Hanging precariously in an unnatural stance, it scurried across the ceiling, a grotesque silhouette racing toward my high vantage point among the rafters. Its speed was a terrifying blur, a nightmarish flash that left my heart pounding and my body quaking with dread. In a frantic surge of desperation, I unleashed a wild torrent of twisting vines, hoping to ensnare the creature as I propelled myself away with every ounce of strength I could muster. The lich leaped, contorting its form in a grotesque dance, its jaws gaping wide enough to reveal a dark, viscous chasm within—a throat that seemed to stretch into an endless abyss. A primal terror seized me, the chilling realization that I could be swallowed whole by this monstrous being, and I found myself staring into the very face of my impending doom.