Hot & Steamy Event In The Bath (Part 3)

As Theo looked particularly pleased, Damien—who was utterly drained—began to question whether he was the one being pleasured, or if he had been offering something to Theo the entire time.

Not that he had any complaints. It felt amazing either way.

"Uh, Theo... why did you do all of this?" Damien finally asked, voicing the question that had been bothering him the whole time.

If this was supposed to be just an experiment to collect semen, Theo had certainly swallowed a lot more than expected. After the initial sample, Theo had consumed everything else.

"Well... at first, it was because that spot smelled the best. I wanted to see more, maybe even touch again if I got lucky..."

Theo's confession had a strange perverted vibe, especially when he said it was "I want to see more."

"Well, after actually seeing you... um, masturbating, I got more excited than I thought," Theo admitted.

Damien couldn't help but think, Yeah, definitely a pervert.

Theo seemed calm on the surface, but apparently, he had lost control more than Damien had imagined.

"And once I realized you weren't really resisting, I couldn't stop myself anymore," Theo added.

Yep, a total pervert.

Damien could only hope Theo wouldn't cross the line into something criminal in the future.

"When you say you couldn't stop... does that mean, Theo, that you're... um... into guys?" Damien asked hesitantly, needing to clarify for the sake of his own dignity—and safety.

Theo blinked and then laughed softly. "Oh? No, nothing like that. I've never even thought about it before."

Theo's casual response left Damien feeling... disappointed for some reason.

"It's just that... I thought I could make an exception for you, Damien."

Theo said it so easily that it made Damien's heart skip a beat. Why am I even happy about that?!

Calm down, calm down, Damien told himself.

"A-Ah, should I... I mean, do you want me to... you know... for you?" Damien stammered, feeling his composure slip.

"Hmm? Oh, no, I'm fine," Theo replied with a carefree laugh, dismissing the offer without a second thought.

Don't feel down about this, Damien scolded himself. You're only feeling like this because you got carried away.

Everyone has moments where they lose control, but for Theo, a line clearly existed—while he didn't mind doing things to Damien, he clearly wasn't comfortable having things done to him. That much was obvious.

Despite trying to rationalize it, something still nagged at Damien, keeping him from fully shaking off the awkwardness.

"Uh... Theo?" Damien began hesitantly.

"Yes? Oh, if you're worried about dinner, we still have time," Theo replied, seeming unconcerned.

That wasn't what was bothering Damien, though. While it was true they'd spent a long time together, that wasn't the real issue.

"Actually... something else has been on my mind. It looks like there's a black haze or something surrounding your face. Are you okay?"

Damien had noticed it after Theo turned down his offer. The strange black mist had appeared, shrouding Theo's face, though it was slowly fading now. What the heck was it?

"W-What?!" Theo exclaimed in a voice Damien had never heard from him before—one full of genuine surprise and alarm.

"Is something wrong? Should I call Sebas?" Damien asked, suddenly feeling worried.

Theo looked mortified, his calm demeanor from earlier completely shattered. His face flushed red as if he had just realized something embarrassing.

"No, no, don't call him... It's just..." Theo hesitated, looking like he wanted to disappear into the floor.

Is Theo sick?! Damien wondered in panic, just as Theo spoke again.

"I... I'm not entirely sure, but... it seems a lie-detection spell got cast on you somehow," Theo admitted, looking both embarrassed and flustered.

"Wait... what? A lie-detection spell? On me?!" Damien asked, completely confused.

Damien realized that the black mist must be the evidence of what Theo had just mentioned. And if it appeared when—

"Um... let's not get into the details," Theo said, face flushed crimson. "So, um... should we continue?"

Still blushing, Theo gave a silent nod.

Cute, Damien thought.



The words escaped Damien's mouth involuntarily. Theo had been wearing loose-fitting priestly robes, which had concealed things well, but now it was clear that his erection was already straining against the fabric.

Theo had lifted the front of his robe, revealing an unusual undergarment that looked like a fundoshi—a traditional loincloth—that was already failing to contain him. His large, throbbing member was halfway exposed, and it looked almost... equine in size.

Was he like this even when he was doing things to me? Damien thought, noticing how Theo's shaft was already slick with precum, all the way from the head down to the base.

"Amazing..." Damien murmured without thinking.

"S-Sorry..." Theo apologized shyly, though he made no attempt to cover himself. His eyes, however, were wide with desire, gleaming with anticipation.

Despite his calm demeanor earlier, Theo was clearly at an age where his hormones were in full swing—something Damien had momentarily forgotten. Then again, Damien wasn't one to talk. He was in much the same state.

"Um..." Damien began, kneeling in front of Theo, trying to figure out how to remove his undergarment.

But the unfamiliar design of the fundoshi had him fumbling awkwardly. Theo, seemingly unable to wait any longer, quickly stripped it off himself, revealing his full length. He thrust his hips slightly forward, his large member practically begging for attention.

Damien glanced up at Theo's face from his position on the floor. His expression was a mix of desperation and embarrassment, his face bright red, and his eyes fixed on Damien as if pleading silently. It made Damien feel like teasing him, just to see how much more worked up he could get.

That thought flashed through his mind, but he decided to save it for another time. In truth, he was too excited himself to hold back. This was the first time he had ever seen another man's erection up close, and it was more thrilling in a way he hadn't expected.