One Hundred and One.

"Everyone more or less got satisfied but you still haven't, you are really a pervert, there is no point denying it."

Drip Drip Drip.

I looked at her and it was not her tears, it was her yin flower. 

Did I make her more aroused by calling her pervert?

"Okay, you pervert. You are hopeless. I am tired, I am going to sleep here, do whatever you want."

I laid down in front of her and she started undressing me.

I focused on my circulation as I completely cut my focus from the outside while a steady stream of Yin essence kept coming down helping in my cultivation.

After providing Ling Ling refined female version of Demonic Roseflame Phoenix Method and Li Na a spear art I focused more on other Hong Yin gifts.

I am still not sure why Hong Yin gave me such a tug in my feelings as if she is some lost feeling I am experiencing again.

Hong Yin gave me two more Cultivation Methods.