A girl born unlucky(3)

(A/N: Attention! This chapter contains sensitive content, you have been spotted, and good continuation of reading -Jalter_astaroth)

Before Sally continues her backstory, Fia stops her for a moment.

"Wait a minute, why did you say that you would regret your curiosity?"

At that moment Sally's face became a little dark, she lightly touched her dirty white hair, looked up slightly at Fia, and not a little sadly said: "That day, it changed my life."

Fia's face changed into a HUH?! She didn't expect such an answer, well more or less, she expected a particular answer, but not one like that, swallowing a little saliva, she started listening to Sally talking about her story again.

That day, Sally was exploring the southern areas of the Southern neighborhood, as much as she wanted to avoid it, it was the only part left.

The Southern buildings, of that neighborhood, were literally falling to pieces, in fact many homes were slightly destroyed, left like that, without even moving the rubble.

But this thing didn't stop at the buildings, no absolutely not, even the streets, the streets were completely gray, in some places even green, not to mention several holes in the streets, not only that, some points of the streets were weaker than other points, and so they collapsed creating holes.

In addition to this, the southern area of ​​that neighborhood was also the worst area, in addition to the fact that there were some clubs a bit eh... You get the idea. But also because if you made a false step, gangs would come at you en masse.

The main gangs were. The black dogs, and the purple snakes, if you met a person with a mark or a purple dog or snake, you only had two options.

The first was to pray for your life, if you were lucky they would leave you, if not, they would torture you, they would cut your stomach open while you were conscious and with nothing, and then they would kill you, but in a slow and extremely painful way.

The second option was to run as fast as you can, and get out of their territory, and that's what Sally did.

On her "trip" in those parts, she almost gave up.

During the exhibition of a destroyed building, with only a few walls intact, Sally accidentally put her foot on a pebble and slipped.

At that moment, however, when she falls she notices an opening in the rubble, it seemed to lead somewhere, driven by curiosity Sally arranges her rags, and crawls inside.

As she passed under the rubble, a slightly heavy air spread in the air, it smelled of death, but Sally did not know it. Immediately after coming out of the rubble, she turns her head slightly, and feels sick.

There was a person, a real person and the person Well... He was not doing well.

His face was half destroyed, next to the face there was an eyeball, the veins seemed to still beat, in addition to the half destroyed part of the face, worms were eating away at the body and the flesh.

The right arm was completely detached, and the bone destroyed, the left shoulder was retracted.

The elegant black tuxedo was covered in blood now congealed, moreover it was slightly unbuttoned, revealing a completely open chest, and also an open rib cage.

The stomach was visible it was covered in blood, in the rib cage you could see the bones of the chest destroyed or stuck somewhere, one of the lungs destroyed with a bone stuck in it, and also a heart stuck in it.

Seeing the scene Sally, bent forward, unable to handle the vomit anymore, she threw everything up, a yellowish liquid ended up on the unclean floor, merging with the blood itself forming a disgusting dance.

After repressing Sally, she wanted to leave, but she noticed something strange in the detached eyeball, it was pulsating slightly, it seemed alive, Sally bravely took it, at that moment the eye disappeared and a screen never seen before appeared.

[Activating the hunter's eyes in progress...]

[Activation completed, loading status.]

[Name and surname: None.

Rank: C.

Title: Girl born unlucky.

Archetype held: None

Strength apex level: C

Magic apex level: 0

Class: Assassin

Skill: Shadow move, High speed, Shadow control, Spider web threads, Soundproof movement, HP regeneration(Low), Instant shadow shift, Pain reduction, Quick reflexes, Trap perception.]

[Attention! There is an archetype that wants to bargain with you, do you accept?]

Sally did not know what to do, she accidentally said yes.

[Contract Successful!]

[Archetype Name: Xia the Silent Assassin

Archetype Rank: A

Description: The greatest assassin in the East, she has never been captured, agile as a cat, she is able to kill without making any noise, it is said that she also helped in a great war.]

[Abilities Obtained: Vampirism (Low) Holy Force (low)]

Sally was confused extremely confused, and scared.

She had never seen anything like it, without her control another screen appeared.

[Title Name: Girl born unlucky

Rarity: F

Description: You were born unlucky, the gods played a trick on you, bad luck will haunt you.]

She didn't know the meaning of those words, since she couldn't read well, but she felt that it was a bad omen.

I quickly left that room and returned to the East district.

The next day the noblewoman returned, this time she was wearing a gothic black dress that matched her wine red hair, she had light makeup on her lips and eyes.

"Well?" The woman asked, her tone was kind, "Found anything?"

Sally hesitated at that moment, she didn't want to say it, but she had no other choice. "Your husband, he died, I found his body."

At that moment, the woman's kind face changed to a dark and sad face, a light tear from her sweet face.

"Thank you" He said suddenly, shortly after he gestured to the elderly coachman, opened the carriage and took out a bag.

The elderly coachman handed the bag to Sally, said close to her ear: "Thank you, thank you, the lady was restless, she hadn't slept for 4 nights, you gave her peace, thank you." The old coachman's voice sounded calm but at the same time happy.

After the lady stopped crying she climbed into the carriage, and the old coachman put on his cap again, companion of a thousand adventures probably, and spurred the horses.

After they drove away, Sally, opened the bag, and inside she found something that made her jaw drop.