Chapter 5: Shopping

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"It seems you've got that cedar wand," Chris remarked as he spotted Kyle holding it at the entrance of Madam Malkin's robe shop.

The unusual pairing of the wand made a strong impression on him, and it was also because of this wand that he had first met Diana.

He never expected it would end up in Kyle's hands.

Chris looked at Kyle with a hint of nostalgia, but then his expression shifted, as if he had just thought of something serious. He placed a heavy hand on Kyle's shoulder.

"My dear, I regret to inform you of some bad news: with that wand in your possession, you probably won't be getting into Gryffindor."

"Not getting into Gryffindor?" Kyle's lips twitched as he began to understand his father's meaning.

Ollivander had mentioned that wizards with cedar wands possess keen insight and are naturally calm, while Gryffindors... well, they may not necessarily require calmness.

Kyle couldn't believe he had already been turned away from a house before even starting school; it was quite disheartening news.

"What are you two laughing about?" Diana asked as she approached, curiosity piqued.

She had just gone to help Kyle buy a cauldron and, on her way back, stopped by Scribbulus to pick up some quills and parchment, so she hadn't heard the conversation between father and son.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just Dad saying I can't get into Gryffindor with this wand," Kyle explained, showing his new wand to Diana.

Diana clearly recognized the cedar wand, and combined with Kyle's comment, she couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm afraid your father is right, dear."

Chris and Diana had no strong preference for which house Kyle should be sorted into; they simply wanted him to attend Hogwarts, believing that any house would be fine.

Kyle felt the same way.


Choosing a wand was not the only lengthy process; making school robes took considerable time as well. Even with Madam Malkin's expertise, it took over twenty minutes.

And this was just to measure the necessary parameters. The finished products would take even longer; since Kyle was taller than his peers, the shop didn't have ready-made robes that would fit him, requiring a custom order that would take about two hours.

After thinking it over, Kyle decided to leave his address for delivery by owl.

It was already 5 PM, and two hours later, it would be 7 PM—too late for him to wait around, so sending it via owl was more convenient.

The next stop after Madam Malkin's was Flourish and Blotts.

This part was quick; in under five minutes, Kyle gathered all the books he needed. Additionally, he bought two extra reading materials.

First, of course, was Newt Scamander's—Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Latest Revised Edition).

Even though he already owned nineteen copies, that didn't stop him from supporting Newt; it was his way of helping boost sales.

Moreover, this newly released edition was well worth it, featuring thirty additional pages and seven brand-new magical creatures, making it a great value.

As for the second book, he stumbled upon it while accidentally kicking it out from a corner while he was checking out.

Ordinary Spells and Their Counter-Chants

As its title suggested, it contained a collection of common spells, such as the Lumos charm, the Levitation charm, and Clean-up spells, among others.

But the variety was abundant; there was something for every aspect, resembling a spellbook version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The price was reasonable too, just one Galleon.

Kyle flipped through the pages a couple of times before casually deciding to take it. While it may not be particularly useful, it would be a good way to pass the time.

In truth, there were many other books Kyle wanted to explore, including those on spells, potions, and Transfiguration—enough to fill a sheet of parchment. However, he chose not to buy them.

It wasn't due to a lack of funds; Chris and Diana had a comfortable income. While it might not rival that of pureblood families, they were certainly well off enough to afford a few books. The main reason was that he was about to go to Hogwarts.

With the largest and one of the oldest libraries in the wizarding world at his disposal, why would he need to buy books? Unless they were essential textbooks for class or something he truly loved, he could simply borrow whatever he wanted later.

Kyle didn't know what others thought, but he certainly didn't want to waste his Galleons—after all, they weren't just blowing in on the wind.


After leaving Flourish and Blotts, Kyle had pretty much finished buying everything on his school supply list—or at least he had completed all the necessary purchases.

The only remaining item was a pet, which Kyle didn't require.

Chris had rescued many injured owls over the years, earning their family a solid reputation among these messenger birds. As a result, Kyle benefited from this notoriety as well.

Whenever he appeared at the window with an envelope or package, a whole flock of owls would swoop down, eager to help him deliver it, many of which came from Hogwarts.

When the time came, he could simply hire one with treats—very convenient.

Look at that; he saved another Galleon.

Originally, Kyle planned to use this saved money to buy a broomstick. He didn't need anything too fancy—either a Nimbus 1500 or a Cleansweep Seven would do.

Compared to the new models displayed in the shop window, these older brooms offered great value. They didn't differ much in quality, but their prices were less than a third of the new ones, making them quite affordable.

For instance, the Nimbus 1500, which had been all the rage two years ago, originally priced at 300 Galleons, could now be taken home for just 80. The pocket money he had saved over the years was just about enough.

The Cleansweep Seven was a bit pricier at around 100 Galleons, but it was still within reach; he would just need Chris's support.

However, as soon as he proposed this idea, Diana promptly vetoed it. The reason was simple: Hogwarts forbids first-year students from bringing their own brooms, so buying one would be pointless when they already had one at home.

In response, Chris could only shrug at Kyle helplessly, indicating he couldn't assist either. However, he kindly took Kyle to the broomstick shop's window, allowing him to indulge his eyes before they headed over to the Leaky Cauldron.


The Weasley family, who had come with them, had already returned home while Kyle was buying his robes.

Mrs. Weasley needed to head back early to prepare a hearty dinner; for a family with six children, that was no small feat. Even with the help of magic, it would take over an hour.

Kyle felt disappointed that he missed out on seeing the twins make fools of themselves, a regret only second to not being able to buy the broomstick.


(End of Chapter)