
Everything fell silent. Not even the forest creatures could be heard. Wendy's stomach growled loudly.

"Click, barrier established parameter now secure. Enjoy a good night of rest, Ethan."

Ethan relaxed, placing the arrow back in his quiver. Ting-Ting sheathed herself, and Zelda returned to Ethan's hand. Lilly floated down.

"Alas, what an idiot. There is a barrier around the camp. He could have said something before he did that."

"Click, mwhahahahahahahaha."

Mei spoke as Ethan tied her to his backpack.

"Alas, what an asshole I almost shat myself."

Everyone complained to Ethan, and the cube stopped laughing. He felt a bit better. The cube system had a sense of humour—He could feel this was a step in the right direction. Grace stood before Ethan.

"What was that about? Explain."

"Alas, we are protected by a barrier while we camp, and we have no worries about monsters or wild beasts as we sleep."

Maple started a fire while Lara made a family bed for everyone. Ten minutes passed, and then the night sounds of the forest returned. Ethan wondered how significant and robust this barrier that surrounded them was.

"Click. It has a range of sixty-five feet in each direction and a canopy of sixty-five feet."

"Alas, thank you for the information, MDK."

"Click, my pleasure."

Sophia spoke in a tarty manner.

"Alas, Ethan still prefers us above you. We have benefits, you know."

 Ethan focused on the fire. He felt an argument had just begun on the mountain. He did love the women; they could never be replaced by a cube, no matter how awesome it was. Wendy handed Ethan a bowl of stew, and Lucy placed a plate with bread before them. He leaned back and rummaged in his bag. In his mind, He spoke to Sophia, stopping the argument.

"Alas, where did I place the spiced wine, Sophia."

"Alas, bringing special storage up on the screen. Wait, let me choose the spiced wine. It should be in your hand. We had a little word exchange with the cube. He knows his place now."

Ethan pulled the bottle of spiced wine out of his bag. He felt sorry for the cube. The ladies had given it an earful.

"Alas, mugs, please, ladies."

Ethan poured spiced wine for everyone, and the conversations became more animated as they drank the calming and warming alcoholic beverage. He had noticed that the chill breeze had stopped, and the area was warming from the fire.

"Alas, Sophia, could it be that this barrier has isolated us from everything around us, even the cold breeze."

"Click, that sharp-tongued witch would not know. Yes, you are correct. The barrier has encapsulated the area around and above your camp. You will be able to survive a nuclear explosion with no problem."

Ethan could hear an argument start up again, and he focused on Wendy as she waved her hands while talking. He had a memory surface.

Ethan sat at the edge of a camp, his fire-burned sparks shooting into the air as the wood crackled—meat and flatbread on the tiny grill. Heather sat fifteen feet away, Grimmel next to her. Laughter followed after Grimmel said something, looking back at Ethan with a eat shit expression, placing his arm around Heather's shoulders and hugging her tightly.

Ethan had received a bottle of sweet red wine from the Dryad commander for saving his subordinate's lives on the battlefield. He poured himself a generous amount from the lovely red wine bottle. Zelda and Lilly floated next to Ethan, deep in a conversation about the day's progress. Mei lay against Ethan's backpack, where she had said everything she wanted to say about Grimmel. Sophia had a few choice words about the cultivator, but none flattering. 

"Hail, Ethan, come back to us."

Ethan's eyes adjusted to the dim light, and the fire was the only light source. Wendy and Lucy danced with Maple and Grace to a tune Lara whistled. He did not know the tune, but it had a nice rhythm. Lara clapped her hands in beat with the whistling. He clapped with Lara as the silly women danced like they were at a New Year festival. He looked at the magnum bottle of spiced wine, almost halfway drained.

The evening flew by. Time passed quickly for Ethan. The now-drunk ladies moved to the bedding to sleep. Their clothes came off and were thrown on the ground in neglect. He picked up their clothing and placed it under the canopy of the leather shelter. Soft snores filled the area as the women slept.

Ethan sat against his backpack, undoing Mei's leather straps and unsheathed Ting-Ting, pulling Zelda and Lilly from his robe. He poured the last of the spiced wine into his mug.

"Alas, this feels familiar, Girls."

Ethan chatted with his weapons and Sophia till midnight, his heart heavy from longing for his home realm. Eventually, he fell asleep against his backpack. His weapons lay next to him on the ground.

Ethan could hear women talking; it was Zelda and Lucy. He felt pecks on his lips, opening his eyes. Wendy's blue eyes stared into his.

"Hail, finally awake. Breakfast is ready."

Ethan looked around the campfire; his weapons and the women were conversing.

Sophia spoke, her words echoed around him, and the woman looked his way.

"Alas, Ethan, I asked them to let you sleep till breakfast was ready to serve."

"Alas, thank you, everyone."

Ethan got up and walked into the forest.

When he returned, Wendy handed him a bowl of stew with bread and a mug of coffee.

Grace drew a map on the ground, pointing to an area near the structures carved into the mountain.

"We should hunt dire wolves in this area. According to the quest, they are more likely to be found in this area."

After breakfast, they headed north. Ethan could see a white barrier before them.

"Alas, MDK, it is time to lift the barrier."

The barrier disappeared, and a sound like steam being released filled the air. Suddenly, there was a boom, and four pillars flew into the air, disappearing into the sky.

Lara turned around, her hand pointing into the sky, and then she looked at Ethan. It looked like she wanted to make a statement. She huffed and then returned to the trail, following Grace and Wendy.

Ethan thought it strange that they had not spotted any dire wolves or Firedogs until now. Wendy knelt on one knee, and Grace was beside her.

"Ethan, come and look at this."

Ethan knelt by Grace's side. Human footprints littered the area. He could see ahead, and it looked like a clearing. He stood and pulled Lucy forward, pointing at the clearing and holding his finger to his lips.

Lucy equipped her shield, and Wendy and Grace stood behind Ethan. He took his longbow, strung it, and drew an arrow from his quiver. Grace also strung her bow, knocking an arrow. Lara and Maple pulled their knives out for self-defence.

Lucy moved cautiously forward, her ears moving as she listened for any threat. The clearing had cut grass and a circle with intricate designs inside the circle spanning the whole clearing. Dried blood could be seen on the ground inside the circle.

Suddenly, growls could be heard from the forest around them.