Plans for the future.

The next day,

Master Roshi told me to take care of my own things for the time being, and that he'd call me when it was time. So, of course, I went to see my mom, Chichi. It had been two long years since I last saw her. We met at Mount Paozu, only to find that our house had been destroyed. It was sad seeing the place like that. The memories of simpler times flooded my mind, dinners around the table, evenings spent training with Dad, but Mom quickly solved the issue. She threw a capsule onto a nearby plain, and there, a new home appeared. She said she had saved it for an emergency like this.

Gyumao, my grandpa, was also there. His eyes softened when he saw me, and he rushed over with a huge grin. "Gohan, my boy! You've grown so much!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a tight bear hug that almost crushed my ribs. His strength had never dulled.

I hugged him back, smiling. "Grandpa, it's great to see you again," I said, feeling the warmth of family fill my heart. After everything, this kind of love was something I needed.

"Look at you," Chichi said, her eyes welling up as she held my face in her hands. "You've become so strong, but you look exhausted, Gohan. Have you been eating enough?"

"Mom, I've been fine," I reassured her with a chuckle, though I could see the worry in her eyes.

"Well, you better be eating properly, young man! And when this is all over, you're going back to your studies, understood?" she said, her tone half stern, half soft.

"Yes, Mom," I replied, smiling. The familiar nagging was comforting in a strange way. 'But she was wrong on studies, even if I wanted to, It wasn't the time of studies.'

Gyumao patted my shoulder, his expression a mix of pride and worry. "You've been doing great things, Gohan. Just remember, we're always here for you, no matter what happens."

"Thanks, Grandpa. I promise, I'll make sure to protect everyone," I said, feeling my determination solidify.

A few hours later, Master Roshi called me on my old phone, and I took off towards West Capital. Without a house of his own, Master Roshi had been staying at Capsule Corp, which was in the process of being rebuilt. People were slowly returning to the cities, and reconstruction had already begun.

"Master, I'm here!" I called out as I approached him at the main entrance.

"Baba said she's on her way," Master Roshi replied.

After a short while, she arrived, floating in on her large crystal ball.

"What is it, old man?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance.

"You're older than me, Baba," Roshi shot back with a smirk before nodding in my direction. "The kid here, Goku's son, wants to ask you something."

"Goku's son?" Baba's gaze shifted to me. "Well, what is it, kid?"

"Hello, my name is Gohan," I greeted her. "I wanted to know if you can really travel to the otherworld. My dad told me stories about how you made his grandpa come back."

Baba sighed. "Well, I can… but there's a big problem. The otherworld is blocked!"

"Huh? No way! What do you mean by that?" I asked, my eyes widening in shock.

"Some kind of entity has taken the otherworld hostage. There are these huge candy-like things blocking even souls from being judged. I managed to escape, but only by chance," Baba explained, her expression grim.

'Oh no… I think I know what it is... Janemba!' The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Shin and Kibito were probably busy pursuing Babidi and Dabura, which might explain why they hadn't learned about this. Right now, no one in the otherworld had the power to even remotely damage Janemba, especially not in his true form. He could take on Goku in Super Saiyan 3 with ease. If left unchecked, Janemba would become an unstoppable threat.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I looked up at Baba, determination replacing my initial fear. "Baba, do you think there's any way to reach King Yemma or the Kais? Anything at all?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to remain composed.

Baba shook her head solemnly. "No, kid. Whatever's happening in the otherworld is beyond anything I've seen before. It's like the flow of spirits has just stopped. There's no communication coming in or out. I was lucky to get out when I did."

I clenched my fists, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. This was no small issue, this was a cosmic-scale disaster that could spill over into the living world.

Master Roshi sighed, rubbing his beard. "If what Baba's sayin' is true, we could be in some serious trouble, Gohan. But you're our best hope now."

I nodded. "I understand, Master. I have to do something."

Baba considered my words, then nodded slowly. "Alright, Gohan. I can at least try to help you get more information. Maybe I can find some clues on how to enter the otherworld without getting caught in whatever's blocking it."

"Thank you, Baba," I said sincerely. "Any help you can give would be invaluable."

"Don't thank me yet, kid," Baba replied, giving me a small, almost sad smile. "You might be biting off more than you can chew."

"Maybe," I replied, my eyes narrowing as I stared into the distance, already thinking about the battles that lay ahead.

