The Forbidden Proposition

The air was thick with the promise of rain as Mahnoor made her way through the narrow street, her heels clicking against the uneven pavement. The wind tugged at her long hair, teasing strands across her sharp, pretty face. She was still riding the high from earlier, the thrill of manipulating the older client into giving her more than she deserved. The cold satisfaction hummed inside her, an addictive rush she had come to savor. But there was something else tonight, something unfamiliar. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, that she wasn't alone.

She had felt it back there, just a hint of something predatory. But Mahnoor wasn't easily rattled. If there was one thing she prided herself on, it was her control. Her ability to twist others before they could even think of crossing her. No one owned her.

She moved through the deserted street, her thoughts already shifting toward her next move when she felt it—a tap on her shoulder.

Mahnoor whirled around, her eyes narrowing as they locked onto the man standing behind her. He was tall—very tall—towering over her with a body that looked like it was carved out of stone. His messy hair fell in loose waves over his forehead, and his sharp, ordinary features carried an unsettling edge. The streetlight above cast a faint glow on him, highlighting the glint of a silver eyebrow stud that only added to the wildness in his appearance.

"Yes?" she asked, her voice cutting through the tension with her usual sharpness.

Before she could fully register the situation, the man stepped forward, a smirk tugging at his lips as he pushed her back against the nearest wall with a smooth, deliberate motion. His body blocked hers, leaning into her personal space, his scent—a mix of musk and something darker—invading her senses.

He leaned in close, his lips hovering dangerously near her ear, his breath warm against her skin. "Wanna mate?" His voice was low, almost a growl, laced with a dangerous amusement.

The word mate sent a jolt of recognition through her. Not many used that term. Humans, at least, didn't. It was a word spoken by the snake people—the Naga. Her mind whirred, calculating, analyzing. Her heart beat faster, not from fear, but from something else. Curiosity. Thrill.

She lifted her chin, her eyes cold but inquisitive as they met his. "Are you a snake?" she asked, her tone laced with an edge of challenge.

The man didn't respond immediately. Instead, his gaze darkened, and in the dim light, his eyes shifted, the pupils narrowing into slits before quickly changing back into their human roundness. The transformation was subtle but unmistakable.

Mahnoor raised an eyebrow, her expression hard to read. She wasn't startled or afraid. If anything, she seemed mildly intrigued.

"Well…" she began, her voice calm, "are you a royal or a peasant?"

His smirk widened, a flash of amusement in his sharp gaze. "Whichever I may be," he said, his voice dripping with arrogant confidence, "rest assured, I'm royalty where it matters—" he paused for effect, leaning closer, his lips almost brushing hers, "in bed."

Mahnoor's lips twitched, almost forming a smirk, but she kept her composure. "I have standards," she said coolly, her eyes narrowing as she sized him up. "No matter what the species."

His response was swift. With a single, fluid motion, he unbuttoned his shirt just enough to reveal his broad chest. There, etched into his skin, was a royal marking—intricate patterns coiling around his muscles, symbols only a Naga prince would bear. It was unmistakable, a sign of his royal bloodline.

"I'm the Naag Raja's youngest son," he said, his voice a deep rumble. "Prince Rudra."

Mahnoor's expression remained unreadable, though a flicker of surprise danced in her eyes for a brief moment. "Mmm, okay," she replied, her tone still measured, as though she was considering the weight of his words. In truth, she was. A Naga prince wasn't just anyone. She had grown up hearing stories about them, about their power, their ruthlessness, and the danger that came with being anywhere near them.

But danger had always been her secret obsession.

Rudra's eyes gleamed with a mix of desire and something darker. He leaned in closer, so close that Mahnoor could feel the heat radiating from his body. His hand braced against the wall next to her head, trapping her between him and the cold stone. "Long ago," he began, his voice dropping to a whisper, "a snake dared to do what I want to do." His eyes flickered with mischief. "He took a human as his mate. You know how that ended."

Mahnoor's lips curved slightly, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "He was skinned alive, reduced to nothingness, and the human female… well, she didn't make it either."

Rudra's grin widened, impressed by her knowledge. "Exactly. But that was 400 years ago. Times change." He paused, his eyes roaming over her face, drinking in her sharp beauty. "I'm not here to follow old rules. I'm here for the thrill. And if we do this, it stays between us. No one can know."

Mahnoor tilted her head, her eyes flashing with cold amusement. "Who doesn't know that story?" she said lightly, her voice teasing. "Okay, secret."

He chuckled, his gaze burning into hers. "I know a place," he whispered, his tone dark with anticipation.

Mahnoor raised an eyebrow, her curiosity finally peaking. "Aren't you tempted to bite me?"

Rudra's lips brushed the shell of her ear as he leaned even closer, his breath hot against her skin. "Mahnoor," he murmured, his voice dropping to a growl, "Crown Prince Rudra is, at this moment, very much tempted to fuck you."

He pressed his body harder against hers, his gaze searing into her. "Hard."

The raw hunger in his words sent a shiver down her spine, but Mahnoor didn't flinch. She met his gaze with equal intensity, her eyes dancing with dangerous curiosity. She could feel his power, the raw animalistic desire he radiated, and yet it didn't frighten her. If anything, it excited her in a way nothing else had.

She smiled then, a slow, wicked smile. "Well," she said softly, her voice laced with seductive danger, "I suppose we'll have to see if your bite lives up to the hype."

Rudra's eyes darkened further, a feral grin spreading across his face.

The game had begun.

And neither of them would emerge from it unchanged.