Chapter 9: The Great Sword of Ice

Just like anyone experiencing petrification for the first time, Amy fell to the ground the moment the spell was lifted. A withered hand helped him back onto his feet.

"Half a year ago, I met your father at the Ice Tower of Wishes, and we fought together for three months," the old mage said, catching Amy completely off guard.

Chi Hanfeng, also freed from the spell, rubbed his backside and stood up. "Sir Mage, may I ask your name?"

"Reger, Court Archmage of the Amy Empire and mentor to the 53rd King, Harry IV. No need to bow, even though I'm of an older generation than Chi Ningyuan. By the way, what year is it now, according to the Crimson Moon Calendar? I've just left the Tower of Wishes, and it seems so much has changed. Ah, a single day in the tower feels like a century in the world outside." The old mage's tone grew wistful.

Chi Hanfeng looked as though bowing was the last thing on his mind. "Oh, so you are indeed a senior. But, time respects no one, and the rivers and lakes acknowledge no hierarchy. It's best to just leave it at that—otherwise, things get complicated. It's currently the year 199 of the Crimson Moon Calendar. When did you last see Lake Haber?"

"Year 93… I've been training in the Tower of Wishes for ninety-three years…" Reger murmured, his face as cold as ice.

Ninety-four years ago, Reger entered the Tower of Wishes under the protection of federal soldiers to explore the unknown realms of magic. He sought his friend, Ray Barton, who had ventured into the tower ten years prior and never returned. Upon entering, Reger found himself in a different world—an icy wasteland with towering glaciers and a never-ending snowfall. He tried to leave but quickly realized the door had vanished.

With a faint smile, the old mage continued, "It took me a long time to understand the true nature of the tower's trials. Any mage who enters the tower encounters a realm that reflects their magical attributes. The tower aligns its realms to each mage's nature."

According to *The Compendium of Arcane Knowledge*, early human mages belonged to three factions: Nature (Neutral), Order, and Destruction, each bonded with nature spirits to harness their powers. Magic is divided into five levels. A novice mage, regardless of their primary element, can use basic Level 1 spells from all elements. A Level 2 ice mage can cast Level 2 ice spells and adapt to other neutral elements like water or wind. Level 3 mastery allows for official mage certification, while Level 4 mastery grants the title of Master Mage. Those who reach Level 5 mastery can become Archmages.

Archmages face a vast desert in their magical path, with nothing new left to learn from their teachers. Over 80% of archmages hold onto their title for life. Less than 20% enter the Tower of Wishes to attempt its trials. Mages who have not entered the tower never know what the trials entail, and those who leave it remain silent due to their pact with higher spirits.

Inside the tower, each mage's realm is a world infused with their element. They breathe and exist in it, gaining a profound understanding of that element. When a mage fully integrates with their realm, they gain dominion over it and the ability to create a magical domain of their own.

"So, can you create your own magical domain now?" Amy asked eagerly.

The old mage smiled, lifting a finger to conjure a small snowflake. Instantly, snow began falling inside the Treehouse Tavern, as if leaking through the roof. Just as the patrons looked up in wonder, the snowflakes vanished as quickly as they had appeared.

To mages, the effects of a domain are significant. Allied elements, such as wind and water, receive boosts within an ice domain, while ice magic itself gains more than a 100% boost in both attack and defense. Opposing elements, like fire or earth, weaken, with lower-level spells unable to function at all.

"When I learned to create a domain, the high ice spirit Aelrance formed a contract with me. Now, whenever I open my domain, he appears. But mastering a domain doesn't guarantee an exit from the Tower of Wishes. I was only able to leave after meeting your father." Reger looked at Amy as he spoke.

"There's only one door in the Tower of Wishes, and mages within their realms cannot see it. But there was one exception—Lake Haber. He wasn't a mage, so he could see beyond the realms. He found me on the seventh floor of the tower and tried to communicate, but since I was within my realm, I couldn't see him. By chance, when I created my domain, it overlapped with the tower's boundary and enveloped him, allowing us to finally speak."

