We feel attraction to each other.

Ethan was astonished at this manna business that could affect plants and animals. The portal was a thirty-minute walk from town, and nobody knew it existed.

Wendy looked at Ethan, her eyes full of admiration and wonder. Lucy held his arm like she owned him and grinned like a schoolgirl who had just been asked out to a dance. A farmer stood tending his field and gave them the go-ahead to pluck tomatoes. Ethan plucked a few tomatoes and cucumbers as they walked, which the girls devoured. Ethan rummaged in his bag and brought forth a small bag of salt. They drank from his water skin, and the girls looked more energetic, but not by much. It did not last.

Sophia warned him.

"Alas, they are running dangerously low on resources."

Ethan had to get them proper food and infuse them with his essence. The village had a low wall made of stone surrounding the town. The gates were closed, and two guards from the village would open them for people to move through. No vehicles were allowed inside the village, and the train station was outside. The gates were automated, and it only took a press of a button to open or close them.

The wall came to Ethan's waist. It could easily be climbed over, but animals could not climb walls, and it served its purpose. Ethan took the girls around the waists and leapt over the wall with ease, landing softly on the other side.

All the cultivators in his home realm could fly. Ethan had learned the skill when Heather floated up from her seat one day in a lesson. Ethan had focused, and he found that he could also float. They played games in the air for days till the novelty wore off. Heather was hesitant to fly because of her dress. Heather always feared flying over men looking up.

Wendy stood, hands on her hips, head to one side, hair blowing in the slight breeze.

"Hail, it felt like we were flying just now."

Ethan rubbed the back of his head. How would he explain this away?

Sophia spoke in his mind.

"Alas, Ethan, say that you jumped, and the feeling of flying was because they were so light in your arms that you jumped higher than you thought you would."

"Alas, thank you, Sophia. Great idea, you have saved me again."

Ethan took their hands and stared into their eyes as he spoke.

"Alas, you two weighed almost nothing, and I overcompensated by jumping too high over the wall."

Wendy blushed, playing with her toe in the sand as she looked at her feet. Lucy blushed red; she did not know where to look.

"Squee, thank you, Ethan. I believe you."

"Hail, I believe you as well. We are glad we are not a burden."

Ethan pulled them towards him and hugged them tightly. They did not resist but melted into him.

"Alas, I would not want to share this adventure with anyone else than you two."

They walked between the houses and the buildings and down the alleys, ensuring nobody saw them come over the wall. Ethan wanted to avoid village people following them to the portal.

Ethan trusted the farmers. They wanted to talk. Ethan would use the excuse of searching for monsters to hunt and improving their forest survival skills.

Wendy had an idea that shocked Lucy.

"Hail, we can say that we go into the forest to make love."

Ethan thought about her statement as Lucy's jaw dropped and her mouth worked without sound. Ethan spoke without thinking.

"Alas, making love to two beautiful women in the forest would be incredible."

Wendy and Lucy turned red. Wendy's ears were moving, and Lucy's ears as well.

"Hail, stop talking nonsense. Let us go home."

Wendy walked ahead of them, her cute, tight backside swaying as she walked briskly. Ethan and Lucy could see that her ears were red from embarrassment.

Ethan took Lucy's hand, and they followed Wendy as she walked through the busy street. The day was nearing its end as the sun touched the horizon, and the people were getting ready to close their stores. Ethan sighed, and Lucy did as well.

She spoke softly, deep in thought.

"Squee, that would be incredible. The three of us will do that in the forest when convenient, right? It is a deal."

Wendy turned around, and her face turned another shade of red. Ethan blushed as well. Ethan could not believe what he heard from Lucy's lips. Wendy looked at Ethan, her eyes wide, and then she looked at Lucy.

"Hail, what did you just say, Lucy? We should not speak of it anymore, please."

They walked silently for the rest of the walk as their imaginations ignited with scenarios and scenes. People looked at them as they walked past. The three steel plate adventurers held hands, flushed faces searching the ground, not daring to look at each other.

"Alas, finally, the Shepards Inn."

The Shepard's Inn was busy as always, and the special of the day was ribs from a monster that looked like a big ram with a tail like a beaver. It could swim faster than a boat and would sink fishing boats to get to the fish. The monster would target farms and eat the cows and the sheep, and if an unlucky human crossed its path, it would be on the menu.

After a farm was attacked, Grace killed the monster a few hours ago. Grace donated the meat to Penny, her friend, and would eat free at the inn.

Ethan wished they could do something that amazing and eat free. It would save them coins, and they would get all the food they needed for free.

Each received a piece of a single rib—the size of a man's arm full of tender meat. Fresh bread was served with butter and cheese. Ethan broke the bread, and steam burst out, filling the air with the aroma of freshly baked bread. Ethan divided the bread between them and cut a generous piece of butter, placing it on each piece to melt into it.

"Alas, there you are, my pretty friends."

Wendy and Lucy blushed before eating like starved wolves.

They ate till they felt like bursting. Ethan asked for more meat, and he said he would pay extra. Penny gave them more meat in a stew. Penny loved it when people enjoyed her food.

They needed to wash their clothes, and Wendy suggested they use their towels to cover their bodies for bed, letting the clothes dry near the chimney. The towels did not stay on for long as they lay in bed, everyone self-conscious as their naked bodies pressed into each other.

Ethan touched their thighs, and his essence flowed into them as they moaned next to him, their bodies trembling and spasmed. Ethan moved his hands to their inner thighs, and they did not complain. Their moans grew louder.