Chapter 24: The Underground Altar

After navigating the stairs, the scene before them changed abruptly. The previously dark cave transformed into a well-structured space, with tall red walls on either side. Every ten meters, a red lamp illuminated the walls at a height of two men, resembling a vast underground castle.

This enormous underground realm could only be described as magnificent: the path was over ten meters wide and about six meters high, with flickering lights. At a height of one meter on the walls, large murals depicted Hami people hunting and battling.

As they progressed, every intersection featured opulent lighting fixtures. If not for the blood and gore of the previous two cave levels, one might think this place was a royal private garden, perhaps the burial chamber of some ancient Hami king.

The old dwarf advanced slowly, relying on his instincts. Nuo cast several useful sacred spells on Locke as they walked.

The first was Blessing, praying to the Earth God for increased combat strength and protection for the recipient. 

"In the holy name of the Earth God—Kaia, bless your faithful followers!"

A blue light slowly rose from the ground, enveloping Locke and emanating a soft glow. 

Next was Strength, a small spell that not only allowed combat-oriented dwarves and other warriors to lift heavier objects but also boosted the recipient's strength, enhancing their combat ability. Nuo raised both hands: "Oh, God of War! Bestow your power upon your warriors!"

Unexpectedly, this junior priest demonstrated the use of Heroic Aura, a high-level spell that, according to rumors, only those who had advanced to sage status could wield. It appeared Nuo had powers that exceeded his level. "Oh, holy spirit, grant your warriors the essence of heroes." Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, striking Locke directly… This spell enhanced the recipient's presence through sacred power, allowing their spirit to elevate temporarily, enabling them to fight wholeheartedly for justice. This kind of spell could unleash the recipient's full potential in an instant, producing unimaginable destructive force.

Blue, red, and golden magical auras swirled around Locke. Under the blessing's glow, most evil attacks were hindered. Old Locke had acquired several highly effective protective spells, significantly speeding up their progress.

The group continued moving forward, and as the winding path gradually approached its end, an eerie music resonated throughout the underground city, loud and majestic. At that moment, the scenery before them shifted dramatically. Turning around a massive stone screen, they encountered a skylight at the center of which stood a huge altar, a platform protruding from it, ablaze with roaring flames.

Before the flames knelt a crowd dressed in identical white garments, draped in white cloaks, seemingly performing a ritual at the altar.

Beneath the crowd lay a large black hexagonal sigil.

"Humans?" The adventurers exchanged puzzled glances.

Afeng and Locke looked at each other, then Afeng ascended the altar. His soft voice rang out, "Greetings, everyone. We are explorers from afar…"

Before Afeng could finish, all the kneeling figures stood up. One person at the highest point suddenly turned around—ah? It was a cloaked skeleton! The white skull beneath the cloak had dark eye sockets and mouth holes, its massive frame intimidating.

"Complete the master's task!" The skeleton's jaw clicked as it emitted a harsh sound.

All the figures turned around—every single one was a skeleton, without exception. Several skeletons drew bows from their backs, hissing as arrows rained down upon the adventurers.

The sudden attack caught most off guard, leading to horrified screams among the adventurers. Several riders fell from their mounts. Just as the adventurers prepared to retaliate, the downpour of arrows inexplicably ceased. To their astonishment, they found that all the targets hit were the Snow Wolf Knights—Lande was struck in both shoulders and the head; Hesila and As were pierced all over.

A strange howling rose from the skeletons on the altar. Three snow wolves hesitated before leaping onto the high altar. The three skeletons approached, one hand pressing down on a snow wolf's head while the other abruptly plunged into the wolf's skull. The entire head was lifted, and the snow wolf let out two whimpers before collapsing onto the altar. The three skeletons extracted the steaming brain matter of the snow wolf, cheering and leaping toward the center of the enormous sigil, where a swirling black wind enveloped them, and they vanished into the sigil.

Lande had been a mercenary in the Snow Wolf Mercenary Corps for over ten years, forming deep bonds with his comrades. Old Locke, heartbroken, shouted, "Lande—!" as he charged up the altar, swinging his massive battle axe.