Later, Lake Haber led Reger to the door, guiding him out of the Tower of Wishes.

The Archmage—no, more precisely, the Ice Mage Reger—reached into his magical pouch and pulled out a long, snow-white two-handed sword, handing it to Amy.

"This sword," Reger explained, "was left by your father at the entrance of the Tower of Wishes. The high ice spirit Aelrance has imbued it with additional magic. Your father asked me to bring it to you."

"What about my father? Didn't he leave with you?" Amy asked.

"No, the door can only be opened by one's own domain, and your father doesn't wield magic. But don't worry; I left him some magic books. I believe he'll be able to form his own domain in time. The high ice spirit took a particular interest in him and might even assist him. Aren't you curious about this gift from your father?" Reger replied.

Amy held the sword with one hand and twirled it. "It feels so light. If not for its size, I'd think it was a single-handed sword."

Chi Hanfeng observed the sword, frowning. "I've seen this sword before. But it used to be black. How did it turn snow-white?"

Reger chuckled. "The Tower of Wishes houses around thirty Archmages, each with their own domain. This sword served as a latch on the tower's door, exposed to overlapping domains and constantly bathed in wind and snow. The high ice spirit enhanced it with ice magic, transforming it fundamentally. First, it's lighter because its internal structure has changed. Second, the sword has been named: 'Frostblade.' Merely knowing its name allows you to cast the Level 1 ice spell *Frostblade*. And lastly, as long as its wielder has sufficient mana and aligns with its element, they can use any offensive ice magic. If they form a pact with the high ice spirit, they can summon an ice domain. This sword doesn't require spells to be sealed within it," the old mage said in a low voice.

"It's incredible!" Amy exclaimed, clearly thrilled.

Reger gave Amy a knowing look. "Amy, would you like to learn magic?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Amy replied, bursting with excitement. Learning magic meant he might one day enter the Tower of Wishes.

Watching from the side, a disgruntled Chi Hanfeng muttered to himself, "I knew he had an ulterior motive. Now he's here to steal my student."

Reger patted Chi Hanfeng on the shoulder. "Young man, there's much you don't know. Amy must learn magic. Time will make that clear."

Turning to Amy, Reger continued, "You're my first student, and likely my last. The training you've received from Chi Hanfeng has given you a strong foundation, which will greatly aid your magical studies. I hope—no, I expect—that you will surpass me and become a Grandmaster of Nature. This is also what your father hopes for you." The old mage's tone was solemn as he addressed the young boy.

"Well, if you're both ready, why don't we take a trip to Dragonfang Mountain? I hear green dragons have been sighted there recently, and I'd like to investigate," Reger suggested to Chi Hanfeng, his eyes twinkling. "If we find a dragon's lair, you know what treasures might be there. Black, red, white, yellow—whatever you can imagine. Many dragons also have the unfortunate habit of kidnapping human princesses… You get my drift?"

Amy could hardly follow the conversation, but seeing Chi Hanfeng's face light up, he knew his uncle was intrigued.

And so, Amy set off on his first grand adventure to Dragonfang Mountain.


Dragonfang Mountain, located at the northernmost tip of the Frozen Continent, serves as the natural boundary between the Kingdom of Hami and the Northern Kingdom of Hami. It has an average elevation of over 3,000 meters, with the main peak, Green Dragon Platform, reaching a height of 4,313 meters.

The origin of the mountain's name is shrouded in mystery, with two popular legends:

1. To quell the war between gods and demons, the Creator drove away the ice demons with a chariot drawn by six dragons. He then used the teeth of the ancient green dragon to seal the ice demon gods. The teeth transformed into mountains, growing with the wind over time.

2. The mountain's shape resembles dragon fangs, hence the name.

—As recorded in *The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Curious Tales and Mysteries*