The Beginning of a Tale

Bagwis had spent a full two weeks in the village, playing the part of the innocent and righteous young man to perfection. Every tavern patron seemed to adore him, but it was about time that he moves on.

As the early morning sun began to creep over the horizon, Bagwis quietly packed his things while the rest of the tavern customers lay passed out on the ground, dead drunk from the night's merrymaking.

Just as he slung his bag over his shoulder, a familiar voice called out behind him. "You leaving?"

Bagwis turned to see Rigor, the burly tavern keeper, leaning against the bar, one bleary eye open. Despite the late hour, there was still a flicker of mischief in Bagwis' eyes.

"Ah, Rigor! You caught me. And here I thought I'd sneak away before your famous breakfast hit the tables," Bagwis joked, flashing that boyish grin he'd perfected.

Rigor chuckled and walked over. "Shame you're off so soon. You know, you could just stay here. After all, the villagers have grown quite fond of you."

Bagwis shrugged, a light-hearted laugh escaping his lips. "Tempting, but I have to keep moving. There's a big world out there."

"And where are you headed this time?" Rigor asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm off to..." Bagwis paused, letting the air of mystery linger before adding, "Balintara."

"Ah, the City of Mana and Iron. Quite the place, I hear. Lots of adventurers, lots of coins." Rigor's eyes gleamed as he imagined it.

Bagwis nodded. "Exactly. And with a little luck, I'll be one those adventurers."

Rigor chuckled and tossed Bagwis a light punch on the arm. "Well, lad, good luck with your little expedition. Just don't get yourself killed, yeah?"

"I'll do my best," Bagwis replied with a smirk. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a single silver coin and handed it to Rigor. "A token of my gratitude. For the drinks... and for pretending I'm a good guy."

Rigor laughed heartily, pocketing the coin. "You're all right, kid. For what its worth I think you actually are a good lad." To that Bagwis could only flash an unreadable smile.

Bagwis had already turned to leave when Rigor called out again, "Wait! I never caught your name?"

Bagwis glanced over his shoulder, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Bagwis... but you can call me Sitan." He flashed a wide grin.

Rigor smiled back. "Well then, Sitan, I'll be waiting to hear all about your grand adventures."

With a final wave, Bagwis stepped out into the cool morning air, the village slowly stirring awake behind him. He made his way to the village entrance, where the caravans were parked. That's when he spotted a familiar figure—Alab, leaning casually against a horse, arms crossed, his dark eyes as piercing as ever.

"Now, isn't this a coincidence," Bagwis said with mock surprise.

Alab's voice sounded as dry as ever. "This journeying plan of yours doesn't sound all too bad. I've got time so I may as well come with."

"Welcome aboard, my friend!" Bagwis replied, barely able to suppress the grin that spread across his face. Inside, however, his thoughts danced with glee. Hook, line, and sinker. Alab, my dearest fallen knight, you have no idea what you're in for.

As they boarded the caravan, Bagwis leaned back and glanced over at his new companion.

"So, where to now?" Alab asked, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"To Balintara. After all, I need to be a licensed adventurer if I want to make my own guild," Bagwis replied nonchalantly.

Alab froze, staring at him in disbelief. "You mean to tell me you still don't have a license?"

"Well, yes," Bagwis said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "After all, I was a minor until awhile ago."

Alab's eyes widened. "How old are you exactly again?"

"I believe I turned 18 last month... I think?" Bagwis knocked on his forehead as if trying to shake the fog loose. "It's all a bit blurry here."

Alab, in a moment of absolute restraint, resisted the urge to knock Bagwis' head for him. "So... let me get this straight. You JUST turned 18. You've got ZERO adventuring experience. And yet, you want to make a GUILD?"

Bagwis flashed a carefree grin. "That pretty much sums it up."

"What even is your current level?"

To that question Bagwis merely flashed a knowing smile and didn't answer.

Alab rubbed his temples, exasperation flooding his voice. "You're insane."

Bagwis clapped him on the shoulder. "Maybe. But come on! Adventure awaits, and we can't keep it waiting!"

As they left the village and made their way down the dusty road, Alab remained quiet, his mind racing through a dozen scenarios of how everything could go wrong. Meanwhile, Bagwis, ever the picture of serenity, hummed a merry tune, not a care in the world.

With a deep, resigned sigh, Alab muttered, "I'm starting to wonder if I'm the crazy one for following you into this mess."

Bagwis chuckled softly. "Ah, you're warming up to me. Admit it. Besides, there's nothing to fear. After all... I've got you." He turned to Alab, his eyes filled with what could only be described as mock sincerity, a gleam of something deeper hidden beneath. Somehow, despite himself, Alab felt a strange flicker of motivation spark inside him.

Of course, he didn't realize it was more likely the urge to strangle Bagwis.