Chapter 15: Hogwarts

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Canna quickly left.

Kyle didn't collect the galleons on the table; with a simple Levitation Charm, he returned them to Canna's pocket.

He would never take money from an eleven-year-old girl, even if she seemed genuinely wealthy.

This was a matter of principle.

Well… at least he would wait until he returned from Dorset before addressing it again.

Cedric glanced at the closed compartment door and then at Kyle, who visibly relaxed, and instinctively said, "So, I guess I'm your first customer, right? Can I try the tonic too?"

"What are you talking about? That's too formal."

Kyle waved his hand seriously and replied, "You're my dear friend, a brother at heart. You're not just a customer."

"Mm-hmm," Cedric nodded. "Then about that trial tonic…"

"There isn't any; that's only for customers."

"Uh…" Cedric stared at Kyle, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

This was the first time he had encountered someone who could assertively justify treating friends differently and taking advantage of them. Did he have no sense of shame at all?

Lesson learned.

Cedric felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him and chose to change the subject, shifting the conversation back to Hogwarts.

And when it came to Hogwarts, Quidditch was a natural topic, especially since both of them enjoyed it.

Thus, the conversation seamlessly transitioned to professional Quidditch teams, but here, Kyle and Cedric found themselves at odds.

Kyle supported the Wimbourne Wasps, while Cedric was a die-hard fan of the Chudley Cannons.

Immediately, the atmosphere turned tense.

Kyle and Cedric exchanged glances, and in that moment, it felt as if an invisible spark ignited between them.

Once a disagreement between fans began, there was no option for surrender. Neither was willing to back down, and as time passed, the temperature in the compartment seemed to drop significantly.

Finally, after about ten minutes, a sudden jolt interrupted their standoff.

"In five minutes, the train will arrive at Hogwarts. Please leave your luggage on board; we will deliver it to the school for you," a voice echoed through the train.

Kyle and Cedric simultaneously averted their gazes, and with perfect synchronization, they didn't exchange another look but instead began changing into their robes.

Kyle turned to glance out the window. By now, the sky had darkened significantly; no wonder it felt so cold.

Fortunately, the rain had stopped; otherwise, he would have needed an umbrella.

The train slowed to a stop at last.

After a ten-hour journey, they finally reached their destination.

Kyle double-checked his robes and wand, confirming everything was in order before stepping off the train into a dark, cramped platform filled with bustling people.

This place was truly shabby, with weeds growing all around. The station sign was severely faded, and the words "Hogsmeade Station" were almost illegible; one could hardly recognize it without a close look.

There wasn't even a decent tile on the ground. Plus, after the rain, Kyle stepped off the train and immediately found himself in a patch of mud.

"Clean it up."

Kyle waved his wand at his shoes, carefully moving to a relatively clean spot.

For a thousand-year-old prestigious school, the station looked this dilapidated—who would believe it?

If it weren't called Hogwarts, and if the headmaster weren't Dumbledore, there's no way this station would attract anyone.

At that moment, Kyle spotted Canna again.

A little girl stood shivering among the crowd. Even from a distance, Kyle could see her pale face, clearly frightened by the scene before her.

Perhaps sensing someone was watching her, Canna instinctively turned her head and spotted Kyle.

In that instant, it was as if she had found a lifeline, and she stumbled over to him, running unsteadily.

Kyle reached out to steady her as she nearly fell and didn't say anything. Instead, he took out his wand and waved it at her robe.

"Clean it up."

The girl hadn't been paying attention while running, and she was now covered in splashes of mud.

After doing this, he smiled and patted her shoulder, trying to reassure her. "Don't be afraid; it's very safe here. Someone will come to pick us up soon."

"Mm." Canna kept her head down and replied softly.

At that moment, a lantern appeared above them.

"First-year students! First-year students, come this way!"

With a crowd of first-year wizards surrounding them, Hagrid's massive figure stood out, especially with his wild hair and bushy beard. His sudden appearance frightened quite a few young wizards.

Kyle even heard some whimpering.

Although Canna didn't cry, she wasn't doing much better. She clung tightly to Kyle's arm, causing him to wince in pain.

But seeing the terror on Canna's face made it difficult for him to pull away; he could only endure it.

He couldn't understand why an eleven-year-old girl had such a strong grip.

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts." Hagrid waved at the crowd. "First-year students, follow me and watch your step. I'll take you to Hogwarts by boat."

Kyle was the first to follow, leading Canna under the dim glow of the lantern, which was the brightest spot in the vicinity.

At this point, Canna had calmed down significantly and quickly released Kyle's arm, blushing as she mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Unfortunately, her voice was too quiet, and with the noise around them, Kyle didn't catch what she said but nodded instinctively.


To accommodate the first-year students, Hagrid walked slowly. After more than twenty minutes of a bumpy trek, they finally completed the steep, narrow path.

Upon rounding the last bend, Hagrid turned to the group, beaming as he pointed ahead. "Come on! You're about to see Hogwarts for the first time. Don't get distracted; this is the most beautiful sight in the wizarding world."

Immediately, gasps and exclamations erupted among the students.

Canna stood next to Kyle, staring ahead in awe, murmuring, "So beautiful…!"

At the end of the path lay the famous Black Lake, and on the opposite shore, a majestic castle rose high on the hillside.

The castle's spires reached toward the moon, appearing as if it were built among the clouds.

The windows of the castle, glowing with light, resembled stars scattered across the sky.

It was breathtaking, almost miraculous.

Even Kyle was mesmerized.

He briefly wondered if Hogsmeade Station had been left in such a state of disrepair to accentuate the beauty of this moment.

"Alright, new students, we're ready to board the boats; let's not keep the professors waiting." Hagrid pointed to a line of small boats parked by the lakeside and shouted, "Remember, no more than four people per boat!"

Kyle and Canna climbed into the nearest boat, joined by two unfamiliar first-year wizards, a boy and a girl.

They seemed to be incredibly excited, chattering away about how they had to write home to tell their families about this moment.

"Is everyone on board?" Hagrid, seated in a separate boat, turned back to check. "Good… let's go!"

The line of boats glided across the lake, passing beneath low cliffs and through ivy-covered rock faces, eventually entering a dark tunnel.

(End of Chapter)