Hot & Steamy Event In The Bath (Part 5)

"I've forgiven you, so let's put an end to this conversation, okay?" Damien said firmly, trying to calm Theo down.

"Yes, I understand... I'm really sorry... I just couldn't hold back, thinking it might be the last time..." Theo murmured, his voice filled with regret.

Damien could tell that no matter what he said, Theo would continue to apologize endlessly. It seemed better to just let him get it out of his system. But something about Theo's words piqued Damien's curiosity.

"Wait, what do you mean 'the last time'?" he asked.

Theo hesitated, looking flustered. "Oh... um... well, you see... as centaurs, we, uh... as you've seen... we're quite a bit larger than humans... in certain areas..."

Larger. Yeah, Damien couldn't deny that. Theo's size was very impressive, to say the least—comparable to an actual horse. As Damien nodded in understanding, Theo's face fell, clearly distressed.

"So... when centaurs get involved with humans in this way... we've been told that after this kind of encounter, humans don't want to see us again. I thought... if this was the last time, I wanted it to be memorable."

Ah, so that's why Theo had been holding back so much during the entire ordeal. It wasn't just the size; the sheer volume Theo had released was also overwhelming. Damien could see how that might scare most people off—especially if they weren't ready for it.

Damien thought for a moment, then cautiously asked, "Theo... do you want to, you know, put it in me?"

Theo's eyes widened in panic. "No! I I can't do that! I'm afraid, I can control myself!" He leaned in so close, that Damien almost felt the sharpness of Theo's horns.

Damien chuckled softly at Theo's flustered response. The real answer was pretty clear, but Theo was holding back for his sake.

"Hey, if you can control yourself and be gentle, I wouldn't mind," Damien said, offering a small, reassuring smile.

Theo was not only handsome, but his shy and endearing personality made Damien feel comfortable, despite everything that had just happened. He wasn't opposed to the idea of getting closer to him.

"Wait, really? That can't be true..." Theo stammered, his face flushing red.

"Come on, you can tell if I'm lying, can't you?" Damien teased.

Theo stared at him, his expression suddenly brightening with relief. But then, just as quickly, his face turned a deeper shade of red. He looked down, fidgeting nervously while sneaking glances back at Damien.

"How about we warm up with a bath together?" Damien suggested, reaching out to gently brush his hand over Theo's groin, feeling that familiar hardness beneath the fabric.

Theo nodded shyly, clearly embarrassed but eager, as he swallowed and followed Damien's lead.


"Ohh, Damien, your mouth feels incredible♡! Take it all in, please♡! I'm cumming, cumming, cummingggg♡♡♡"

Once again, Damien found himself with Theo's enormous length deep in his throat, enduring yet another intense, seemingly endless orgasm. Theo pressed his entire length into Damien's mouth, filling it completely as he climaxed for what felt like forever.

This time, it was a bit easier for Damien to handle, though he wasn't sure if that made the situation better or worse. Either way, one thing became clear to him—this unruly centaur needed some serious discipline.

After a series of events, Damien found himself getting close enough to Theo that they ended up sharing a bath together.

Though it was only his second day in this new world, things seemed to be progressing quickly. From Damien's perspective, Theo was not only incredibly handsome but also endearingly shy. From Theo's side, Damien was a human from another world—a rarity he seemed to treasure deeply. So, maybe it made sense that things had moved this fast.

While they were busy with their "series of events," Sebas had come to summon them for dinner. That's when Damien realized how much time had passed, and the two of them hurriedly left the bath. Now, they were seated in the parlor, enjoying their evening meal.

As expected of someone raised in a noble family, Theo maintained a perfect distance, showing no hint of the intimacy they'd shared earlier. On the other hand, Damien found himself eating carefully, afraid that he might accidentally let something slip.

Tonight's dinner for Theo was an impressive array of colorful fish dishes, while Damien was served seafood risotto again. He recognized it as the meal his doctor had recommended.

"It's strange, isn't it? I dislike fish, but can you tell if I'm lying?" Theo asked, a playful smile dancing on his lips. As he spoke, a dark mist escaped from his mouth.

"Yeah, that's definitely a lie. I saw the black mist," Damien replied with a grin.

"Alright then, how about this? I dislike beef, I dislike pork, and I dislike chicken. Can you tell which one is a lie?" Theo teased, upping the challenge.

Damien furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He was sure that the mist appeared when Theo mentioned beef. But with the leftover mist from the beef lie, it was harder to notice when pork and chicken were mentioned.

"Um... I think they're all lies?" Damien guessed.

"Correct," Theo said, smiling warmly.

"Alright, let's make this a bit tougher. Next week, I'll be taking a carriage to the royal castle to attend a banquet hosted by the Prince Dastan. What do you think?" Theo asked, adding an extra layer of difficulty.

"Hmm... the part about the Prince Dastan is a lie. And I think the royal castle part is also a lie. Nothing else seemed off," Damien answered, though less certain this time. The longer the sentence, the harder it was to track when the mist appeared.

"That's correct. How impressive! Sebas, isn't he remarkable?" Theo turned around to Sebas, who stood nearby with his usual calm expression.

"Yes, it is quite astonishing," Sebas replied, though his expression remained as neutral as ever, showing no sign of surprise.

In fact, Sebas's stoic demeanor was a bit unsettling. Damien found it hard to read him, and the thought crossed his mind that Sebas might suddenly say, "I'm going to kill you," and it wouldn't be that surprising.