Cave Dungeon (1)

As they walked along, Bagwis felt a growing excitement, hidden behind his calm facade. His mind raced, not only about Balintara but also about this detour of theirs, where he could retrieve the artifact his master once spoke of. That artifact is just what he needed now.

His excitement was rudely interrupted by a sharp voice.

"You're not planning something, are you?" Alab's words broke through Bagwis' thoughts, his tone as flat as ever, but his eyes sharp and calculating.

Bagwis quickly plastered a grin on his face. "Me? Not at all. Just thinking about the grand adventure awaiting us, that's all."

Alab narrowed his eyes but said nothing, his silence more menacing than any words.

The sun hung low over the horizon as Bagwis and Alab walked along the rocky path leading up the slopes of the mountain. The air grew colder with every step, and a heavy fog began to roll in, wrapping itself around the mountains like a ghostly cloak.

Bagwis, per usual, was in high spirits, despite the harsh conditions. His eyes were alight with excitement, and his stride was almost jaunty, as if they were strolling through a pleasant meadow rather than venturing into one of the treacherous mountain range in Banuar.

Alab, on the other hand, was less than enthusiastic. His sword was strapped securely to his side, but his hand frequently hovered near the hilt, fingers twitching slightly. The faint blue glow of his sword mana flickered every now and then, a reminder of the firestorm he could unleash if things went south.

"Why am I doing this again?" Alab muttered under his breath, glancing at Bagwis, who was humming an upbeat tune.

"You're doing this because you trust me," Bagwis said with a grin, not missing a beat. "And because you, as much as I am, long for adventure."

Alab scoffed. "Curious to see how this ends, maybe. Probably with both of us buried under a landslide."

Bagwis chuckled, waving off the comment. "Oh, please. Don't be so dramatic, Alab. Besides, once we find some artifacts, it'll all be worth it."

The path ahead grew steeper, rocks shifting under their boots as they ascended higher into the mountains. The fog thickened, making it harder to see, and the wind picked up, howling through the jagged cliffs like a mournful wail.

"Are you sure you know where the cave dungeon is located?" Alab asked, squinting through the fog.

"Absolutely," Bagwis replied without hesitation. Honestly he doesn't entirely know where specifically. "Well, sort of. I mean, it's more of a general direction than an exact location, but we'll get there, just trust me."

Alab grunted in response, clearly unconvinced. But he said nothing further, choosing instead to focus on the task at hand. His instincts on high alert— he can't help but think that something didn't feel right.

They continued onwards in silence for a while, the only sound being the crunch of their boots on the gravelly path and the occasional gust of wind and just as the trail began to even out, Bagwis stopped abruptly, holding up a hand.

"Stop," he whispered.

Alab came to a halt beside him, eyes narrowing. "What is it?"

Bagwis pointed ahead, where the fog parted slightly, revealing the dark outline of a cave entrance nestled between two towering cliffs. The mouth of the cave seemed to swallow the light, a yawning abyss that exuded an eerie stillness.

"That's it," Bagwis said, his voice hushed with excitement. "The cave dungeon! I told you I know where it is!"

Alab stared at it, a sinking feeling settling in his gut. "That looks more like a grave than a treasure trove."

Bagwis flashed him a grin. "Well, let's hope it's filled with artifacts and not skeletons, then."

Without waiting for a response, Bagwis started towards the cave, practically skipping over the rocks as he made his way to the entrance.

"Its a bit dark. Alab can you please make a fire with your sword?"

"My sword is not a torch," Alab muttered but still he did as Bagwis asked.

You little tsundere~ Bagwis inwardly teased.

Alab followed, though far more cautiously, his hand lifting his sword, the blue flames flickering to life that made their environment a tad bit visible.

They both exchange glances and nodded before stepping inside the cave. The air ommediately grew colder upon their entry, the damp stone walls seeming to close in around them. The light from outside faded, leaving only the glow of Alab's sword mana to illuminate their path.

"This is a terrible idea."

"Everything is going to be all alright! After all, I've got a good feeling about this!" Bagwis grinned with conviction.

Alab sighed in acquiescence, after all, Bagwis did find the cave, although he still thinks it was out of pure luck, but before he could respond, the ground beneath them trembled slightly as they heard a series of loud growls.

Bagwis who just triggered a flag: "....."

Alab who trusted Bagwis' words: "....."

Me and my stupid mouth!