Finally...Gravity training !

On the outskirts of XX-City, the sky was alight with explosions as the last of the ki mines detonated in a fiery chain reaction. Amid the smoke and chaos, two silhouettes finally emerged, their forms becoming clear as they stepped out of the destruction, Androids 17 and 18, both showing signs of the blast.

"Hey, he really got you there," 18 remarked, brushing ash off her torn and scorched clothes. Her usual indifference was present, though the hint of irritation was hard to miss.

17 scowled, wiping dust from his jacket. "Huh, and he got you too," he shot back, his voice dripping with frustration. "Damn brat… can't believe he managed to trick us like that." He clenched his fists, clearly agitated that Gohan had outsmarted them and, worse, had managed to get away.

17 turned towards his sister, his expression darkening with thought. "Hey, do you have Goku's house in your data?" he asked, his tone taking on a sinister edge.

18 raised an eyebrow, glancing at her brother. "Yeah, I think I do. Why do you ask?" she responded, though there was already a knowing look in her eyes.

17's lips curled into a smile that had nothing of warmth in it, only malice. "Well, I don't think the kid's gone back home, but… what if his family's there? Shouldn't we pay them a visit? Besides," he added, his eyes narrowing dangerously, "I need to relieve some frustration."

18 gave a slight shrug, an eerie smile forming on her face. "Well then," she said, her tone casual, "let's go."

Without another word, the two androids took off, leaving behind the ruined city still smoldering in their wake. Their sights were now set on Goku's home, their hearts filled with nothing but the desire for destruction, and the promise of more chaos.

Fortunately for Gohan, as 17 and 18 sped towards Goku's home, they had no idea that their target was already out of reach. Chi-Chi and Gyumao had been nowhere near the house since the androids' first attack, having evacuated to a safer location in the mountains, far from any potential android targets.

The Son family home sat empty, abandoned in a hurry, with signs of their quick departure still scattered about. To the androids, however, it was nothing more than another target, a potential place to vent their anger, and possibly eliminate anyone connected to Goku.

As they approached, oblivious to its emptiness, the androids wore matching smirks. They were ready to unleash their fury, but all they'd find would be an empty house, its occupants already having escaped their reach.


Slowly, I opened my eyes, blinking against the brightness of the room. Everything was blurry at first, the ceiling above me swimming into focus. My head felt heavy, and there was a dull, throbbing ache across my body, a reminder of what had happened. For a moment, panic rose up inside me as I remembered the androids, the explosions, and the desperate escape. My heart pounded in my chest.

"Where... am I?" I croaked, my voice barely more than a whisper. I tried to sit up, but the pain shot through my ribs, forcing me back down. "Ouch!" I muttered, wincing. I finally took in my surroundings, a bed, a small room that was unfamiliar, bandages wrapped tightly around my torso and arms.

"Finally awake, huh?"

The voice startled me, and I turned my head quickly, too quickly, as a sharp pain shot through my neck. I groaned, looking over to see Bulma standing in the doorway, her arms crossed, her expression a mix of relief and concern.

"Bulma?" I asked, still disoriented. "What... what happened?"

Bulma stepped closer, her expression softening as she pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down. "You were hurt pretty badly, Gohan. I found you unconscious right in front of the hidden door to the bunker," she said, her eyes meeting mine. "You knocked, but before I could even get to you, you passed out. I had to drag you in and patch you up. You're lucky I heard it, otherwise, who knows what might've happened."

I swallowed, memories of the androids flashing through my mind. "Yeah, I remember... I barely escaped them," I said, my voice trembling slightly. "I managed to get away from 17 and 18."

Bulma sighed, her face a mix of frustration and sympathy. "Those damn androids... I'm just glad you made it here in one piece. You're safe now, but you really gave me a scare, you know? You looked half-dead out there."

I tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. "Thanks, Bulma. I knew I could count on you."

She returned a small smile, patting my shoulder gently. "Just rest up, alright? There's no rush. You need to heal before you think about going after those monsters again."

I nodded, exhaustion already tugging at me again. "Yeah... just need a little more time," I whispered as my eyes closed, feeling comforted that, at least for now, I was safe.

Later, when I woke up again, I felt significantly better. The pain had dulled to a manageable level, and I realized Bulma must've used her advanced medical equipment on me. She'd mentioned developing healing technology, and it seemed like it had really helped. Still, I doubted it was as effective as Frieza's army healing capsules, those things could bring someone back from the brink of death almost instantly.

I slowly swung my legs off the bed, wincing as my feet touched the floor. My body still felt sore, but I could tell I was on the path to recovery. The bruises were fading, and the throbbing in my muscles was easing. I couldn't help but feel grateful toward Bulma. Without her, there was a good chance I wouldn't have survived my encounter with the androids.

Those androids had been a harsh reminder of their ruthlessness. If I wanted to protect the people I cared about, I couldn't afford to waste time. I needed to push myself harder, to reach new heights, to unlock the full potential of Super Saiyan.

'I need to ask Bulma about building a gravity training room,' I thought. It was something I desperately needed. I couldn't go to Kami's lookout; it was too risky, given that the androids probably knew about it and it may have already been destroyed. Mr. Popo might've rebuilt it, but I wasn't willing to gamble on that, not when my life was at stake. Right now, I had to be cautious. A gravity room would give me the training environment I needed, without the unnecessary risk.

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and stood up. There was no time to waste. If I wanted to face those androids again, I had to be stronger, much stronger.

I made my way out of the room and headed towards where Bulma was. She was in the living area of the bunker, her hands busy as she tweaked something. As I approached, she noticed me, but what caught my attention was what she was working on, just plans, sketches, but I could tell what it was immediately.

A time machine.

It was still far from being completed—likely at least ten years away, but it was reassuring to see that nothing had changed. It meant there was still hope for the future, and that maybe, just maybe, we could change things.

