Chapter 20: The Dark Secret

Jerome stared at Kael, her heart pounding in her chest. His words echoed in her mind, the weight of their meaning sinking deeper with every passing second. Ian had been hiding something from her—something darker than she had imagined. The thought filled her with a mix of fear and dread.

"What do you mean, Kael?" she asked, her voice trembling. "What hasn't Ian told me?"

Kael took a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one was within earshot. The tension in the air was palpable, and Jerome could sense the danger in the knowledge Kael was about to share. He stepped closer, his voice barely a whisper as he spoke.

"There's a reason Ian is the White Wolf Alpha," Kael began, his expression grave. "It's not just because of his strength or his leadership. Ian is cursed—his power comes at a price. And that price is his soul."

Jerome felt the room spin around her, her mind reeling with the revelation. "Cursed?" she repeated, disbelief thick in her voice. "What are you talking about?"

Kael nodded, his eyes filled with sorrow. "The White Wolf Alpha is a title passed down through generations, but it's not an honor. It's a burden. Long ago, the first Alpha made a pact with an ancient force to gain power over the wolves, but that power came with a curse—a curse that binds each Alpha to an insatiable obsession. They are consumed by it, driven to possess the one they desire, and it's a hunger that can never be satisfied."

Jerome took a step back, her breath catching in her throat. The pieces began to fall into place—the intensity of Ian's obsession, his need to control her, the way he couldn't bear to be apart from her. It wasn't just love. It was something much darker, something he couldn't control.

"Ian's obsession with you," Kael continued, "is part of the curse. The more he loves you, the more dangerous it becomes. He will do anything to keep you by his side, no matter the cost. And if the curse continues to grow… he could lose himself completely."

Jerome's mind raced as she tried to process what Kael was saying. The memories of Ian's possessiveness, his jealousy, and the violence that lurked beneath his love all came rushing back. She had always known there was something intense about their relationship, but this was beyond anything she had imagined.

"But… Ian doesn't seem like he's cursed," Jerome stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "He cares about me. He protects me."

"He does care," Kael agreed softly. "But the curse twists that care into something darker. Ian's feelings for you are real, but they're also tainted by the curse. His need to possess you, to control you, is not entirely his own."

Jerome's legs felt weak, and she sank into a nearby chair, her mind spinning. Everything she thought she knew about Ian, about their bond, was being ripped apart by the truth Kael had revealed. Ian's love was dangerous—not because of who he was, but because of what he had been forced to become.

"What can I do?" she asked, her voice shaking. "How do I break the curse?"

Kael hesitated, his expression darkening. "The curse cannot be broken, Jerome. It's bound to Ian, as it was to every Alpha before him. The only way to escape it is to leave him… but we both know that's not possible. Ian won't let you go, and the curse won't either."

Jerome's heart sank. She knew Kael was right—Ian would never allow her to leave. The bond between them, forged in love and obsession, was too strong to sever. But if she stayed, what would happen to Ian? What would happen to her?

"There must be something," Jerome insisted, her desperation rising. "I can't just watch him suffer because of this curse."

Kael's eyes softened with sympathy. "I wish there was a way," he said gently. "But the curse is ancient and unyielding. All you can do is stay by his side, for as long as you can bear it. But be warned—his obsession will only grow stronger. And eventually, it could destroy both of you."

Jerome sat in stunned silence, the weight of Kael's words pressing down on her like a heavy fog. She had known that being with Ian was dangerous, but now, she understood just how high the stakes were. The man she loved was bound by a curse that could consume him, and in the process, it might consume her too.

"I have to go," Kael said softly, sensing her turmoil. "But remember this, Jerome: Ian loves you, even if his love is twisted by the curse. Don't forget that."

Jerome nodded numbly, barely aware of Kael leaving the room. Her mind was spinning, her heart aching with the knowledge that the man she loved was trapped in a web of darkness. And now, so was she.

As she sat alone in the flickering firelight, Jerome realized that her life had become a battleground. It wasn't just the rogue wolves or the dangers of the pack—it was the war within Ian, the war between his love for her and the curse that threatened to tear them apart.

And as much as she wanted to save him, Jerome knew one thing for certain: the storm was far from over.

To be continued...