Chapter 31: A Dangerous Alliance

Morning light streamed through the small window, casting soft shadows across the room. Jerome stirred, blinking slowly as the events of the previous night came rushing back. Ian's arm was still draped protectively around her, his body warm and solid beside her. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to bask in the sense of safety his presence brought. But reality quickly settled in. The threat they faced wasn't going away, and neither was Ian's obsessive need to protect her.

She gently slipped out of his embrace, trying not to wake him, but as soon as she moved, Ian's eyes fluttered open. His gaze immediately locked onto hers, sharp and alert. "You okay?" he asked, his voice low and rough from sleep.

Jerome nodded, though the tension in her chest hadn't eased. "Yeah. Just… thinking."

Ian sat up, his expression darkening as he studied her face. "About them."

She didn't need to say anything. He already knew. "We can't just wait around for them to come back, Ian. We need a plan."

Ian's jaw clenched as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, his tall frame dominating the small space. "I already have one," he said, his voice laced with determination.

Jerome raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

"Simple," Ian replied, his eyes cold and calculating. "We track them down before they have a chance to strike again."

Her heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. Ian was powerful, but going after Leon and his companion on their own turf was dangerous. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "We don't know how many of them there are, or what they're capable of."

Ian crossed the room in a few strides, standing in front of her and cupping her face in his hands. His touch was both gentle and firm, his eyes burning with an intensity that made her breath catch in her throat. "I won't let them come near you again," he growled, his voice low and fierce. "I won't risk them hurting you."

Jerome swallowed hard, her heart racing. She knew Ian meant every word, but she also knew that his obsession with protecting her could lead him into reckless decisions. She needed to make him see reason.

"Ian, listen to me," she said softly, placing her hands over his. "I don't want to see you get hurt either. We need to be smart about this. Maybe there's another way."

He frowned, clearly not liking the idea of doing anything but going on the offensive. "What are you suggesting?"

Before Jerome could answer, there was a sharp knock at the door. Both of them froze, their eyes darting toward the sound. Ian's protective instinct immediately kicked in, and he moved to stand in front of her, shielding her from whoever was outside.

"Who is it?" Ian called, his voice hard and commanding.

"It's Kael," came the familiar voice of Ian's Beta. "We've got a situation."

Ian opened the door, his body still tense and on guard. Kael stepped inside, his expression grim. "We've spotted movement near the eastern border. A small group—likely scouts."

Jerome's stomach twisted at the news. They weren't even a day removed from the encounter with Leon, and now their territory was being watched. This wasn't just a warning—it was a challenge.

"They're testing us," Ian muttered, his eyes narrowing. "They want to see how far they can push before we react."

Kael nodded. "That's what I thought too. But there's more. We found one of their scouts. He's dead."

Jerome's heart lurched. "Dead? How?"

Kael glanced at her, then back at Ian. "Torn apart. It wasn't one of ours, Ian. Something else did it."

A heavy silence fell over the room as the implication of Kael's words sank in. Whoever—or whatever—had killed the scout was out there, and it wasn't part of their pack.

Ian's eyes flashed with anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "They're not just playing games. They've brought something else with them."

Jerome's mind raced. If Leon and his group had allied themselves with something even more dangerous, then the pack was in greater danger than they realized. "We need to find out what we're dealing with," she said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her.

Ian nodded, his expression grim. "Agreed. We'll take a group to the border, see if we can pick up their trail."

Kael nodded, already turning to leave. "I'll gather the others."

As Kael left the cabin, Ian turned back to Jerome, his gaze intense. "Stay here. I'll handle this."

Jerome's heart sank. "I'm not staying behind, Ian. I can help."

"No," he said firmly, his hand reaching out to grip her arm. "You're staying where it's safe. I can't risk you being out there."

She stared up at him, frustration and fear warring within her. "I'm not some fragile thing you need to lock away, Ian. I can handle myself."

Ian's jaw tightened, and for a moment, she thought he might argue. But then, he sighed, his grip on her arm loosening slightly. "I know you're strong, Jerome. But I can't lose you. Not to them."

Her heart softened at his words, but she still couldn't let him go alone. "Then let me help from here. We need to figure out what killed that scout, and we need to know more about these wolves."

Ian hesitated, his eyes searching hers before he finally nodded. "Fine. But you stay in the cabin until I come back. Promise me."

Jerome nodded, though the thought of staying behind while Ian faced whatever danger lay ahead made her stomach churn. "I promise."

With one last lingering look, Ian left the cabin, his tall figure disappearing into the morning light. Jerome stood there for a moment, her heart heavy with worry. She knew Ian was strong, but even the strongest could be overwhelmed.

As she turned back toward the room, her mind raced with thoughts of Leon, the red-haired woman, and the new, deadly force lurking in the forest. Whoever—or whatever—had killed that scout was coming for them.

And she couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning.

To be continued...