why the Crown Princess would sign that Document" Laria concern rising in her voice, she loved her Daughter-In-Law Like her own child. She wouldn't let harm or shame come to Elisabeth in fear of how she would Respond to it.

"The Crown Princess? She SIGNED THAT DOCUMENT!" The Emperor shouted, wrath still burning in his throat, as he slightly choked on the anger of his own words.

"That Is what I've seen when Baron Limonet brought the Document to me out of concern for what Leon is doing!"

"He is your son, Your Majesty, as well as mine!"

"Please don't act so rationally About his decision!"

"I'm sure there is some understanding to why he wants to take a mistress while being married!"

"You Have many yourself, Virion!" The Empress Laria Pleaded with her husband as she calmed him down.

"Laria? Honey?" The Emperor said softly as he brushed A strand of hair away from her face.

"You think too highly and softly of everyone in this world, Even your own son"

Their gazes softened as they looked at each other before then embracing in a slightly huge as the Empress then said calmly.

"Please! Don't act so rationally about what Leon's decisions are, you have to give him space to find Himself, find who he is as a person!"

"Laria! Stop making excuses for something that shouldn't have even happened in the first place!"

"How did we let this slip under the carpet!"




" …"

The messenger then quickly left the Central Hall of the Imperial Palace and made his way back to the CrownPrinces's chambers - where to no surprise he saw him with The countess acting like some passionate childhood lovers from a romance-novel.

The Crown Prince, joking happily as he looked at her - blinded by his love for his Mistress.

"Your majesty!" Rosette said happily as she looked at him, her laugh filling the space of his chambers

"So this Means that the Crown Princess?"

"Is my sister right?" Rosette gleamed happily as she looked at him, admiring him

Leonardo, chuckling slightly as he looked her in the eyes, gently grabbing ahold of her chin as he admired her. She was pretty… such a shame the Countess is from a family Whos known to be greedy and hungry for power.

"If that is how you think of it my love?"

"Then go ahead, I'm not sure that Elisabeth might like the name!"

"But I'm sure she will grow to love you like a sister someday, after all?"

"I will make you my official Mistress, no matter what it takes"

Rosette, feeling her heart bubble inside of her chest, gleefully gleaned as she said Out of the pure joy of her heart.

"LEO! You really mean it don't You!?"

"Yes - yes - I do my dear" The Crown Prince said calmly as he looked at Rosette, a light.. a golden one he saw from afar, the pink hair that glistened to be slightly blonde in the golden light, captivating surely.