Master Roshi placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip surprisingly firm. "Gohan, just remember, you're not alone in this. We'll help however we can."

I smiled, grateful for the support. "Thanks, Master."

'It also seems that the Janemba situation is quite different from the film. Instead of souls flocking around, they're completely blocked. Everything in the otherworld is at a standstill.'

As Baba floated away on her crystal ball, I turned my gaze inward. 'Returning to the past is now utterly essential, not just an option. It might even provoke the rise of Zamasu, but I have no choice.'

First, I'll tell Bulma the location of Gero's lab so she can see if Android 16 could be reprogrammed to become an ally. I'll also remind her to continue working on the time machine. Given the resources and peace we have now, I believe it can be ready sooner rather than later.

There is also the old Frieza ship that King Cold used. It could have information on planets like Yardrat and maybe New Namek. But is it still around? Hopefully, it hasn't been destroyed.

Additionally, I need to go back to the past. But when should I go? I think around the same time Trunks did would be ideal. Beerus would still be asleep, and I could move without much danger while finding the Super Dragon Balls. Something tells me that an unknown threat is still lurking out there, why else would the Galactic Patrol never come? Jaco was bad at his job, sure, but he would have come to help Earth, or at least to inform the Galactic Patrol. I should ask Bulma about her sister.

I made my way to Bulma. "Hey, Bulma, I have a question. Is your sister, Tights, still around?"

Bulma looked at me, surprised. "How do you know about her? I've never mentioned her to anyone."

"It's because of Baba," I said. "So, is she still here?"

"No... she died when the androids attacked," Bulma said, her expression softening.

"Oh, I'm sorry…" I paused, giving her a moment before I continued. I then told her about Gero's lab and Android 16, and asked if she could look into reprogramming him. I also told her about the time machine plans and urged her not to abandon the project, as there was a bigger threat on the horizon.

She said that the time machine would be ready in a year. She had already completed the designs, but obtaining the materials was challenging, requiring a lot of research to find substitutes. With the world at peace now, it was possible. As for Android 16, she said she'd look into it, but it might take longer since she had many other things to work on. I also mentioned King Cold's ship, and she confirmed it was still around. I asked if she could search for anything useful there, particularly regarding the healing capsules and information on specific planets.

"Bulma, there's one last thing I want to ask of you," I said.

Bulma sighed, looking at me with tired eyes. "Gohan... I'm not a machine, you know. Ugh... Fine, tell me, what is it this time?"

"Could you make a Dragon Radar big enough to locate Dragon Balls the size of a planet?" I asked.

She blinked, clearly taken aback. "What? Planet-sized Dragon Balls? Why would you even want something like that? It feels like you're hiding a lot from me." She sighed again, but then shrugged. "I'll allow it this time since you saved us all from the androids. I can make it, but what's the range you're thinking?"

I hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Big enough to cover two entire universes."

Bulma gave me a deadpan stare, looking like I had just asked her to do the impossible. "Two universes? Seriously, Gohan?" She rubbed her forehead, exasperated. "Well, since these Dragon Balls are the size of planets, they should emit a strong signal, making it possible to detect them even at that range. But remember, Namek's Dragon Balls are impossible to locate that way."

I smiled, nodding. "I understand, Bulma. Thanks for doing this."

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered, rolling her eyes. "I'll do my best, but you owe me an explanation one day, Gohan."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her. "Deal. Once things are stable, I'll explain everything."

I decided against using the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Why? Because I would rather not waste my limited opportunities there. You could only stay a few days in the chamber over your lifetime, and I wanted to save that for when it would matter most. Instead, I decided to train normally using the gravity machine. When the Time Machine was complete, I'd go back to the past and train alongside my father, or even my past self.

For now, I would focus on mastering Super Saiyan, steadily increasing my base power, and enhancing the Max Power form, which had proven to be an excellent asset. If I had enough time, I'd also try unlocking Super Saiyan 2.

I headed home, and when I arrived, I found Mom cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom, I have something to tell you," I said.

"Oh no! Not again. What is it this time?" Mom asked, her eyes filled with worry.

"Uh, I plan to keep training, Mom. There are still threats out there." I spoke with some concern, knowing how she felt about Dad leaving us for his training.

She sighed heavily. "Fine. I won't stop you... Your father already left us, and I couldn't stop him either. But please, promise me you'll stay safe, Gohan. I'd rather have you alive than anything else."