Afeng drew the great sword from his back, white lightning flickering briefly on the altar—"Attack!" The adventurers, armed with swords, battle axes, bows, spears, lightning, and flames, charged toward the swarm of skeletons.

The skeletons unleashed another volley of arrows, striking several adventurers. One mage fell to the ground, and before the second barrage could be fired, a massive Earth Dragon charged into the crowd of skeletons. Its four-meter-long knight's battle axe swept through, scattering two skeleton archers. Following closely behind the Earth Dragon were several swordsmen, including Aifeng, Amy, Daqingshan, and Qianlixue, along with several berserkers who joined the fray.

Although the skeletons were soulless like zombies, their movements were much quicker, even comparable to the swordsmen. Once the skeletons discarded their bows, they drew gleaming white Hami war daggers, the blade tips dancing in the flames as they sliced through the air like lightning, aiming at the adventurers.

Aifeng's longsword met no resistance as it deflected an oncoming dagger. He swiftly plunged his sword into the skeleton's chest and, to prevent it from rising again, shook the sword violently in a small arc, generating immense destructive force. The entire skeleton shattered into powder, blue sword energy erupting from the tip of his blade as yet another skeleton fell. Aifeng stepped forward, further obliterating the remains of the skeleton.

At the same time, Qianlixue's longsword intercepted another dagger. Suddenly, a flash of silver lightning erupted, paralyzing the skeleton wielding the dagger. Qianlixue's sword then unleashed countless sword lights, directly striking the skeleton down. Before he could follow up with another attack, a berserker's battle axe smashed into the skeleton, instantly reducing its chest to bone dust.

"Ice Blade!" Amy shouted. Countless shards of ice swept across, tearing through the skeleton's cloak. The closest skeleton was impaled by the icy shards. Daqingshan charged in, colliding heavily with this skeleton, and in the moment it fell, he quickly slashed a cross into its body with his longsword.

With the adventurers outnumbering the skeletons and several mages casting immobilization spells from the periphery, the skeletons were swiftly annihilated. When the last skeleton was reduced to powder by Old Locke's axe, the battle came to an end.

However, trouble still loomed. In the first volley of arrows, four struck two berserkers. During the fight, both berserkers had already succumbed to their rage. Now, their forms had swollen by over 30%. The arrows piercing their bodies had broken off during the battle, and gaping wounds oozed blood, staining their tattered clothes. The lust for war surged within the berserkers, and they swung their double axes, relentlessly hacking at the skeletons that had yet to be pulverized, sending flames swirling into the air.

Even the berserkers could not quell the frenzy of their fellow berserkers—Drew anxiously rubbed his hands atop the Earth Dragon. "Brother, brother, the battle is over! Don't keep fighting!"

All the adventurers dodged their wild axe swings. After a frenzied flurry, the two berserkers charged towards the black hexagonal sigil. After being engulfed in a black storm, they vanished into thin air.

Frowns creased everyone's brows—what lay beyond the sigil? No one knew. Was it necessary to press on?

Drew, anxious, hurriedly exchanged greetings with Aifeng and his other brother, then rushed onto the black hexagonal sigil, disappearing just as his brothers had.

The remaining adventurers gathered, the situation dire: all three Snow Wolf Knights had perished, the level one mage Keke lay slain by the arrows, and a swordsman had lost his life in the previous battle. Two berserkers had gone into a frenzy. Nuo had not played a significant role during the battle, but now he focused on healing the injured. To expedite recovery for everyone, Nuo began casting a large healing spell, murmuring, "Oh, loving Goddess Dainiya… may your gentle moonlight shower upon your faithful followers!" Suddenly, soft silver moonlight poured down from the sky, illuminating everything in a blanket of white. The minor injuries of the adventurers quickly healed.

How much further lay ahead on their journey? About half of the warriors had fallen. Aifeng and Old Locke conferred and decided to send a swordsman from the Purple Heart Sword to report their progress to the Mercenary Guild at the Treehouse Tavern. One by one, the others stepped onto the hexagonal magical sigil.