Chapter 1 The flow of fate has changed


"Kabuto, happy birthday."

Natsume placed a small, palm-sized cake in front of the young boy. "The director is very busy and can't see you right now. She asked me to apologize on her behalf."

"Thanks," Kabuto Yakushi replied, adjusting his glasses. His calm demeanor was far beyond his years. "There was a riot in Konoha recently, and many people were affected. It's only natural that she'd be busy, given she's a medical-nin."


Natsume sat across from Kabuto, his gaze drifting to the boy's white hair. His thoughts wandered. White hair and a reserved personality... people love that combination in fan circles. If Kabuto were a girl, he'd probably have thousands of fans by now.

Shaking off those strange musings, Natsume returned to the present.

"How old are you now? Seven?" he asked.

"Yeah," Kabuto mumbled through a bite of cake.

Natsume rolled his eyes slightly, running mental calculations. At this age, Kabuto probably meets Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru soon. He's noticed for his remarkable medical talents and quickly trained as a spy-nin.

But things had changed.

Natsume, having been reincarnated into this world, had spent the last three years warning Kabuto to keep his talents hidden. The flow of fate has shifted... so where's my reward?

Natsume glanced at his wrist, where only he could see the Holy Ring of Destiny, an artifact that allowed him to alter key turning points in the lives of others.

Like Kabuto, he thought. His first major turning point should've been meeting Danzo and Orochimaru.

"I'm done!" Kabuto declared, wiping his mouth. "I'm going to practice medical ninjutsu. Where will you be?"

Natsume waved his hand dismissively. "Go on. I'll be fine."

Despite Natsume's warnings, Kabuto couldn't stop practicing. His medical ninjutsu skills were far too advanced for someone his age—too good to let go to waste.

If Kabuto hadn't met Orochimaru, maybe he would've become the next Tsunade.

Meanwhile, Natsume himself had no special talents. No aptitude for medical ninjutsu, no natural ninja skills. Quite the double whammy, he thought sarcastically.

Suddenly, a message flashed in his mind:

[Due to your actions, Kabuto Yakushi's fate has shifted. You have earned 100 Fate Points.]

Natsume blinked in surprise, then broke into a grin. Finally, the system rewards me!

He quickly retreated to his room after watching Kabuto leave. A hundred Fate Points might seem modest, but it was significant given the rules of the Holy Ring of Destiny.

According to the system, each person could yield a maximum of 100 Fate Points per key event in their life. But since there were numerous turning points for each person, it was possible to collect rewards multiple times.

Natsume opened the interface for the Holy Ring of Destiny, and a glowing screen appeared before his eyes:

[Current Fate Points: 100.]

[Fate Points Shop: Open.]

[Special Newbie Discount: Due to your Senju bloodline, you can awaken your Wood Release (Mokuton) at a discounted price.]

Natsume didn't hesitate. He immediately purchased the discounted awakening, and ninety Fate Points vanished.

A wave of warmth surged through his body, leaving him feeling invigorated. He exhaled, his mind clear and his spirit renewed.

With Mokuton, I'll finally have something to rely on in this world, Natsume thought. But it's still tough to gather enough points to unlock more jutsu.

The easiest way to gain recognition would be to openly reveal his Wood Release. Mokuton had a legendary status in Konoha, as it was the hallmark of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama.

There was a strong chance that the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, would take him under his wing. But there was also the risk of Danzo Shimura taking an interest and forcing him into Root.

Natsume had another idea.


She was the granddaughter of Hashirama and the last direct heir of the Senju clan. If Tsunade learned that a new Mokuton user had emerged, she wouldn't ignore it.

Tsunade had been wandering ever since the Second Shinobi World War, but her love for Konoha remained intact. She wasn't a missing-nin, after all. She would later become the Fifth Hokage.

Right now, with the aftermath of the Nine-Tails' attack still fresh, the funerals for the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki were approaching. Tsunade might return to the village for the ceremonies.

I'll have to gamble on it.

While Natsume himself couldn't contact her, Yakushi Nonou, the orphanage director, might be able to. Konoha's medical system was built on the foundation Tsunade established. Nonou, having been trained in those programs, had a connection to her.

Natsume planned to reveal his Wood Release to Nonou and have her reach out to Tsunade. It wasn't going to be easy, but if it worked, he could secure a powerful ally.


Later that evening, Yakushi Nonou returned to the orphanage, visibly exhausted from another long day at Konoha Hospital. The aftermath of the Nine-Tails' rampage left the hospital overwhelmed with patients, and medical-nin were in short supply.

Despite her fatigue, she still made time for the children. Nonou knocked on Kabuto's door first.

The light inside was still on.

"Kabuto, are you still awake?"

The door creaked open, revealing Kabuto sitting with a book in his hands. "You're back, Director! I'm reading the Introduction to Basic Ninja Case Studies you gave me."

Nonou smiled warmly. "Try not to stay up too late."

Kabuto smiled sheepishly. "Just one more chapter, then I'll go to bed. Half an hour, I promise."

Nonou shook her head with a fond sigh. "Alright, but I'll check back later."

She closed the door and moved to the next room.

If Kabuto is my well-behaved genius, then Natsume is my precocious little troublemaker, she mused. Though Natsume was only seven, he often acted far older than his age. He managed to keep the other children in line, which spared Nonou a lot of headaches.

When she opened Natsume's door, her eyebrows shot up in surprise. The boy's clothes were dirty, his hair disheveled, and his sleeves torn, revealing red, swollen scratches on his arms.

"Natsume," she said, her voice stern. "What happened?"

Natsume quickly put on a sheepish grin. "I, uh... fell."

Nonou knelt beside him, her expression serious as she grabbed his arm. "The truth, Natsume."

He winced as she touched the scratches. "Ouch! That hurts, you know."

Nonou's hands glowed green as she began using medical ninjutsu to heal the wounds. Warm, soothing chakra flowed into Natsume's arm, and he sighed in relief.

"Better now?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Much," Natsume admitted.

"Good. Now, explain what happened."

Natsume hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Director… I think I've awakened some kind of special talent."

Nonou's eyes widened slightly. "Awakened? You mean a Kekkei Genkai?"

Kekkei Genkai were rare, powerful bloodline abilities, and awakening one could mean a promising future as a shinobi.

"Show me," Nonou urged.

Natsume nodded. He focused his chakra, and from his palm, several sharp wooden spikes emerged. They only lasted a few seconds before disintegrating, leaving scratches on his arms once more.

Nonou's eyes widened in shock. "Mokuton?!"


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