The Serpent’s Claim (2)

The chamber's heavy air thickened further, the warmth of their shared desire lingering like smoke in the golden light. Mahnoor lay beneath Rudra, her body trembling from the intensity of their union, her skin still flushed with the aftershocks of pleasure. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath uneven as she tried to gather herself, to make sense of the whirlwind that had overtaken her.

But Rudra wasn't finished—not by a long shot.

As Mahnoor's pulse began to steady, Rudra lifted his head, his dark eyes gleaming with a new intensity. There was something raw and dangerous in his gaze, something far deeper than human lust. His body, still taut with unspent energy, vibrated with a primal hunger, and Mahnoor could feel the shift in the air around them—thick with tension, thick with the power he held back.

He hovered over her for a moment longer, his breath warm against her flushed skin, before slowly pulling himself away, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. But that look in his eyes—it was unmistakable. It wasn't over. This wasn't enough for him. The hunger that drove him, the ancient, animalistic need buried deep within him, had only just begun to surface.

Mahnoor shivered beneath his gaze, feeling the primal intensity rolling off him in waves. She could see it—the part of him that wasn't human. The part of him that wasn't just a man, but a serpent—a beast born from ancient power, something wild and untamed, something that demanded to be fed.

"I gave you your pleasure in human form," Rudra murmured, his voice low and dark, vibrating with raw need. His breath ghosted over her skin, sending shivers racing down her spine. "Now… it's time for mine."

Mahnoor's eyes widened as she realized what he meant, her breath catching in her throat. Before she could react, Rudra's body began to shift, his muscles tensing as he pulled away from her, the transformation beginning once again. His skin shimmered with a faint silver sheen, his eyes narrowing into sharp slits as his features twisted, his form elongating.

The shift was smooth, fluid, as his legs merged together into a long, powerful tail. His arms remained human for a moment longer, but his torso stretched and bulked, the faint glimmer of scales appearing along his sides. His body shimmered, dark silver and black, his serpent form growing larger with each passing second.

Mahnoor felt the bed shift beneath her as his weight increased, his body expanding. He grew, coiling around her slowly, deliberately, his massive form encircling her like an unbreakable chain. The sound of his scales sliding against the floor sent a shiver through her, the soft hiss that escaped his lips making her pulse quicken in both fear and excitement.

She tried to move, to sit up, but Rudra's coils tightened around her, gently but firmly, keeping her in place. His eyes, now fully serpentine, gleamed with a dark, possessive hunger as he watched her, his mouth curling into a wicked smile.

"I want you… in my true form," he hissed, his voice deep and rumbling with lust.

Mahnoor's breath caught in her throat as she stared up at him, her heart racing. The sight of him, fully transformed, should have terrified her. His massive body, his sleek, shimmering scales, the sheer power he exuded—it was all too much, too dangerous. And yet… her body responded with a flicker of desire, a reckless thrill that burned through her exhaustion.

He coiled tighter around her, his body positioning her in a way that was strangely familiar yet foreign. She realized with a start that he was mimicking the way a female snake would be positioned during mating, his body curling around hers in a possessive embrace. He tilted her hips upward slightly, forcing her into a submissive posture, her body pressed tightly against his thick, muscular coils.

"Rudra…" Mahnoor gasped, her fingers digging into the smooth, cool surface of his scales as he shifted around her, pressing her firmly into place. She was pinned beneath him, surrounded by him, unable to escape even if she had wanted to.

His body was massive now, far larger than before, his serpent form towering over her. But as she had requested earlier, he kept a part of him human—just enough for her to hold on to. His upper body remained muscular and humanoid, his arms still capable of pulling her closer, holding her against his chest, while his lower half coiled around her possessively.

Mahnoor's breath hitched as she felt the shift in his body, the way he positioned himself above her, his chest pressing against hers. But it was more than just the way he coiled around her—it was the sensation of him against her, growing larger, harder. As his massive form shifted, Mahnoor realized that every part of him had expanded—including the part of him that was about to enter her again.

Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a sharp breath as she felt the pressure between her thighs, the thick, solid weight of him pressing insistently against her entrance. His size had increased dramatically, his serpent form demanding more from her than she thought possible.

"Rudra…" she whispered, her voice breathless, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

But Rudra only grinned down at her, his sharp eyes gleaming with lust. "Hold on to me," he growled, his voice rough with desire.

And with that, he thrust into her, slow and deliberate, forcing her body to stretch around him. Mahnoor gasped, her back arching as the sensation overwhelmed her, her fingers clutching desperately at his scales. He was impossibly large now, filling her in ways that were almost too much to bear, the pressure intense, the pleasure mingling with the slightest edge of pain.

Rudra's body coiled tighter around hers as he began to move, his hips rocking against hers in a steady, relentless rhythm. His tail tightened, pressing her thighs apart as he thrust deeper, his massive form encircling her completely. She was trapped beneath him, her body forced to respond to his every movement, her breath coming in ragged gasps as he drove her higher and higher into a state of uncontrollable desire.

Her moans filled the chamber, her body writhing against his as he continued to take her in the way of his kind—the way of the serpent. His every movement was deliberate, his body sliding against hers with a smooth, sinuous grace, each thrust deeper than the last, pushing her closer and closer to the brink.

Mahnoor's fingers dug into his scales as she tried to hold on, her body trembling from the intensity of the sensations coursing through her. She had wanted to hold him, to feel his human form—but this… this was something else entirely. This was the power of a serpent prince, a force of nature, primal and unstoppable.

Rudra hissed softly in her ear, his tongue flicking against her skin as his body coiled tighter, his movements growing faster, more intense. His hips slammed against hers with a raw, animalistic force, driving her higher, harder, pushing her to the very edge of pleasure.

Mahnoor's breath came in shallow, ragged gasps, her body shaking as he continued to thrust into her, his serpent body tightening around her like a living cage. She could feel the pressure building within her again, the overwhelming sensation of pleasure threatening to consume her completely.

Rudra growled low in his throat, his movements becoming more urgent, more primal. His body pressed against hers, his tail coiling tighter, and with a final, deep thrust, he drove her over the edge, sending her spiraling into a mindless state of ecstasy.

Mahnoor cried out, her body convulsing beneath him, her mind lost in the overwhelming pleasure that tore through her. She was completely his, claimed by the serpent prince in both human and animal form, her body and soul bound to him in a way that defied reason.

And as Rudra continued to move above her, his body coiling and tightening, she realized that this was only the beginning.