The Wrath of the Serpent Prince

Mahnoor lay in a haze, her body still trembling from the shock and fury that had driven her to tear Rudra apart. The adrenaline was slowly fading, leaving behind a dull ache in her muscles and a heavy weight in her chest. She felt strangely empty now, her mind still trying to process what she had done. The room was silent except for the soft rustle of feathers beneath her, the air thick with the aftermath of violence.

She let out a slow breath, her mind clouded with exhaustion, thinking she had finally rid herself of the serpent prince who had dared to claim her as his mate. She would leave this place, go back to her world, and forget this strange, forbidden encounter. Maybe it was a dream, maybe it wasn't. Either way, she would move on, free from the shackles of Rudra's control.

But just as her body began to relax, she felt a subtle shift beside her.

Her heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat.

No… it couldn't be.

She froze, her eyes wide as she glanced over at the lifeless remains of Rudra's serpent body. And then, to her horror, she saw it—movement. The two torn halves of the snake began to twitch, slowly pulling themselves toward one another. Mahnoor's mind raced, her pulse quickening as she watched in disbelief. The severed body of the serpent prince was moving, as if something dark and ancient was pulling it back together.

The two halves merged with a sickening slithering sound, the torn flesh knitting itself back together, the scales smoothing over as if the violent death she had inflicted on him never happened. Within seconds, the snake was whole again, his form coiling and stretching as he regained his strength.

Mahnoor bolted upright, her body rigid with fear. Her heart hammered in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps.

This can't be real! I killed him!

But the truth was undeniable. Rudra had reformed before her very eyes, whole and unharmed. He slithered upright, his small snake body expanding and stretching until, once again, he transformed into his towering human form, his body naked and imposing as he glared down at her with burning, furious eyes.

Mahnoor's blood ran cold.

Rudra's face twisted in rage, his sharp features contorting into something dark and menacing. His chest heaved with anger, his silver eyebrow stud glinting dangerously under the dim light of the chamber. His messy hair hung over his forehead, but it did nothing to hide the hatred blazing in his eyes.

"Did you really think you could kill me, Mahnoor?" he spat, his voice low and dangerous, vibrating with fury. "You thought you could tear apart royal blood? You're nothing more than a human, a weak, mortal human. And you—" he pointed at her accusingly, his hand trembling with barely contained rage "—you think you're all cool, don't you? You think you can just end me?"

Mahnoor's heart pounded in her ears as Rudra stepped closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over her trembling form. She tried to scoot back, but her body was frozen with fear, her limbs heavy and unresponsive. She had never seen him like this—so filled with rage, so utterly monstrous.

"I—" she stammered, but the words stuck in her throat, her voice choking under the weight of his fury.

Rudra let out a bitter, mocking laugh, the sound dripping with malice. "You fucking slave," he hissed, leaning over her, his face inches from hers. His breath was hot against her skin, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "You thought you could kill me? A royal? No human can kill royal blood, you ignorant little fool."

He grabbed her by the wrists, his grip painfully tight, and pinned her against the feathered bed with a force that made her gasp. His body loomed over hers, radiating heat and power, his muscles tense with barely controlled violence. Mahnoor's mind raced, her pulse hammering in her throat as she struggled against his iron grip, but it was useless—he was far too strong.

"You are my mate," he growled, his voice a dangerous rumble in his chest. "For life. Do you understand that? I claimed you, and now you belong to me. You're not free, Mahnoor. You're my slave. Forever."

Her eyes widened in horror, the weight of his words crashing down on her like a tidal wave. "No… no, I'm not…" she gasped, her voice barely a whisper as she tried to pull away from him, but his grip only tightened.

Rudra leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke, his voice low and venomous. "And guess what, Mahnoor?" he hissed. "Royal blood doesn't die until we're 200 years old. And I'm only 37."

He pulled back just enough to meet her eyes, a cruel smile curling at the edges of his lips. "That means I've got a long, long time to mess you up, to break you, over and over again. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Mahnoor's blood turned to ice, her stomach churning with fear and disbelief. She tried to shake her head, to deny the truth of his words, but deep down, she knew he was right. The power that coursed through his veins was something ancient, something far beyond the realm of human understanding.

And now, she was bound to it.

Rudra's grip on her wrists loosened slightly, but only so he could pin her down more securely, his body pressing against hers with a dangerous intensity. His eyes bore into hers, filled with a mixture of anger and twisted desire.

"You tried to kill me, Mahnoor," he said, his voice dark and taunting. "And now, I'm going to punish you for that."

Mahnoor gasped as Rudra's hands moved down her body, his fingers digging into her skin with a possessive force that made her wince. He wasn't gentle anymore—there was no trace of the seductive, playful serpent prince she had met earlier. This was something else entirely, something primal and violent, a beast unleashed.

"I'm going to break you, Mahnoor," he whispered, his lips brushing against her neck as he spoke, his voice sending shivers down her spine. "Again, and again, and again, until you realize that you belong to me. And no one, no human, can change that."

Mahnoor struggled beneath him, her body trembling with fear as she tried to push him away, but it was futile. He was too strong, too powerful. And now, he was angry—angrier than she had ever seen him.

Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind reeling as Rudra's hands roamed her body, his grip unrelenting, his touch filled with a cruel, possessive force. She gasped, tears welling up in her eyes as the reality of her situation hit her like a freight train. She was trapped, bound to this serpent prince for life, a life that could stretch for centuries under his rule.

And he wasn't going to let her forget it.

"Welcome to your new life, slave," Rudra whispered, his voice dripping with malice as he pressed his lips to her skin. "It's going to be a long one."

Mahnoor's body shook with fear as Rudra's grip tightened on her, the weight of his dominance suffocating her. She could feel the heat of his rage, the raw power that radiated from him, and she knew—this was only the beginning.