Chapter 27: Underground Lava

As the teleportation process concluded, a wave of intense heat washed over the adventurers, setting their nerves on edge. The first instinct of each person was to raise their hands to shield their eyes from the blinding light that flooded the cavern.

When their vision adjusted, they found themselves in an enormous lava cave. Streams of molten lava flowed like rivers, winding through the landscape, with no discernible source or endpoint. Scattered patches of land floated precariously on the lava's surface, rising and falling with the liquid fire beneath them. The ground was scorching, so hot that simply stepping onto one of these rocky islands made the adventurers want to leap back into the air. It was impossible to gauge the total area of the cave; it seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions.

Cautiously, the group navigated the small patches of land, their movements careful and deliberate. Qianli Xue and Amy cast floating spells on everyone, hoping to make their passage over the lava swift and safe. The tension hung heavy in the air, underscored by the flickering shadows cast by the molten glow.

Suddenly, a faint sound drifted through the cavern—an otherworldly call that echoed like a distant roar. A Feng strained to listen more intently, his ears picking up the distinct timbre of the noise. "Shh—does that sound like a dragon?" he whispered, his heart racing.

Are we there yet? Anxiety gripped everyone as sweat trickled down their palms.

The patches of land began to merge, leading to a massive natural lava bridge formed by the rugged stone. Below, the molten rock flowed slowly, its surface bubbling ominously. The arched bridge stood tall, reaching nearly four meters high, creating an imposing sight against the backdrop of the glowing lava.

As they stepped onto the bridge, the adventurers were met with an astonishing spectacle. They all gasped simultaneously, the sound echoing off the cave walls: a horde of enormous earth dragons. Each dragon towered at least three meters high, their cavernous mouths spewing forth jets of red flames. The dragons' skin shimmered in shades of deep purple and black, unmistakably marking them as creatures of the dark element.

"Form up!" A Feng shouted, his voice ringing with authority. He stood resolutely at the bridgehead, flanked by Qianli Xue and the other surviving members of the Purple Heart Sword Mercenary Team. Their gleaming swords, held high, pointed ominously at the oncoming dragon swarm.

The earth dragons quickly noticed them. Several charged forward, fire licking from their mouths, turning the air around them into a searing inferno. The narrow bridge allowed only two dragons to approach side by side, causing them to bunch up at the entrance like a bottleneck.

"Ice Storm!" Amy shouted, her hands weaving through the air as she invoked the spell. Despite the arid heat of the lava cave, the high-level ice magic she cast sent a rush of freezing air throughout the area. The temperature dropped dramatically, forming large shards of ice that swirled around the feet of the earth dragons, causing their agile movements to falter.

A Feng unleashed eight radiant blades of blue energy, forming a mountain of sword strikes aimed squarely at the heads of the dragons. At the same time, Qianli Xue summoned lightning from the heavens with a flick of his sword, and thunder cracked through the cave as bolts struck down upon the advancing beasts. The other two swordsmen joined the fray, their blades flashing as they relentlessly struck at the dragons' heads.

The sheer toughness of the earth dragons' skulls was astounding. Despite the explosive thunder and the relentless strikes, only faint white marks remained on their hard surfaces. A Feng's sword energy, however, found its mark, cutting deep into their thick hides.

"Boom!" Fire erupted again from the mouth of the leading earth dragon, engulfing A Feng. His once-pristine white robe ignited instantly, blackened by the flames. But Amy was quick; she placed the Ice Blade onto A Feng's shoulder, the frigid air quelling the fire almost instantly.

Old Rock, seizing the moment, rolled beneath the legs of his comrades and sprang into action. He crouched low, hefting his massive battle axe, which glinted menacingly in the dim light. With a fierce battle cry, he swung at the nearest earth dragon, severing one of its legs. The dragon let out a deafening roar of agony, its massive body crashing to the ground before tumbling off the bridge and into the seething lava below. The foul smell of burning flesh quickly wafted through the air, mingling with the acrid stench of sulfur.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Three arrows flew from the hands of one of the mercenaries, striking the eyes of several earth dragons. These arrows were enchanted with fire magic, and upon impact, they exploded into bursts of flame. The dragons clawed at their eyes, their pained roars filling the cavern.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to tremble violently. Boom, boom, boom! The lava surged and churned, and debris began to fall from the cave walls. The earth dragons, sensing the impending danger, turned in panic, their eyes darting toward the depths of the cave.

A deeper, more resonant sound echoed through the cavern, sending the earth dragons into a frenzied retreat. They fled swiftly into the darker recesses of the cave, their massive bodies moving like a wave of liquid shadow.

What is happening?

Confusion spread across the faces of the adventurers. What could possess such overwhelming power? Perhaps they were on the brink of uncovering a truth long hidden.

Before them, a vast black cave entrance loomed, inviting yet foreboding.

Throughout history, who has been the most legendary dragon?

Without a doubt, the Dragon God Pelot is a strong contender. However, across the four continents, while some may not recognize the name of Dragon God Pelot, or even the dark dragon Randa, there is one dragon whose name resonates universally—it is Wind Whisper.

—"Shan Hai Jing: The Stories of the Dragons"