Videl and Erasa.

I took my luggage in the main room and resume my journey. Now I need to head to Master Roshi's island. Bulma won't be able to concentrate on anything right now, her child is still a baby and her parents must have just died, after one or two years, I will come back to see her and as for now, it's dangerous for me wonder around as I don't exactly know the android's location. 

Flying close to the ground, I made my way to Kame house while avoiding cities.

Two Hours later,

I'm staring to get a bit bored not going at high speed, but this is due to the androids, if I get spotted, it's game over. 

'I should have taken headphones !' I thought with a bit of frustration, but I was sure I did not have one of those.

As I continued avoiding the cities, I was passing nearby one, not that I wanted but I forgot, I was not going to hold that damn phone for hours, it was not tiring but it was hella annoying. So when I realized I was closing on a city, I quickly changed course even if there was nothing alarming, I already said if I met the androids it's game over instantly even solar flare was not saving me.

But it was already in ruins so there was little risk they were here. But I gotta say, those two shits are fast.

Then I heard what seemed to be a little girl screaming. I was a bit curious so turned over to see what was happening.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH? VIDEL? I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT !" A young girl with mid sized blonde hair and blue eyes said. 

"SO WHAT SHOULD WE HAVE DONE ?!" A young girl with long black hair and light blue eyes replied.

"HEY YOU BRATS BETTER GIVE BACK WHAT YOU STOLE !!!!" Said some men chasing the two young girls.

'Hmm, Videl and Erasa, I wondered where they could have been in the future timeline but here they are.' They were getting chased but what seemed to be a Gang ? At least they looked like ruffians. They seem to have stolen food from them. 'It hasn't even been a week and already out of food ? This is crazy...'

'Anyway, I shouldn't let them be caught or they are gonna get in trouble. I approach them and landed. 

Next, I threw a kikoha between them. 

*Fwoosh * *BOOOOOOM*

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ?" said all of them in unison. This stopped the gang from continuing chasing the two little girls and this also stopped the two kids who were startled.

"What the heck was that ?" Videl said while getting up as the wind from the explosion made her fall down.

"That was me, what is the problem ?" I was already on the ground behind them int these ruins of a city. I wanted to see videl closer. As a 21 years old I felt nothing apart from excitement from meeting people that were only fiction from me but I was also Gohan and a kid. I knew this girl was the mother of my child in another time so I couldn't continue my way and ignore her even if that may be a bit weird.

"What, a kid ? stop with your jokes and flee from here it's dangerous for you !" said Videl.

"Aren't you a kid too ?" Gohan replied mockingly. 

"He got a point there Videl." The young blonde girl said. "And what is a cutie doing here ?" 

'Huh ?' Gohan was a bit shocked by the little girl sentence but brushed it over and said nothing.

"Not talkative I see. My name is Erasa" As Erasa said this she was interrupted quickly by videl "This isn't the time to make friends, have you forget why we're here." 

"Too late, ahahaha !" A big guy closed in.

"Aaaaaahhh, We're screwed !" Videl thought they were screwed.

I did not waste any time chattering and surged toward the man that was on the verge to seize Videl and Erasa and and dropkicked him. 'whoops too strong.' 

The guy was sent flying in a building, the others were scared and scattered. "SO-SORRY TO HAVE BOTHERED YOU !!!!!"

"Well, I didn't need to go that hard." I was a bit mean there.

"Whooooooa, you're super strong !!!! Do you have some kind of super power ? " Erasa asked in amazement. If it was an anime her eyes would be shining.

"Tha-thanks for saving us." Videl thanked the boy who saved them. She took a better look at him now. He seemed to be the same age as them and had really long and messy hair and wore an violet go with a white scarf.

"No need to thank me but why were you getting chased by those gangtsers even if I can kind if see it with those bags full of cans." I replied.

"Well, we have been separated from our parents, we were in the city the androids attacked first. So we escaped the city but were left with no food." Videl said with a dark look.

"And I was hanging out with her when it happened." Erasa added. "But what about you, you don't seem normal."

'I guess I can tell them, this would change nothing.' Gohan then said "Well, I was on my way to go train with a renowned master, my goal is to eliminate these androids." 

Videl and erasa were left speechless till Videl finally broke the silence "A master you said, Can you take you with me ?" Erasa who heard this added "Hey if you take her take me too, please ?" 

"Well, I am an acquaintance of the said master but I don't know if he will take you in." Gohan replied.

"I can cook and clean !" Erasa proudly said.

"And for me I can do that as well but what I really want is to be strong enough and find my dad." Videl interjected.

"Okay, then I shall let you tag along." Sorry master, but I can't let those two here on the streets.

"YAAAAY !" Screamed Erasa. "Really thank you. But you haven't tell us your name." Videl said.

"My name is Son Gohan, you can call me Gohan."

"Okay Gohan." Videl and Erasa said in unison.

"But how are we going to go where this master is, you don't seem to have a car or anything of the sort ?" Videl asked.

"No, but can do that." Gohan then started flying.

"Wow, aren't you Basically a superhero ?" Erasa asked.

"Well, this is basic, but you can't do it. Well don't worry, I won't carry you, I have a better idea."Gohan then reached for his bags and put all of them. He put them down before approaching the girls.

Gohan then placed himself in a lying position in the air. "Get on !"

The girls sat on the bags like seats in a car. "Hold on tight, I wasted a lot of time so I'm going to go a little quickly."

Gohan then dashed towards Kame house, from the last look he gave the map, Kame house was 1 hour away, straight ahead.