A considerate and good boy


"Tsunade, why don't you introduce me to your apprentices?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's warm, grandfatherly smile belied the sharp gaze of a man used to reading people. Tsunade knew he wasn't here just for pleasantries. The Hokage was undoubtedly evaluating both Shizune and Natsume, despite his outwardly friendly demeanor.

Tsunade sighed inwardly, annoyed by his façade. "This is Shizune," she said, introducing her student first.

"Shizune," Hiruzen repeated with a faint smile of nostalgia. "You've grown so much. Your uncle would be proud to see how far you've come."

Tsunade's expression tightened for a moment. "Old man, let's not dwell on the past."

Hiruzen raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Forgive me. I was merely reminiscing." His attention shifted to the boy standing next to Tsunade. "And this young man?"

"This is Natsume, my new apprentice," Tsunade said quickly, anticipating Hiruzen's intent. She knew his visit wasn't casual—he was here to assess Natsume.

"An apprentice, hm? Uncommon for you," Hiruzen remarked with a hint of curiosity. He knelt slightly to be at eye level with Natsume, placing a gentle hand on the boy's head. "Tell me, Natsume, from which clan do you hail?"

Natsume tensed for a fraction of a second but quickly masked his reaction. He had expected this. As Tsunade's apprentice, it was inevitable that people—especially Hiruzen—would scrutinize him.

He glanced at Tsunade rather than answer, his expression asking if she wanted him to explain.

Tsunade smiled, both proud and amused by his discretion. "He has Senju blood," she said, her tone casual. "I saw his potential and took him under my wing."

"Ah, the Senju," Hiruzen mused, his voice steady, but his eyes briefly flickered with thought. He'd already spoken to Nonō Yakushi, the woman who had taken care of Natsume, and knew of the boy's purported Senju heritage. Yet, Hiruzen didn't believe that this would lead to the awakening of Wood Release. It had been generations since anyone wielded that power.

Still, he had subtly probed Natsume's chakra when he placed a hand on his head. He found nothing out of the ordinary—nothing that suggested Mokuton potential. Satisfied, Hiruzen let the matter rest, his smile returning.

"I think it's time for Natsume to attend the Academy. I'll have the paperwork arranged within the next few days."

"That won't be necessary," Tsunade interrupted. "I'll handle his training myself."

Hiruzen's smile remained, though his tone took on a softer, more persuasive note. "The Academy has its merits, Tsunade. Ninjutsu aside, it offers a chance for him to form bonds with his peers. Those connections are important."

Tsunade frowned slightly, considering his words. He wasn't wrong. Making connections with others was vital, which was partly why she had enrolled Shizune in the Academy.

"Natsume," Hiruzen addressed him directly, "would you like to go to the Academy and make friends?"

Natsume blinked, surprised at being asked directly. He'd thought about it—attending the Academy could provide him with allies and help him gain insights into Konoha. But instead of answering, he looked to Tsunade. "I'll do whatever my teacher thinks is best."

Hiruzen's eyebrows lifted, caught off guard by the boy's response. Most children would jump at the opportunity to attend the Academy, but Natsume's deference to Tsunade spoke volumes.

Tsunade's lips curled into a satisfied smile. "We'll think about it."

"Very well," Hiruzen conceded, his expression softening. "There's no rush."

However, his tone shifted to one of solemnity as he added, "Three days from now, there will be a funeral for Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. I expect you to attend. It begins at eight in the morning."

Tsunade's expression darkened at the reminder, her playful mood vanishing. "We'll be there."

Shizune, sensing the gravity of the situation, chimed in gently. "Goodbye, Hokage-sama," she said, her voice respectful.

"Goodbye, Grandpa Hokage!" Natsume added, though his tone was more guarded.

Hiruzen nodded to them all before taking his leave, knowing that no matter what, Natsume was now under his surveillance as long as he was within Konoha's walls.

Once he was gone, Tsunade's shoulders relaxed. "Let's head inside," she said, her voice softening as she led her two apprentices back into the house.

Once they were inside, she gestured toward a room. "Shizune, this will be your room."

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama," Shizune said, her voice light as she began unpacking the new clothes that Tsunade had bought for her.

Tsunade glanced at her with approval before turning to Natsume. "I want to talk to you in the study. Come with me."

Natsume followed her, and when they were alone, Tsunade sat down across from him, her expression serious. "Do you want to attend the Academy?"

Natsume hesitated. He liked being around Tsunade, and he felt safe in her care. But the Academy could offer valuable opportunities as well. "I'll do whatever you think is best, Tsunade-nee."

Tsunade's expression softened at his answer, her heart warmed by his loyalty. She pulled him into a gentle hug. "You're such a sweet boy."

Natsume leaned into the embrace, feeling at peace for the first time in a long while.


"Natsume, get up and take your medicine," Tsunade called softly as she pushed the door open a crack.

