Chapter 27: Cultivation

The plants Zhao Xing selected were chosen with great care. The quality of the Green Vine, Fragrant Lotus, and Diamond Bamboo were classified as lower, middle, and upper second-tier, respectively. If the quality was too low, the score would be insufficient; if too high, the three-day period would be too short to earn enough points. The effectiveness also had its considerations; three days was too short for the plants, but too long for the candidates. During the assessment, they were not provided with food or drink and had to expend their own energy to cultivate the plants, which was a great test of endurance.

The Green Vine Zhao Xing chose could bear fruit after cultivation, which could satiate hunger and restore energy. Fragrant Lotus was an aquatic plant, with both the seeds and roots being edible, and since he occupied a spring, it had a significant advantage in cultivation. The first two could ensure Zhao Xing's health over the three-day period and earn him a decent rank, serving as a safety net. The upper second-tier Diamond Bamboo was used to boost his score. Cultivating an upper second-tier plant could elevate him to the top, competing for the First List. Additionally, Diamond Bamboo itself was an excellent material for deploying the "Every Tree and Bush an Enemy Soldier" technique. If anyone tried to sabotage him in the latter half of the assessment, he would have more countermeasures.

The soil in the cultivation area had been tilled but was quite dry. To absorb the earth's power, one had to dig deeper. Zhao Xing once again deployed the Rising Wind Magic Arts, connecting the wind power under his control with the cloud layer above, forming two small dragon whirlwinds as tall as a person.

"Whoosh~" The dragon whirlwinds moved along the ground, precisely deepening the furrows. "Hmm?" Wen Nanxing, who had just returned to his plot, was taken aback by the scene. "This person's control is exquisite!" The same level of Magic Arts could be executed more skillfully by some, just like some people's cloud walking was as light as a feather, while Wen Nanxing could "walk the cloud like a sword," and Xiao Ze could "walk the cloud like a tiger." Not only was the power stronger, but there were also more ingenious uses.

The mastery of skills depended entirely on individual comprehension. At this stage, Sinoong's juniors were like children just starting school; some memorized rigidly, some couldn't memorize at all, but some had already grasped the essence, achieving mastery through a comprehensive understanding. Without a doubt, Zhao Xing was the latter. Wen Nanxing watched and watched, becoming somewhat entranced.

It wasn't until Zhao Xing retracted the dragon whirlwind that he snapped back to reality. "Next year's official, this person will be my strongest competitor!" Wen Nanxing collected his thoughts and began to focus on the task at hand.

Zhao Xing was completely unaware that Wen Nanxing had already regarded him as a top competitor. What others saw as exquisite control was just basic operation for him, not worth mentioning. Only when he reached the level of the old Sinoong's 'Palm Heart Cloud' and 'Three Feet Heavenly Thunder' would it be worth mentioning.

"Why is the spring dug so deep?" The Green Vine and Diamond Bamboo seedlings were easy to plant, just bury them and it was done. But Fragrant Lotus was an aquatic plant and had to be rooted in water.

Zhao Xing ran to the spring and found it was at least 60 meters deep! Without tools, how to fetch water? You had to figure it out yourself!

"Chen Shi, you're really a sly one, coming up with ways to wear people down." Zhao Xing saw the situation and had to give up the idea of directly planting the Fragrant Lotus seeds in the spring.

Without tools, how to fetch water? Naturally, by using cloud walking to absorb it. Zhao Xing lowered the cloud, bringing the cloud layer closer to the ground. At this point, the cloud energy could begin to absorb the moisture from the spring.

Chen Shi's intention was to make the candidates take a detour to fetch water. Zhao Xing found it too slow, so he deployed the dragon whirlwind again, this time much larger. It connected the cloud layer above and the spring below. Water vapor continuously surged up, quickly filling the cloud layer.

"What a dragon absorbing water!" Chen Shi had been watching the candidates occupying the spring and found that Zhao Xing was the first to solve the water problem, and very efficiently!

"Xue Lao said he was talented, but he's simply a gem! You've taught him well!"

"I never taught him this move." Xue Wen Zhong was also surprised because he had never taught Zhao Xing this technique, at least not the skills of 'Rising Wind.'

"Could it be that just by watching my 'Three Feet Heavenly Thunder' and 'Palm Heart Cloud,' he comprehended it himself?" At this moment, Xue Wen Zhong was even more determined about a certain idea in his mind.

The autumn sun was scorching, hotter than midsummer. The clear sky made it difficult to expect rain.

Many candidates found that after cloud walking, continuing to 'Rain' had no effect at all. Magic Arts below the third turn were greatly affected by extreme weather!

Many candidates sighed in frustration.

"Without water, in such heat, even cultivating Magic Arts would be greatly hindered."

"Looks like we'll have to wait until nightfall to plant."

"Plant what? Tomorrow will be the same, plant and die!"

"Ah, lack of strength, if only I could 'Rain' at the third turn..."

"Forget it, going home, going home, waiting for the retake is better."

Not even an hour into the assessment, many candidates gave up, either because they didn't secure a plot or found that even if they did, they couldn't cultivate anything.

Just these two reasons eliminated a third of the people, with more and more withdrawing early, giving up on the assessment. After all, there was no penalty, and they couldn't turn things around, so why suffer the humiliation?

"Pitter-patter~" Rain began to fall in various parts of the cultivation area. But everyone controlled it well, not letting the water flow elsewhere, only in their own seedling areas. The examiners had long calculated that if you helped others at this time, you would inevitably be dragged down.

Moreover, those with ability didn't need help, and those without ability couldn't help even if they wanted to.

Zhao Xing divided a small cloud, only five meters in diameter and two meters high. He walked to the side of the spring, where he had dug a small pit to plant the Fragrant Lotus.

"Splash~" The small, ink-like cloud wasn't raining but pouring water!

In no time, the small pit was filled to the brim. Inside, a layer of grass ash had been spread, and with the water, the soil and grass ash mixed, forming a thick mud.

"Twenty Fragrant Lotus seeds, should be enough." Zhao Xing took out a seed bag and sowed them at intervals.

The lotus seeds were fragile and not yet suitable for 'Wild Barbarian Growth,' so Zhao Xing first used the 'Vigorous Growth' Magic Arts.

The energy flowed continuously, and after half an hour, the Fragrant Lotus seeds took root and sprouted, breaking through the soil.

"Hundred percent survival rate, phew~" Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The seedling and seed stage was the most fragile, and he couldn't afford any mistakes. But once past this period, things would improve significantly.

"First, have a drink." Zhao Xing summoned the cloud, buried his head in it, and drank deeply.

"In two more hours, once the three plants have taken root sufficiently, I can deploy Wild Barbarian Growth. But for now, there's no time to rest."

Zhao Xing looked around. The originally gray and barren cultivation area was now filled with greenery.

"To score high, you must be prepared for anything." Looking at his colleagues around him, Zhao Xing revealed a sly smile: "Sorry, but the nutrients in your soil are mine now."

(End of Chapter)