Chapter 38: River Lanterns, Honoring the Departed Souls

There is a saying: 'The Dao is achieved through methods, not reason; reaching old age with emptiness, understanding reason without methods, one can achieve ten years of merit.' Theory is also a crucial part of examination. To surpass other scholars, one must be more comprehensive. If the performance in Magic Arts is similar, then the one with superior theoretical understanding will be appointed.

Zhao Xing casually picked a book from the shelf titled 'Seventy-Two Phenomena of the Moon,' which was included in the ancient agricultural text 'Interpretation of Time Training.' The original author is untraceable, but it was recompiled by Wu Cheng during the Great Ancestor Shi period of the Great Sinoong.

"At the beginning of the month, the east wind thaws the ice; Yang energy solidifies and disperses." "In the second phase, insects begin to stir; stir, meaning movement." "In the third phase, fish rise to the surface. Rise, meaning accumulation, ascend, and Gao. Yang energy has already moved, and fish gradually swim upwards, approaching the ice."

Zhao Xing activated his Bright Eyes Night Vision and began to read carefully. The ancient agricultural sages, in pursuit of stable celestial phenomena, tried to find stable and long-lasting patterns, thus creating many theories. 'Seventy-Two Seasonal Divisions' is one such theory. It divides the year into five Suns, three phases as Qi, six Qi as Shi, and four Shi as years, totaling seventy-two phases in a year, known as 'phase responses.'

Each phase corresponds to a phenomenon, called 'phase response.' Plant phase responses include sprouting, flowering, and fruiting; animal phase responses include awakening, mating, migration, etc.; non-living phase responses include water freezing, thunder sounding, and soil moistening.

"In early February, peach blossoms; the first phase, peach blossoms; Yang energy generates, gradually flourishing." "In the second phase, the warehouse dries and sounds; the yellow crane." "In the third phase, the eagle transforms into a dove. Eagle, a type of bird. In this Shi, the eagle transforms into a dove, and by autumn, the dove transforms back into an eagle."

The 'Seventy-Two Seasonal Divisions' records many miraculous phenomena. For example, the 'eagle transforms into a dove' in early February, 'mouse transforms into a quail' in early March, and 'birds enter the water as turtles' in late September. These are changes of the Four Shi, influenced by environmental and Yuan Qi changes, leading to 'species phase changes.'

The above examples are not particularly exaggerated. The ancient version of 'Interpretation of Time Training' also records that in some places, in early April, there would be 'earth dragon transformations,' meaning centipedes would transform into large earth dragons!

In early August, the 'milk swallow transforms into a mysterious bird,' where ordinary swallows could transform into 'heavenly fate mysterious birds'! In late December, in the northern darkness, there is the 'carp transformation,' where carp would rise overnight, transforming into nine-day great cranes!

These 'phase changes' are calculated annually, with 'ten-year phase changes,' 'centennial changes,' and 'millennial phase changes.' Wu Cheng's version only records 'ten-year phase changes,' with slight mentions of centennial changes. As for the legendary 'millennial phase changes,' they were omitted.

Because even the Sinoong officials of a generation could not witness millennial phase changes, and after the establishment of the Great Zhou, Yuan Qi changes were no longer as intense, making such occurrences less likely.

Another reason was to avoid taboo. For example, 'milk swallow transforms into a mysterious bird,' 'heavenly fate mysterious bird descends and births Yin.' According to legend, the Great Ancestor of the Yin dynasty was nurtured by a heavenly fate mysterious bird. If another heavenly fate mysterious bird appeared, it might cause chaos.

"In my previous life, I witnessed the 'carp transformation' twice in the North Sea, but the specific time is unclear. As for the heavenly fate mysterious bird, I've only heard of it, never seen it personally. I wonder if there will be a chance in this life."

"However, such millennial phase changes seem absent during Emperor Jing's period, with at most centennial changes. What time and place did they occur?"

