Choosing a skill

The girls took a bath together. Ethan awaited his turn in the room.

Sophia spoke into Ethan's mind to remind him that they must ensure they did not wear underwear when he did. When he poured his essence into them. Ethan immediately wanted to know why they needed to take off their underwear.

Sophia explained that there needed no resistance between his fingers and their wet entrances.

Ethan inquired why they had to do it that way.

There was a slap sound.

Sophia sounded like she was hitting her forehead.

It hit Ethan like a brick.

Sophia explained.

"Alas, you are building trust for now, but the essence does enter through their flowers. Soon, you will be performing dual cultivation with them."

Ethan placed warm blankets under the ladies' bottoms as they sat down. Lucy had argued in the beginning, the only one with panties on. She relented her pink underwear after Wendy talked to her. Lucy sat on the edge of the bed as Ethan placed his hand on her bare stomach. He put his other hand on Wendy's stomach, and she eagerly unbuttoned her blouse.

Ethan's hands started to glow as he stood on his knees before them. Lucy gasped, Wendy giggled, and then they moaned. Lude sounds were coming from them. They flung their legs wide open, and their nipples were hard and erect.

Suddenly, Ethan was back on the mountain.

The five ladies appeared around him. Sophia took his hands and congratulated him on activating the system. Sophia and the ladies were not transparent anymore, and he could see their features perfectly.

"Alas, ladies, your clothing does not leave much for the imagination."

Ethan looked to the side.

Lucy's screen opened, and her status showed. There were three choices he could make. Ethan could see that. She had a strong constitution and was very healthy. Lucy had the same choices: regeneration, strength, and speed. He decided to choose the strength option as Lucy was a tank.

Sophia waved with her hand, and another screen opened.

Ethan's eyes looked up as he saw himself on the screen. On the screen in red blinked the word's regeneration and strength.

Sophia explained that whatever skill he gave his subordinates. He would have the same abilities. As they levelled, he would as well. She gave him a stern warning. If one subordinate died, he would lose half of the skills acquired. And should both be killed. He will then also lose his life.

They were now linked together.

Sophia also warned him that she used a certain number of resources. A certain number of resources were consumed daily. The core will start to cannibalise his body for resources if he should run too low. She also warned him that should he? Empower too many that the core will cannibalise his body to complete the command.

Ethan looked at Lucy's status screen; she now had level two. Strength skill. He wondered how much stronger she would be, but that would have to wait until they got tested in the real world. As he opened his eyes, Lucy and Wendy lay against him.

Ethan took the bath towels out from under them, careful not to wake them. Ethan positioned them on the bed and placed pillows under their heads. They still had their legs spread wide, and Ethan closed their legs.

Ethan got in bed and lay between them as they slept. They were a bit loud last night. Ethan hoped that no one heard them and got the wrong impression.

Wendy and Lucy stirred in Ethan's arms.

"Alas. Good morning, girls."

Wendy opened her eyes, groaning. Lucy moved closer to Ethan, hugging him tighter. He tried to move but found that their legs pinned him down. Ethan realised that they were lying on top of him. Ethan felt awkward, and his assumption was completely wrong. He woke up in bed with two women in his arms. Ethan had thought they would sleep each on their side, and he would stick to the middle. The bed was large enough. Ethan admitted that he had dreamed of this scenario and that it felt great—waking up like this.

Suddenly, he felt very self-conscious as he was in the middle, a soft woman pressed against him. Ethan wanted to impress the girls by staying calm and relaxed. But as soon as they moved, he could feel it.

Their breasts pressed into him. Their eyes widened, and the girls jumped from the bed and rushed to the door.

Ethan was relieved that he was still covered under the blankets.

Shaw knocked on the door.

"Hail, Ethan, this is our wake-up call."

"Squee, I haven't had a good night's rest. Like this? In a very long time."

Ethan found getting dressed in the same room with two beautiful women was difficult. The sound of them getting dressed. And the feeling that they were standing close to him. Ethan could hear a rustle of clothing.

There was soft giggling.

Ethan tried to think of their quest to focus on what he had to do for the day. They had a long day ahead of them. And losing the plot in the morning would not aid his endeavours.

Ethan opened the door and bent down to get through as the ladies followed him downstairs. The room was already filled with patrons eating and laughing. Their eyes followed them as they came down the stairs.

Ethan had a big grin on his face for some reason that he could not explain.

Shaw looked at Ethan and gave him a nod with a big grin.

They ate breakfast, and the patrons commented that they had heard them last night. He was giving it to them good. I wish my man could make me moan like that. They will be pregnant for sure.

Three new adventurers walked out of the inn red in the face, not daring to look anyone in the eye. Wendy and Lucy looked at Ethan.

They knew what to expect from the train ride. Right now, they knew that Ethan had a thing about using—animals and machinery to move around. Many people were milling about on the train platform.

"Squee, I am a lot stronger than before. I could move my shield around like it almost weighs nothing."

"Hail, I had developed a cough since my parents passed away. Living in the woods and starving had taken a toll on my health. I feel amazing since receiving essence from Ethan; my cough has gone completely. My aches and pains have gone as well."

Ethan ponders on how strong these ladies would become as time progresses. He knew they had to find good food. For resources so that he could keep on improving their bodies.

They neared the teleportation gate that led to the Academy. Ethan's eyes widened. Ethan recognised the portal. The portals looked precisely the same as the portals that they used in his realm. Ethan even knew the builders of the portals. They existed before the divine nexus.

Sophia spoke in his mind.

"Alas, your race was the builders of the portals and the veil. We were known as the Nexus Weavers of the Enchanted Isles. The Divine nexus is what has survived the war. You might have noticed the place has floating islands like the one above the city. It uses technology to float, and that island must have come through the veil long ago."

 Suddenly, a voice in his head said.

"Welcome to the portal."

Ethan was astonished that it worked the same as where he came from. He would ponder the revelation about his people another day.

The shock made his mind numb. He could portal back to his home. It started slowly, like a sunrise. He recognised the feeling, and it was hope. He could go back home when he wanted. Ethan could feel his spirits rise, but this was not so bad.

His questions were answered immediately by the portal. It replied that his house was through the closed veil. Ethan felt slightly disappointed that the technology existed in this realm to teleport to places, but he could not teleport back home.

The Academy grounds were massive as it resided on the island in the sky. It was like a continent on its own. The Academy was an old building made of enormous stone blocks. Academy students gawked at the buildings.

The grounds of the Academy were well tended. They had lovely gardens with lots of flowers, different colours.

Ethan wondered how much work had gone into keeping this place so beautiful.

Many students were milling about, and Lucy told him they were vampires and shifters. Some noble kids were walking about. They had an air of arrogance, and he decided to stay clear of them at all costs.