Chapter 7: Bad Boxer

There were screams among the crowd and Michael tried to shove in a space for himself to see the fight schedule. 

"Michael! Your fight is in a week!" Jake exclaimed. "Yes! My fight is the latest it can be."

After things calmed down we checked the fight schedule and Jake was fighting in two months, I was fighting in a week, and Rick was fighting tomorrow.

"A fight tomorrow?" Rick cried. 

"Think about the bright side, your opponent is also super unprepared," Michael added.

"Just try to mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow."

Rick went on a walk by himself to calm his mind and gather his thoughts.

"Good for you Jake!" Michael said. "You get some time to do what you love."

"I've decided on something."

"On what?"

"I want to train as hard as I can and beat as many opponents as I can so I can have more time."

"Glad we won't be losing you." Michael put his hand on Jake's shoulder and walked outside the room into the gym.

'Time to train my jab.'

After around 2 hours passed Jake leveled his jab up and completed his daily quest. He already felt the effects of the daily quest only after a few days. His endurance and strength has skyrocketed ever since he got it.


Skill: Jab

Rank: F++

Perform the jab correctly 5000 times to level up



Once he was wrapping up his training he stumbled upon Jake and Rick walking into the gym. There were already a few other people training besides Jake but now there were familiar faces.

"Yo Michael, we were gonna get a light sparring session in, wanna join?" Rick asked.


Jake and Rick sparred first and Michael looked in awe. He thought that they were so much better than him in terms of everything.

"Your turn Michael!"

Michael was sparring Rick and getting destroyed. Rick landing tons of good punches on him and Michael could barely dodge. 

'Shit.' Michael thought to himself. 'Am I this mediocre.'

After Michael sparred Rick he started sparring Jake and it was even more surprising. Rick was destroying Michael even more than Jake was. 

Even with his new 'Ring Awareness' skill he still got destroyed. 

After the 'light' sparring session Michael was more tired than ever. 

Rick and Jake fist bumped Michael and left the gym but Michael wanted to train some more. He hopped on the heavy bag and started training his jab, he kept hitting the punching bag thousands of times and thousands of more times until his jab skill leveled up even more.

He did this overnight and when it was the morning he passed out inside the gym.