Chapter 3: The Alpha’s Pack

Jerome's head spun as she wrestled with the reality before her. This man—this stranger—claimed her as his, as if her life no longer belonged to her. The overwhelming mix of fear, confusion, and an unsettling attraction left her reeling. The world she once knew, one where she had control over her choices, felt as if it was slipping through her fingers.

Ian—she didn't know his name yet, but the powerful presence before her was the Alpha of this strange world she had stumbled into. His possessive gaze never wavered, and Jerome could feel the weight of it pressing on her, like invisible chains locking her to the spot.

"I won't let you—" she began, her voice shaky but defiant. Before she could finish, the sound of rustling bushes cut through the air. Jerome turned her head, and to her horror, several pairs of glowing eyes stared back at her from the dark.

Wolves. White wolves, just like him.

The pack emerged from the shadows, their sleek white coats illuminated by the pale moonlight. Their movements were fluid, almost unnaturally graceful, and they surrounded them both in a semi-circle, their silver eyes fixed on Jerome.

Her breath hitched in her throat. How had she wandered into the den of such dangerous creatures? The wolves moved closer, and Jerome instinctively stepped back, but Ian's firm grip on her arm kept her rooted in place.

"Don't be afraid," Ian said softly, though there was no mistaking the authority in his tone. "They won't harm you."

Jerome's heart raced as she watched the pack move in unison, their movements synchronized, as if they were all connected by a single mind. She could feel the power emanating from them, an unspoken threat hanging in the air. But as much as the sight of the wolves terrified her, something deep within stirred, a strange pull that seemed to mirror what she felt toward Ian.

"Why are they here?" Jerome asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"They're part of me," Ian replied, his voice calm. "Part of what I am. As Alpha, I lead them, guide them. And now, you're a part of this too."

"No," Jerome breathed, shaking her head. "I'm not like you. I don't belong here."

Ian's grip on her tightened, and for a moment, his eyes softened as he looked at her. "You belong with me," he said quietly. "You always have."

Jerome's mind reeled. None of this made sense. She was just a girl who had made the mistake of taking a walk through the woods. How could she possibly be tied to this world, to him? But deep down, beneath the fear and confusion, something about his words rang true in a way she couldn't explain.

The wolves drew closer, their breaths visible in the cool night air. One by one, they lowered their heads in a show of submission, acknowledging her presence as if she were someone important. Jerome's pulse quickened. Why were they treating her like this? She wasn't one of them.

"I don't understand," she whispered, glancing at the wolves and then back at Ian. "Why are they doing this?"

Ian's gaze softened further, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his silver eyes. "They can sense the bond between us," he said. "They know you're meant to be with me."

Jerome swallowed hard, her body tense as she tried to process his words. Everything about this situation felt unreal, like a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. And yet, as terrifying as it was, she couldn't deny the strange pull toward Ian, the magnetic connection that seemed to defy all logic.

"You don't have a choice, Jerome," Ian said, his voice low and steady. "The bond between us has already formed. You can fight it all you want, but in the end, you'll see that this is where you belong."

Jerome shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't want this," she whispered, her voice cracking. "I never asked for any of this."

Ian's expression remained unreadable, but his hand gently cupped her cheek, his touch surprisingly tender. "I know," he said softly. "But fate doesn't ask. It simply is."

As his words hung in the air, Jerome's vision blurred with tears. She didn't know how to fight this, didn't know how to break free from the invisible chains that now bound her to him. And yet, even as her mind screamed for escape, her body betrayed her, drawn to the Alpha before her like a moth to a flame.

The wolves around them remained still, their silver eyes watching her, waiting for her to accept what she couldn't yet understand. And deep down, Jerome feared that Ian was right—that no matter how much she resisted, the bond between them would only grow stronger.

To be continued…