The village was called Tuck Village.
Roughly 200 households resided there, tucked away deep within the mountains, rarely interacting with the outside world.
Daniel was one of the few outsiders they had ever encountered.
An old man served as the village's blacksmith.
He would often venture into the mountains to collect iron ore, which he would bring back to forge.
Daniel could sense something peculiar about the old man.
At his age, he shouldn't have been so physically strong and vigorous, let alone capable of carrying out the demanding work of a blacksmith.
From the old man's words, Daniel learned something else:
Apparently, due to an ancestral curse, no one in Tuck Village was able to learn magic.
However, this wasn't something that seemed to bother the villagers much.
Even without magic, the people of this small village continued to live their lives, generation after generation.
It had little impact on them.