Morning Confessions

It should be fine, but…

"Understood. However, I'd like to discuss this with Theo first before making a final decision."

Better safe than sorry.

Of course, there was the danger to his own safety if something went wrong, but above all, he didn't want to become a burden to Theo.

"I understand."

Upon hearing Damien's response, Sebas nodded once, and Damien had a vague feeling that he had passed some kind of unspoken test.

With this, he could finally be a proper lover!

…Wait, why was he thinking about not wanting to burden Theo?

What did he mean by feeling like he had passed?

In just two days, what mood had he gotten himself into?

As he lay back in bed, he suddenly felt a wave of clarity wash over him, and it went without saying that he squirmed around under the sheets.


"Damien! Sebas said that if you're okay with it, you can officially become my lover!"
