Finding a place to stay.

There were three options: regeneration, speed, and strength. Ethan considered their situation, and the choice was clear to him. He chose regeneration.

Sophia spoke in his mind.

"Alas, you needed another subordinate. Ethan, your core needs resources to function. Our realm has many resources in the monster meat."

Ethan wanted to strengthen his subordinates.

Suddenly, he was back to reality. Wendy lay in his arms. Her legs were wide open, her nipples erect. The connection stopped, and Wendy sagged against him, falling asleep as she glowed with a golden light. Her complexion changed to a healthy one.

Ethan sighed with satisfaction.

Sophia spoke in his mind.

"Alas, when she uses the ablutions, it will stink like something has died. Please warn her. The impurities will be eliminated from her body as her core tempers and changes are made genetically."

Sharing essence felt good; now he knew why they did it that often. Ethan had never seen a golden essence like his before. It was refined gold; usually, the essence was just dark gold, like all the soldiers and people living in the village. The animals and monsters had red essence that empowered their offspring.

Ethan buttoned up her blouse, tempted to look at her breasts, but he would not take advantage of her. Ethan dearly wanted to see them. Ethan would wait till she offered them to him. Ethan had to keep his resolve as a man and a hunter. 

Ethan thought about his mission as he looked at Wendy's sleeping form, her face calm.

By now, the assassin could be anyone. If he changed his body to another, there would be corpses. Finding a job where he could follow crimes and investigate would work.

This adventurers' guild sounded like the right place to begin. Ethan had placed her long silver hair in her lap before picking her, and he did not want her hair to accidentally get snagged on something, as had happened to him before.

Ethan used silver hairpins to braid and weigh his hair down. He would buy Wendy a few. Their hair was the same length. Ethan had combs and brushes from silver and griffon hair in his bag. Wendy's hair needed attention. Ethan looked at the sign above the door. Ethan felt frustrated about not being able to read. Ethan stopped before the large two-storey building.

Wendy was sleeping in his arms, her head against his chest. Ethan approached a grey-haired man sweeping the stairs.

"Alas, kind sir, could you point me in the direction of an inn, please."

The man looked up at Ethan and Wendy in his arms, his eyebrows raised.

"My name is Shaw, and you have found the Shepards Inn. Welcome, come in and have something to eat. We have just ended our breakfast, but our regular stew will be ready in ten minutes—three coppers a meal per person and one copper for a drink. The rooms are twenty coppers a night. There is a bath and ablutions at the end of the hall."

Shaw held his hand before his mouth in a conspiratorial gesture, whispering as he looked around with suspicion as if someone could hear him.

"Watch over your elf friend there carefully. People will kidnap her if they can. She is a precious commodity these days. People from the city look at demi-humans as something to use and throw away."

Ethan hugged Wendy closer to himself, protectively looking down the street as people walked doing their business or rushing to places to meet with friends or family.

Ethan followed Shaw inside.

The place was busy, with polished wooden tables and benches. Bronze lanterns hung between tables. Empty plates floated towards what he guessed was the kitchen. Pretty serving girls with cat ears and tails served the patrons.

"Melisa, please bring mead and stew for two to the table in the corner."

Ethan had to duck down as he entered the inn. All eyes were on him, and he didn't know why he did it, but he gently kissed Wendy. Wendy's eyes fluttered open. Wendy looked at him, touching her lips.

Wendy looked around at everyone staring at them. Her legs wrapped around his waist tighter as he held her ass with one hand and her back with the other. She looked like a child in her loving father's arms.

"Hail, Ethan, what is going on here? Why is everyone staring at us."

"Alas, it must be because you're an elf. Always keep close to me. Do not trust anyone." 

The drinks arrived, and they ate hungrily, the mead going to Wendy's head. Wendy rubbed her tummy, looking at Ethan.

"Hail, it feels like something is growing in there."

Melisa took Wendy's hands in hers, overjoyed. Her eyes sparkled, and her cat ears moved with excitement.

"Meow, you are with child. How wonderful, miss. Your man has a potent seed indeed."

The patrons cheered and downed their drinks, some commenting on how pretty her daughter would be. The men looked at Ethan with envy in their eyes. Wendy blushed, not knowing what to do. Ethan bent forward as she came closer as well.

"Alas, it is a core you feel formed by my essence. I would never take advantage like that."

Back in the room, Ethan and Wendy sat on the single bed counting the coppers and silver they had taken from the slavers. They discussed finding this guild that Shaw spoke of and finding work. Ethan explained that he had a mission, and Wendy agreed. Wendy spoke shyly.

"Hail, Ethan, will you stand by the door when I take a bath."

Ethan sat outside the bathroom as Wendy washed. Wendy needed underwear, new boots, and a weapon. She only had two undergarments, which she took from the basket. Ethan locked the room. As he left Wendy, she was brushing her hair with his brush.

The evening was spent in silence as they lay back-to-back on the bed, struggling to fall asleep. Ethan could not stop thinking of her lying beside him, his imagination in overdrive. Sleep came eventually to both, fully clothed as they were.

Sounds from outside the door woke Ethan. Ethan lay on his back. Wendy's head on his shoulder, her leg pinning him down. Their hair lay above them, tangled. Wendy stirred, her hand on his chest, and he held it in his. Wendy moved closer. The morning chill made him reluctant to leave the warm bed.

"Hail, just a bit longer."

Ethan smiled and closed his eyes, feeling her body against his. This was heaven on earth. Ethan felt guilty about Heather. Ethan pulled the woollen blanket over their hands to keep warm.

With part of Ethan's beard, Wendy got a firm grip on the blanket. The pain woke Ethan as Wendy tugged the blanket towards her. Ethan soon pulled her closer to him, and she snored softly, her grip on the blanket and his beard loosening. Ethan ignored the pain, guessing Wendy had felt cold. An hour later, the aroma of food flooded the room, and heat radiated from the chimney in the corner. The kitchen was below them, and the chimney ran through the room to the roof.

"Alas, Wendy, we need to get going."

"Hail, Ethan, just a bit more. You're warm, and I feel safe in your arms."

Wendy's eyes opened, and she stared at Ethan, her face red. She pushed herself up, but Ethan pulled her down, holding her head on his chest.

"Alas, I am glad to hear that."