Chapter 61: The Fruit That Fell from the Sky

The Three Golden Plants of Gang Bamboo matured quickly and were soon cut down. Zhao Xing began patiently crafting the Great Strength Scarecrow. Since failing the assessment by Zong Shichang, he hadn't slacked off in his Scarecrow Technique, dedicating significant time to practice. Every day, he would craft two to three scarecrows in the courtyard of Xue Wen. Among them, the Great Strength Scarecrow progressed the fastest because Zhao Xing found it particularly useful. Not only for fighting, but also for moving bricks or plowing fields, the Great Strength Scarecrow was his first choice.

Currently, Zhao Xing's five types of Scarecrow Techniques were at different levels: the Repeating Scarecrow was at six turns, the Twisting Scarecrow at five turns, the Divine Scarecrow at three turns, and the Thorn Scarecrow only at two turns. However, the Great Strength Scarecrow had already reached the seventh turn!

"The Three Golden Plants of Gang Bamboo can probably make 15 Great Strength Gold Gangs. But since it's been over two months, I might as well plant them again," Zhao Xing mused.

"The green vines are sufficient. Three Stems of green vine can make forty to fifty Twisting Scarecrows," he continued, taking out more seedlings of the Three Golden Plants from the Wenzhu Box and planting them. He then performed the Cloud Rain technique to promote robust growth.

The land of East Lake Mountain was quite fertile. Even after planting once, Zhao Xing estimated that these seedlings would mature in four to five months. After setting up a protective barrier under the cliff, Zhao Xing focused on crafting scarecrows.

[You have crafted a Great Strength Scarecrow, proficiency +5]

[Great Strength Scarecrow]

[Proficiency: 7201/9999]

[Effect: Indestructible, immense strength.]

[You have crafted a Great Strength Scarecrow, proficiency +8]

[Great Strength Scarecrow]

[Proficiency: 7209/9999]

[Effect: Indestructible, immense strength.]

The Scarecrow Technique was difficult to master. After reaching the seventh turn with the Great Strength Scarecrow, it no longer provided proficiency for the "Every Tree and Bush an Enemy Soldier" technique. Even using Diamond Bamboo materials, the proficiency gained was minimal.

Zhao Xing's understanding of Magic Arts had entered a plateau. To fully master the Great Strength Scarecrow in a short time, he needed better materials.

"Go hide outside," he instructed. After crafting four Great Strength Gold Gangs, Zhao Xing had them crouch in the soil nearby as hidden sentinels. He then crafted two five-turn scarecrows from green vines and hid them in the trees, blending with the environment.

With defenses in place, Zhao Xing focused more intently on crafting scarecrows. Time slipped by unnoticed as he concentrated.

Reaching behind him, Zhao Xing found nothing. He realized he had used up all his materials.

"Phew~" Zhao Xing exhaled deeply, stood up, and rubbed his eyes. "Spent an entire day, but finally completed fifteen Great Strength Gold Gangs."

Slow work yields fine craftsmanship. These fifteen Great Strength Gold Gangs were exceptionally well-made, each possessing a divine aura.

"Ah, what a relief," Zhao Xing said, plucking a ripe green vine fruit to satiate his hunger, lying on the vine and gazing at the sky. Tianyuan Pears should be eaten at the right time; eating them now would be a waste.

"I wonder if Ziyu and Qian Winter have entered the mountain. I didn't see them this morning. Martial Division's Shen Zhui is at Gathering Essence stage seven. He's well-connected and even invited companions, so there shouldn't be any issues," Zhao Xing thought, his mind wandering to his friends.

"I wonder if that Young Master has left the mountain. Hmm? What is he up to? Could it be that he's really soft-hearted after receiving gifts?" Zhao Xing pondered, turning to look at the distant mountain peaks.

Suddenly, a black dot appeared on the horizon, catching Zhao Xing's attention. Activating his Bright Eyes Magic Arts, Zhao Xing looked into the distance.

He saw someone riding a bamboo horse, leaping across the mountain peaks, holding a long spear and wearing iron armor, appearing quite heroic.

"Hmm? Bamboo Horse leaping over peaks, riding through the air, who is this expert?" Zhao Xing wondered.

"What is he doing, jumping back and forth?" Zhao Xing watched in confusion. The rider leapt back and forth across the peaks three or four times. In mid-air, the rider even stood on the horse's back, looking around as if searching for something.

"Is he collecting spiritual treasures?" Zhao Xing speculated.

"I wonder what he found," Zhao Xing mused. Mountain spiritual treasures could be a tree, an object, even a clump of yellow soil, or a cloud.

Zhao Xing's eyes sparkled as he watched the sky, but he found nothing unusual.

"Too far away to sense anything," he concluded, withdrawing his gaze.

In the mountains, spiritual treasures are classified into three grades: upper, middle, and lower. The higher the grade, the more elusive they are, often difficult to identify.

To defeat a warrior invited by Zong Shichang at the eighth stage of Gathering Essence, this person's strength might already be at the ninth stage. Better to observe from a distance.

As dusk approached, the newly planted Three Golden Plants of Gang Bamboo were nearing maturity.

"The wild growth's destructive power is still too great. Even with East Lake Mountain's abundant essence, replanting in the same spot slows growth significantly," Zhao Xing noted.

"Fortunately, they're almost mature. Once they're ready, I'll craft the scarecrows and move to a new location. Tonight, I'll rest well and recover my essence, climbing again tomorrow," he decided, patiently waiting for the Diamond Bamboo to mature.


"Rustle~" The branches of the Diamond Bamboo shook, and the rustling of bamboo leaves reached his ears, as if something had fallen.

"Could it be? Something fell again?" Zhao Xing was on alert, but the next moment he realized it wasn't anything significant. At least, it wasn't a person.

"Maybe a rock fell from the cliff?" Zhao Xing approached the Diamond Bamboo, following the sound.

He saw a fist-sized, reddish fruit caught on a branch of the Diamond Bamboo.

"Thump~ Thump~" Upon seeing the fruit, Zhao Xing's heart began to race uncontrollably. His blood surged!

It was the sensation of encountering a spiritual treasure!

"Damn, did a spiritual treasure fall from the sky? This fruit is actually a condensed mountain spiritual treasure?" Zhao Xing exclaimed, moving closer.

"Rustle~ Rustle~" Two more sounds followed.

Two more Zhu Fruits fell at Zhao Xing's feet. One was only fist-sized, while the other was as large as a baby's head!

"..." Staring at the three Zhu Fruits before him, Zhao Xing was momentarily stunned.

Judging by the sensation, these three Zhu Fruits were at least lower-grade spiritual treasures, and the largest one might even be middle-grade.

"Is the Yan Level Two's aura this strong? I haven't even climbed the mountain, yet I can pick up spiritual treasures at the foot?" Zhao Xing's heart couldn't stop pounding. The fragrance from the fruits alone invigorated him, restoring half of the essence he had expended crafting scarecrows.

"Thank you, great nature, for this gift," Zhao Xing laughed, unable to contain his joy, bending down to pick up the Zhu Fruits.

However, just at that moment, the Evil Dispelling Almanac in his mind suddenly flipped a page.

Simultaneously, a gentle female voice came from the other side of the creek.

"Brother, so you were here. I've been looking for you so hard~"

(End of Chapter)