Chapter 13: Punches


Quest System

Quest: Beat Tyrone (Your opponent)

Reward: ???

Fail: Death


As soon as the fight started Michael's mind went blank. He never fought for such high stakes before and even when he was fighting for low stakes, he lost all his fights. 

Michael's opponent was a big buff black guy. Michael's opponent looked a good 40 pounds heavier than him and was a head taller than him. 

Tyrone took the first move and went in at Michael with a jab. Michael slipped Tyrone's jab and went for a right hook to his body but as soon as Michael's punch landed, Tyrone looked unfazed.

This destroyed Michael's ego since normally boxers would at least react a bit to his punch. 

Soon after Tyrone came in with a straight to Michael's chin (straight is a type of punch in boxing). Tyrone's straight punch knocked Michael down to the ground and it took Michael a bit of time to get back up. 

'Is this the end of my life?' Michael thought to himself. Michael didn't even have time to finish that thought because as he was thinking Tyrone came in with an uppercut to Michael's chin again. The crowd was cheering at Tyrone but at the same time booing Michael. The only people who supported Michael were Rick and Jake but even they didn't believe that Michael could win.

"Do you think Michael will survive?" Jake asked.

"I don't know," Rick replied. "Let's just hope for the best for him."

Michael's hands were weakly held against his head anticipating for punches to come, but they never came. It seemed that Tyrone's cardio wasn't that good so while Tyrone was resting Michael tried to use his skills.

'Ring Awareness.'

When Michael said those words in his mind some blue schematic lines came up in his vision. These were showing the flooring of the ring where it rises a little bit. With these blue schematic lines there were also red ones showing dips in the boxing ring. Michael noticed that there was a hill right in front of a hole so he baited Tyrone to walk into that part. 

As soon as Tyrone walked into that bit he lost his balance a bit and Michael blasted a punch to Tyrone's nose. This time Tyrone seemed to be affected by Michael's punch so Michael was a bit more hopeful.


Michael tried to take a glance at who said that but before he could even land an eye on the person who shouted that a punch came straight to his face. Punch after punch after punch landed on Michael's face and body.. Tyrone was a heavy hitter but nobody realized his punches were this hard. Tyrone landed around 30 punches on Michael before he fell to the ground. 


That was the color Michael saw as he was lying on the ground. Michael tried to blink to open his eyes but it wasn't opening. 

The referee counted,"8 seconds!" 

"9 seconds!" (In boxing you have to get up within 10 seconds to still be fighting)

At the 10th second Michael stood up now completely blind.

'I guess this is the end of me,' Michael thought. 'There's nothing else I can do.'

As soon as Michael got up Tyrone charged in and punched him again and again and again. This led Michael to repeat the same cycle that happened before, but now he was in even more pain. 

'I'd rather die by Figg instead of Tyrone,' Michael thought.

More punches.

'What does heaven look like?' 

More punches.

'Hope you burn in hell Figg.'

More punches

'Bye, bye world.'