"Yo, Bulma, there's something I need to ask you," I called out as I stepped closer.

She looked up from her work, curiosity written across her face. "Yes? What is it, Gohan?"

"Do you remember the gravity training chamber my dad and Vegeta used? I remember your father built one for Vegeta back in the day. Does it still work?" I asked, my heart pounding as I hoped for a miracle, that maybe it was still here and usable.

Bulma furrowed her brows, thinking for a moment before responding. "The gravity chamber? Yeah, I think it's still around, but the problem is that it was on the first floor. So, it was partially destroyed during the attacks." She sighed, glancing down at the plans she had in front of her. "I'll need to rebuild it. Are you planning to train there?"

I nodded firmly. "Yes. I need to get stronger, Bulma. It's the best way for me to do that right now. I can't take any chances."

She gave me a sympathetic look, her eyes softening. "I understand. I'll get started on fixing it. It won't be easy, but I'll do whatever I can to help you, Gohan. We need you at your best if we're going to survive this."

"Thank you, Bulma," I said earnestly, my voice filled with gratitude. She had already done so much for me, and I wasn't sure how to thank her enough for everything.

Bulma smiled, determination crossing her face. "Don't thank me just yet. Let's get that chamber up and running, and then we'll talk about gratitude."

So just like that, one month had passed since I left Kame House. I must admit, I really missed Videl and Erasa. The nights felt strangely empty without them. I had grown accustomed to their presence, the warmth, their laughter, and even the little arguments over who would get more space on the futon. It was something I didn't realize I'd miss until I was forced to sleep alone again, with only silence as my companion.

But in that month, I didn't allow myself the luxury of slacking off. I focused on recovering from my injuries, feeling my body getting stronger each day, 'Zenkai, too OP,' I couldn't help but think with a small smile. The wounds had mostly healed, and thanks to Bulma's advanced medical technology, my recovery had been faster than I had dared to hope. I wasn't entirely surprised, though, Saiyan biology was a blessing in times like these.

As my physical condition improved, I also dedicated myself to ki training. Being alone gave me the perfect environment to fully immerse myself, with no distractions and no interruptions—just me, the endless flow of energy coursing through my veins, and my drive to become stronger. It was tough; at times it felt overwhelming, but I reminded myself what was at stake. There was no room for failure. Not now. Not when everything depended on my strength. If I was going to face those androids again, I had to be ready, I had to be more than I was last time.

But still, in the quiet moments, I'd find myself thinking of Videl and Erasa. There was an emptiness in the quiet nights. Without their presence, the warmth, their laughter, even their bickering, it was just me, alone in the silence. Sometimes, my mind would wander, and I'd wonder if they were okay, if they were continuing their training and staying strong. I hoped so, because when all of this was over, I wanted to see them again. I wanted to look them in the eyes, knowing we had all made it.

Of course, not all my time was spent in solitary training. There was a certain bright-eyed little kid who often came to drag me away from my focus. Trunks. Whenever he got bored, he'd come in and insist that I play with him. At first, it felt like an interruption, but the more I spent time with him, the more I realized it was a relief.

And finally, after a month of hard work and long days, Bulma came to me one evening with a triumphant smile. "Gohan, it's ready," she said. My heart skipped a beat as I saw her standing there, her hands on her hips, a proud glint in her eyes.

"The gravity chamber... it's finished."

"Woohoo! Let me start right now!" I practically jumped up in excitement, feeling a rush of adrenaline just from the thought of getting started with intense training again. It was exactly what I needed to continue my growth.

Bulma chuckled at my enthusiasm, a smile spreading across her face. "Okay, okay, calm down. Let me show you what I've done with it first. I added a few modifications besides just the gravity settings."

I followed her through the hallway until we reached a reinforced door at the far end of the bunker. She tapped a code onto a keypad, and the heavy door slid open with a soft hum. My eyes widened as I stepped inside.

The gravity room was even more spacious than I had expected, large enough to practice full-force attacks without worrying about wrecking the place. The walls were reinforced with some kind of metallic plating that had an almost reflective shine, and I could tell by just a glance that they weren't ordinary materials. This place looked practically indestructible, which meant I could really push myself without holding back.

"It's not just about gravity anymore," Bulma said, gesturing to a control panel off to the side of the room. She pointed to a few buttons and switches. "I've set up some extra features—like energy dampeners, simulation combat modes, and automated moving targets for precision training. There are even some emergency systems in case the training gets a bit too intense. We need to make sure you don't destroy yourself in here."

I nodded, genuinely impressed. "Bulma, this is incredible."

She smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes. "I know you need every advantage you can get. Plus, I had some time on my hands, so I thought I'd get creative. Just be careful, alright? You might be tough, Gohan, but remember not to push yourself too far. It's no good if you end up hurt again."

"Got it, Bulma." I grinned at her, feeling my heart swell with appreciation. "Thank you. Really."

She patted my arm and then turned to leave. "Alright, I'll let you get to it. Just holler if anything goes wrong, and I'll come running."

As the door closed behind her, a thrill of anticipation settled in my chest. I took a deep breath, feeling the rush of excitement. This was what I needed—the chance to push my limits beyond anything I'd ever done before.

I made my way over to the control panel, my fingers hovering over the settings. Gravity multiplier, moving targets, combat simulation... There were so many options. I started slow, cranking up the gravity to 10x Earth's, just to get a feel for it.

As the pressure increased, my knees buckled slightly under the sudden force, but I took another deep breath, bracing myself. 'Alright, here we go. Time to see what I'm made of.'

It was time to train harder than ever before, because when the day came that I had to face the androids again, I would be ready.

Author's note: I hurried so I would be ready to watch Dragon ball Daima, I'm super excited !