Zhao Xing thought for a while, his memory somewhat vague, only vaguely remembering it seemed related to certain events.

"People come to the earth to prosper, yellow earth transforms into true gold." "In the Five Elements, earth is noble, not contending with fire for fame."

Zhao Xing read 'Theory of Five Elements and Four Seasons,' another classic work, which unified the Five Elements with the Four Shi, forming a systematic theory of self-contained explanations.

"The Five Elements paired with heavenly stems and earthly branches are well-matched, but pairing with the Four Shi truly troubled the agricultural sages and also made the agricultural examinees suffer."

Zhao Xing couldn't help but laugh while reading this book. He had taken many exams on the Theory of Five Elements and Four Seasons before. The official Sinoong's 'Seasonal Order' must understand the principles of the Five Elements and Yin Yang; otherwise, the issued seasonal Qi and changes would be disorderly.

"Currently, the most popular is the 'earth prospers in Ji Xia theory,' Spring wood, Xia fire, Ji Xia earth, Qiu gold, Winter water."

"This system's Five Elements pairing with months is still imperfect, with insufficient time corresponding to fire and earth, and the theory of the Five Elements being in equal positions cannot be self-contained."

"But let's take it step by step, see what questions arise, and then make plans," Zhao Xing thought.

He understood many perfected theories from later generations, but the version was too advanced, not necessarily applicable now. As a county-level official, writing something groundbreaking might cause a great stir at the Shi Temple, being too high-profile might not be a good thing, so it's better to proceed cautiously.

After a night of diligent reading, Zhao Xing finally put down the book when the golden rooster crowed. Looking at the board, there was already a string of records.

[You read books in the dark night, Bright Eyes Magic Arts proficiency +2]

[You read books in the dark night, Bright Eyes Magic Arts proficiency +3]

[You read books in the dark night...]

Bright Eyes Magic Arts is easy to practice, with proficiency growth almost calculated by the minute. Diligent reading without knowing the passage of time, Zhao Xing focused on 'Bright Eyes' Magic Arts, quickly achieving noticeable results. After one night, Bright Eyes Magic Arts had already broken through to Four Turns.

Bright Eyes Night Vision, night vision is just the entry-level effect of Bright Eyes. To achieve the effect of 'Bright Eyes Night Vision seeing ghosts and gods,' Four Turns is still insufficient.

"Looks like I need to take a shortcut," Zhao Xing said as he left the house, running to the market's pharmacy to buy a bunch of mugwort leaves and a box of premium tung oil. He also purchased 'yellow paper,' 'bright sand,' 'heavenly heart grass,' and other items.

After a wave of purchases, he returned home.

"The rapid Cheng Zhi Method of Bright Eyes, I should not have remembered it wrong. I wonder which ruthless player summarized it."

Zhao Xing muttered, lighting a mixture of mugwort leaves, bright sand, and heavenly heart grass. A column of smoke rose, concentrated and not dispersing.

Zhao Xing leaned into the smoke, starting to fumigate his eyes.


The smoke was not choking, but rather had a faint fragrance, yet it truly stung the eyes!

After a while, Zhao Xing felt a spicy sensation, enduring it for a while before having to move away. He then applied tung oil on his eyelids, feeling a cool sensation, which was much more bearable.

[Bright Eyes Night Vision Magic Arts proficiency +20]

[Bright Eyes Night Vision Magic Arts proficiency +30]

The effort was not in vain, as Magic Arts proficiency began to jump.

Zhao Xing followed the above operations, starting to practice repeatedly. Every day, besides going to the Department of Agriculture to cultivate the Tian Shi Earth Advantage nurturing Magic Arts, he would spend time at night focusing on Bright Eyes Magic Arts.

Finally, before the twenty-second Sun of August, Zhao Xing had cultivated Bright Eyes Magic Arts to the Nine Turns level.

"Tomorrow is the end of summer solar term, releasing river lanterns, honoring the departed souls. I wonder if I can gain some benefits."

(End of this chapter)