Report (2)

The person continued to write the report quickly following Fia's words, then the moment arrived, the demon.

Fia began describing what the demon looked like, skin and bones, dark red eyes etc.

The man's face darkened when he heard "demon", but he didn't say anything.

Fia explained that two died against the demon (actually it's an excuse to hide the fact that she killed them, for a moment Maxwell's face was even about to betray Fia, who turned slightly and winked.)

He also said the demon was a demon of the black snake clan.

Hearing the clan's reputation, the man stopped writing, raised his head to Fia and said: "Are you sure? Are you really sure? Do you know that this report will go to your superiors, right?" The man's voice was hoarse and serious.

Fia who had her hands on her legs simply moved her head slightly in approval. Fia was aware of the power of that word after all it was one of the 5 main clans of demons.

The demons are divided into 5 clans which are.

The strongest is the black dragon clan an extremely dangerous and warlike clan but also fearsome.

Then there is the black sickness clan, a clan specialized in creating unique poisons that can kill up to an SS grade.

Then there is the black fire clan, specialized in forging demonic weapons.

The black snake clan, a clan that contains many warriors but still remains weaker than the black dragon clan.

Then there is the last one the dark magician clan, a clan expert in the use of demonic magic.

The report continued smoothly, Fia to justify the archetypal fusion said that she had a half unlock (which was also the truth). Obviously she knew what it meant.

The half unlock is nothing more than the eye seal that breaks in part and then you receive a bonus.

Each seal has its own unlocking method and its own name.

The first seal is called [Seal near death] the name already says a lot, to unlock the first seal you have to be close to death, this is because the closer you are to death the stronger you become it is a method of strengthening.

The second seal is called [Seal of the impossible] it basically consists of overcoming a mission impossible for the current you, and coming out alive.

The third seal is called [Seal of breaking the limit] this seal consists of overcoming your own limit, not by a little but by a lot, this is because every being has no limits and this serves to unlock it.

The fourth seal? Well, it is not known what he does, because no one has ever unlocked it, so no one since they did not have the last seal (which is the one that reveals the positions) has ever started to seriously search for the treasure of the first hunter.

While the person was writing Fia took a sip of the coffee that was on the porcelain cup decorated with symbols.

It was Maxwell's turn, he also reported more or less the same things as Fia, he also mentioned the distribution of one of his weapons which will then be reimbursed.

The report continued for a while, the man with the cold eyes repeats several times what they had said to avoid that they had forgotten something.

But they did not add anything, the man stood up and shook hands with the three, Maxwell was the first.

When Fia shook the man's hand I noticed something strange. 'It's cold' she thought touching the hand, and despite everything the hand did not warm up, was he sick? She did not know.

After leaving, the three went out, but first they had to tell one of the people in the vest the names of the dead people so as to compensate the families.

"I'm sorry but this person has no family" The man in the vest who was taking the names as soon as he heard the name started looking for the walls, but he found one without relatives, this is a bad blow indeed, because no one will be able to cry for his death.

After reporting the names, the three went up on a teleportation circle and ended up literally in front of the structure, so it meant that they were where the common entrance was.

The structure was so big that it made a lot of shadow and the shadow itself extended for kilometers.

The three went on their own, Fia was heading towards the Heodgdw library, she wanted to do some research.