Through the narrow opening, she saw Natsume asleep, his face peaceful.

This kid... he's really too good-looking for his own good, Tsunade thought, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Suddenly, Natsume stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He caught her watching him and flushed slightly. "S-Sister, can you step outside for a moment?" he asked, a bit shyly.

Tsunade blinked, then smirked. "What's there to be shy about? We're both ninjas, aren't we?"

Natsume's face deepened in color, and he shot her a look that clearly said, I'm not getting up until you leave.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, amused. This brat's got some nerve.

"Alright, alright," she relented, closing the door with a chuckle. "Hurry up and get dressed."

She turned and made her way to the kitchen, slipping an apron over her usual outfit. Shizune was already at work, boiling a pot of medicine nearby.

Even though chakra could heal most injuries, some ailments still required traditional remedies. As a medic-nin, Tsunade understood the importance of herbs and tonics.

"This batch is for Natsume, right?" Shizune asked, stirring the concoction.

Tsunade nodded. "Yeah. Growing up in an orphanage left him undernourished. He needs to build up his strength."

A few minutes later, Shizune knocked on the bathroom door. "Natsume, your medicine's ready."

"Coming," Natsume replied. He opened the door and accepted the steaming cup from her hands. With a grimace, he gulped it down in one go.

"Ugh..." His face scrunched up at the bitterness. "This is terrible..."

Tsunade chuckled and handed him a lollipop she had already unwrapped. "Here, this'll make it better."

Natsume accepted it gratefully, the sweetness quickly easing the taste. Despite Tsunade's tough exterior, she had become more of a mother figure to him than anyone else. It had only taken him a few days to realize how much she cared, beneath all the teasing.

"Don't forget to take your medicine when we're out," she teased. "I might stop by a gambling house."

Natsume rolled his eyes but smiled. If Tsunade weren't as strong as she was, they'd probably be in deep debt by now.

Once breakfast was ready, Tsunade set rice balls on the table. Natsume mentally braced himself before taking a bite. As usual, Tsunade's cooking was... unique. He glanced at Shizune, who ate hers with an unreadable expression.

Tsunade, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the meal thoroughly, watching Natsume with a playful grin. He felt her gaze linger on him a little too long. Why do people always seem to stare at me? he wondered, feeling a little self-conscious.

After they finished, Tsunade stood and pulled out two sets of black mourning robes. "We're going to a funeral today," she said quietly. "Put these on, Natsume. You too, Shizune."

Natsume accepted the clothes, the weight of the day's significance sinking in.


The Konoha Memorial Monument was crowded when they arrived. Shinobi dressed in black stood in silence, paying respects to the fallen. Natsume scanned the faces, recognizing some from the stories Tsunade had told him.

One figure immediately caught his attention—Hatake Kakashi. The silver hair and mask were unmistakable, but today, Kakashi's normally aloof posture was somber, his eyes clouded with sorrow.

He must be devastated, Natsume thought, remembering Kakashi's tragic past—losing both Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin, and now his sensei, the Fourth Hokage.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, began his speech. "The Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and the brave shinobi who gave their lives in the Nine-Tails attack did so for the peace of Konoha. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. We, the living, must carry on their Will of Fire."

Natsume nearly scoffed at the irony. The same villagers Minato had saved would soon turn their backs on his son, Naruto, for being the Nine-Tails' Jinchūriki.

Hypocrites, he thought, his eyes scanning the crowd. What would Minato think if he knew how they were treating his son?

Tsunade handed him a bouquet of white flowers. "Let's go," she said quietly, her voice softer than usual.

Natsume nodded and followed her to the monument, offering his own silent prayer for the fallen.


Days passed, and Natsume threw himself into training. Tsunade was pushing him hard, but her methods worked. Under her tutelage, he had finally grasped the basics of Wood Release and perfected the Three Body Technique. It was exhausting, and his Wood Release only worked in short bursts, but it was progress.

One evening, after a grueling session, Tsunade wiped the sweat from his forehead with a tissue. "That's enough for tonight," she said, her voice softer than usual. "You're still a kid. Don't push yourself too hard."

Natsume nodded, though his mind was already on his next goal. His ultimate aim was to master Wood Release—and to make contact with Orochimaru. The rogue Sannin would be crucial for his plans, but he needed to act before Orochimaru's eventual defection.

Later that night, as Tsunade slept, Natsume quietly got out of bed. Forming a hand sign, he whispered, "Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu."

Two wooden clones formed beside him, quickly taking shape. "Henge no Jutsu," he whispered again, and the clones transformed into adult men.

"You two know what to do," Natsume said, addressing his clones. "Convince Orochimaru to join us."

The clones exchanged a glance, one sighing in resignation. "This is gonna be tricky, but I'll try."

The other gave a confident nod. "Don't worry, I've got this."

With that, the clones disappeared into the night, their mission clear.


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