Almost everyone knew how utterly despairing that kind of pain was.
To pursue, to attempt, to try every possible method—only to arrive at the same final result: despair.
They didn't want their descendants to endure such suffering again.
But they simply did not actively speak of it.
Instead, they recorded it.
In their hearts, there remained an unrealistic sliver of hope.
What if…
What if one of their descendants, an exceptionally gifted and peerless individual, discovered this truth and found a way to break the bloodline curse?
And Dahlia—she was the one who stumbled upon this knowledge.
She still found no answers.
As if lifting the curse upon the bloodline was an impossibility.
Just when Dahlia had lost all hope…
An unexpected event occurred in Storm City.
A massive number of necro suddenly surged out of Doom Domain for no apparent reason.