"Don't worry, Mom," I tried to reassure her, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. I decided against telling her about my plan to revive Dad using the Super Dragon Balls. Technically, those balls had no limits, and I'd use them to bring back everyone who died during the androids' attack as well.

A week later, I resumed my training, spending nights at Bulma's place. It seemed Videl and Erasa missed me quite a lot since they insisted on sleeping in the same room as me despite having their own rooms. Though I had no romantic thoughts at the moment, I wasn't oblivious to the situation and wondered how I should handle this going forward.

Two months later, Bulma had deciphered everything from King Cold's ship. Unfortunately, there were no mentions of Yardrat or New Namek, which was a bit disappointing. As for Android 16, she sent a team under her supervision to study the plans. When she saw the information on Cell, she was visibly shaken, but I reassured her that I had already destroyed Cell before it was a threat.

Videl and Erasa had reunited with their families, who were alive and well, so they returned home. They still visited me from time to time. Peace was settling back in, and people were slowly adapting to their normal lives.

I continued my training, staying in Super Saiyan form constantly. Videl and Erasa thought I had dyed my hair, which I found funny. I didn't mention that I was part alien, after all.

One year after the defeat of the androids, I turned 12 years old. There was still no sign of Kibito and Shin, so I didn't dwell too much on it. I hadn't unlocked Super Saiyan 2 yet, but I knew I was close. I could feel that if I pushed myself a bit more, I'd achieve it. Still, it was a wall I had yet to break through. However, I felt that if I went back to the past, none of the Z-Fighters would stand a chance against me. My power had increased tremendously, I was possibly even stronger than Perfect Cell when he first appeared, meaning I might be just a bit stronger than Dad by the end of the Cell Saga.

As I trained in the gravity chamber, lost in my thoughts, someone entered.

"Gohan, still dedicated to your training, I see," Bulma said, looking a bit tired. Her hair was longer now, and it seemed she had decided to let it grow out.

I smiled. "Yeah, I can't afford to slack off, can I?"

Bulma shook her head, a small smile on her face. "It's impressive, I'll give you that. Anyway, I have some good news." She paused for effect, her eyes twinkling. "The Time Machine... it's ready!"

I looked at her, my heart skipping a beat with excitement. Finally, it was time.

'I miss my dad after all... and Mr. Piccolo. It'll be kind of strange meeting the man who is supposed to be my father but also the protagonist of Dragon Ball,' I thought to myself, my heart pounding with a mix of nostalgia and excitement.

"So, when do I leave?" I asked Bulma, unable to hide the enthusiasm in my voice.

She smiled at my eagerness. "You can leave whenever you're ready, Gohan. Everything is set. Oh, and the Dragon Radar you asked for? It's ready too, you can take it with you," she added, her tone warm.

I made my way over to the Time Machine, my heart racing. "Wow... It really is a Time Machine!" I said, marveling at the craftsmanship. Even though I knew it was real, seeing it right in front of me made everything seem like one of those sci-fi movies I used to watch.

Bulma walked over, patting the machine. "I've already placed the Dragon Radar inside. Everything is prepared. And there's more, my team and I managed to create the cure for your father's heart virus. We're giving this past a real chance at a bright future, a world where all those tragedies can be avoided."

Hearing that filled me with a sense of purpose, and I nodded seriously, determination lighting up my eyes. "Don't worry, Bulma," I said, looking straight into her eyes. "I'll make sure that happens."

Bulma smiled, a hint of emotion in her eyes. "Just be careful, okay, Gohan? And come back safe. You're not just going back to change things, you mean a lot to all of us here too, you know."

I nodded, appreciating her concern. "I'll come back, I promise." Then, after a pause, I grinned. 

With that, I took a deep breath and climbed into the Time Machine. My hands moved over the controls with ease, Bulma having walked me through it multiple times. 

'I'm ready,' I thought, placing my hand on the activation lever. The machine started to hum to life, and I couldn't help but feel an excitement like none before. My heart was full, and I knew I was about to face an adventure that would change everything—for me, for my father, and for the whole world.

As the machine's energy enveloped me, the last thing I saw was Bulma waving, her expression hopeful.

"Here I go..." I whispered to myself, and with that, the world around me blurred as the Time Machine took off.

Author's Note : Bonus chapter ready. So Should I make this a harem, I paved the way for it but I'm too sure. Also, pls power stones, I like when my fan-fic is high in the rankings.