Chapter 28: Unsettling Revelations

The forest was still, but the tension in the air was palpable. Jerome couldn't shake the ominous feeling left behind by the mysterious woman's warning. As they made their way back to the pack's territory, her mind raced with questions. Who was that woman? And what did she mean by forces stronger than rogue wolves?

Ian walked beside her, his usual confident stride more deliberate now, his expression hard. Jerome could sense his frustration, his mind undoubtedly occupied by the same concerns. Despite his bravado, there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes—something Jerome hadn't seen before.

They arrived at the pack's central gathering point where Kael and the others were tending to the wounded. The once bustling camp now felt heavy with the aftermath of battle. Wolves lay on makeshift beds, their wounds being treated, their spirits visibly low.

Kael glanced up as they approached, his face etched with exhaustion but relieved to see them return. "What happened out there?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Ian's jaw clenched, but he remained silent, his eyes scanning the camp. Jerome spoke up, her voice quieter than she intended. "We were… visited by someone. A woman. She gave us a warning."

Kael frowned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "A warning?"

"She said there were others coming," Jerome explained, her gaze flicking toward Ian for confirmation. "Stronger enemies. More dangerous than the rogues."

Kael's expression darkened, his shoulders sagging under the weight of the news. "We can't handle more attacks," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "Not after this."

Ian finally spoke, his voice low but firm. "We'll handle it. The pack will heal, and we'll be ready for whatever comes next."

Jerome admired his confidence, but deep down, she wasn't sure how they could possibly prepare for another attack. They were barely holding on as it was. The idea of facing something even more powerful sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who was she?" Kael asked, his brow furrowed. "This woman… what did she look like?"

Jerome described the woman's appearance—the pale skin, the long black hair, the way she seemed to glide effortlessly through the trees. Kael's face darkened as she spoke, and when she finished, he shook his head slowly.

"I've heard of her," he said quietly. "Rumors, mostly. She's not just any wolf. She's a seer."

"A seer?" Jerome echoed, her heart skipping a beat. The idea of someone being able to see the future unsettled her even more.

Kael nodded grimly. "They say she has the power to see events before they happen. But she doesn't take sides. She only warns those she deems important."

Ian's eyes narrowed. "And why would she warn us? What does she want?"

Kael shrugged. "No one knows. But if she's given you a warning, Alpha, you should take it seriously. Seers don't appear without a reason."

Ian's gaze flickered with irritation. He wasn't the type to trust easily, and the idea of relying on someone else's visions clearly rubbed him the wrong way. But Jerome could see the doubt creeping into his expression, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

Jerome, on the other hand, couldn't shake the feeling that the woman's warning was more than just a vague threat. There was something personal about it, something directed at Ian specifically. She wondered if the woman knew more about Ian's past—about the White Wolf curse that bound him.

As they stood in silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on them, a howl echoed through the trees. The sound was low and mournful, but it carried with it a sense of urgency. Ian's eyes sharpened, his body immediately tensing as he turned toward the direction of the sound.

"That's from the northern border," Kael muttered, his face paling. "More trouble?"

Ian didn't wait to hear more. He broke into a run, his powerful body moving with the same intensity Jerome had seen during the battle. Without hesitation, Jerome and Kael followed, their hearts pounding as they raced toward the source of the howl.

The northern border of their territory was heavily wooded, and as they pushed through the trees, Jerome's stomach twisted in knots. When they finally reached the clearing, she saw several wolves standing in a defensive formation. Their eyes were wide with fear, their fur bristling as they stared at something in the distance.

Jerome followed their gaze, and her breath caught in her throat.

Standing at the edge of the clearing were two figures—tall, imposing, and unfamiliar. Their eyes gleamed in the moonlight, and their presence was suffocating. They were clearly not part of the White Wolf Pack, but they were unlike any wolves Jerome had ever seen before. There was something regal about them, something dangerous.

Ian stepped forward, his voice filled with authority. "Who are you?"

One of the figures, a man with silver hair and piercing eyes, stepped forward. His smile was cold, and it didn't reach his eyes. "We're here for you, White Wolf."

Jerome's blood ran cold. The strangers weren't here for the pack—they were here for Ian.

The silver-haired man continued, his voice smooth but laced with menace. "We've heard stories about you, Ian. About your power. It's quite… intriguing."

Ian's body tensed, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "You're not welcome here."

The man's smile widened. "We're not leaving, Alpha. Not until we've gotten what we came for."

Jerome's heart pounded in her chest as she realized that this was just the beginning. The battle with the rogues had been nothing compared to what was coming next. Whoever these strangers were, they had come for Ian—and they weren't going to leave without him.

To be continued...