Before leaving, the old man seemed to remember something and said, "The small task you want Herbert to do, I will instruct him to handle it."

Exiting the study, Audrey pondered over the words the boss had just spoken. In recent years, the boss had been revealing more and more secrets to her that she had been unaware of. She had guessed that the boss was planning to retire, but she wasn't particularly interested in that. If the boss were to give her the study without any conditions, she would be even happier.

After gathering her thoughts, Audrey returned to the "classroom."

Her student was sitting upright at the desk, diligently working on the test paper.

"Alright, Ivan, take a break," Audrey said.

The young boy looked at his teacher, puzzled.

"I know what you understand, and I have arranged a detailed study plan for you." Saying this, Audrey took out a paper from his pocket and unfolded it in front of the young boy.

"Every morning, wake up promptly at six, have breakfast at half-past six, and learn the etiquette and manners of the upper class at the dining table. Start equestrian or fencing lessons at half-past seven, and have morning tea at nine. You must master this elegant art, which will also serve as your language lesson. Can you speak West Bay, Ilerean, and Delsian?" Audrey asked.

"I can speak a little, count numbers, or greet someone briefly," the young boy replied.

"That won't do. You must be able to speak fluent West Bay, while Ilerean and Delsian can be a bit more casual. I will add an hour of language lessons before bedtime," Audrey said as he added an extra hour of language lessons at the end of the paper. "That should be enough. From ten to eleven is leisure time, but not for playing. You must learn everything popular in the upper social circles and the etiquette befitting your new identity.

"At eleven is cultural studies; I will supplement your knowledge in areas where you lack. Lunch is at twelve, followed by a half-hour rest. Religious studies start at one, as I see you lack knowledge in this area. Drawing class is at two, followed by politics from three to four, and history from four to five. You have no understanding in these areas. Dinner is at five, along with a test to assess your daily learning.

"Mechanical class starts at seven in the evening, teaching you the principles of mechanics, how to assemble or dismantle it. Physical education is at eight, allowing you to digest your dinner properly. From nine to ten is the second language lesson I added earlier. After ten, you can sleep, but before that, there is a punishment lesson. I have strict rules for your daily studies; if you fail to complete them, you will receive a whipping before bedtime. Understand?" Audrey explained while pointing.

The young boy nodded repeatedly, especially when Audrey took a thick cane woven from rattan from the top of the bookshelf. The young boy nodded even more vigorously.

"Alright, it's almost nine o'clock. I will have the servants prepare morning tea," Audrey said as he pulled a long yellow silk ribbon in the room with a specific rhythm.

"But I just had breakfast not long ago, and I'm not hungry..." the young boy tried to explain.

Before he could finish, the cane in Audrey's hand landed on his left hip.

With a crisp sound, the young boy felt a sharp pain and jumped back, holding his buttocks in agony.

"Punishment time is not just before you go to bed; if you make a mistake, you will be punished anytime, anywhere, to remind you to pay attention. Understand?" Audrey asked expressionlessly.

Rubbing the painful area, the young boy nodded fearfully, not wanting the cane to strike him again.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Audrey opened it to find the butler pushing a small cart filled with various exquisite pastries, a set of silver tea sets, and a pot of unknown beverage in the center.

With graceful movements, Audrey picked up a stack of pastries and placed them in the young boy's hands, saying, "Morning tea and afternoon tea are essential components of the upper social circles. If someone invites you for morning tea, it means they have accepted you into their circle. An invitation for afternoon tea means they consider you one of their own or have an important task for you. Therefore, the tea ceremony will be your first formal test to enter the social circle. You must grasp the essentials. Now, pick up the pastries in your hands... Not so rudely. Follow my lead, observe my actions carefully."