Chapter 23: The Gathering of Demons

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Half an hour later, the feast was nearing its end, and the main courses had been replaced with an assortment of desserts.

Kyle chose the maple syrup pudding, which Bill and Charlie had both highly recommended, saying it was as authentic as it gets outside of Hogwarts.

Taking a bite, Kyle found it to be quite good. The sweetness was just right, the flavor was fragrant and pleasant, and a hint of subtle tartness provided the perfect finishing touch. It made for an ideal post-meal dessert.

Once everyone had finished eating, the remaining desserts were cleared away, and the tables returned to their pristine state—spotless and tidy once more.

Dumbledore stood up, and the Great Hall immediately fell silent.

"Now that everyone has had their fill, there are a few things I need to say before you return to your dormitories."

"First-year students, take note: the forest on the school grounds is strictly off-limits to all students."

"And..." Dumbledore paused briefly before continuing, "Professor McGonagall has also asked me to remind everyone not to use magical trick items in class or any public areas. Violators will face severe punishment."

As soon as he finished speaking, nearly half of the students instinctively glanced at Fred and George Weasley from Gryffindor.

The twins didn't seem fazed at all. They stood up and began bowing dramatically to those around them, wearing such proud expressions that it seemed as though Dumbledore had just praised them.

Not far away, Professor McGonagall's face was as stern as could be, and her lips were pressed even tighter. It was clear from her expression that the twins were almost certainly heading for detention—and not for a short stint, either.

Dumbledore, however, remained as composed as ever and continued, "The Quidditch team trials will be held in the second week of this term. Any students in their second year or above who wish to try out for their House team should contact Madam Hooch."

As expected, it had to be second-year students...

Kyle had anticipated this outcome long ago, so he wasn't particularly disappointed.

Besides, although Dumbledore had made this announcement, it didn't necessarily mean first-years couldn't participate in Quidditch trials. The rule was in place mainly to accommodate Muggle-born students, who had never been exposed to Quidditch before. Selecting team members at this stage would be unfair to them.

By the time the next school year rolled around, those students would be more familiar with the magical world, and it would be the perfect time to hold tryouts.

Of course, if any real talent emerged, the Heads of House wouldn't hesitate to bend the rules a little—just like what happened with Harry Potter in his first year.

With this in mind, Kyle planned to visit Professor Sprout in a couple of days to see if he could join the tryouts with the second-years.

If he wasn't allowed to fly for an entire year, it would be sheer torture.


Dumbledore had to raise his voice slightly to calm the excited young witches and wizards who had grown animated at the mention of Quidditch.

"Lastly, I am honored to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Dumbledore turned slightly to the teachers' table, gesturing toward it.

"Professor Oran, please say hello to everyone."

Next to Snape, a rather unremarkable-looking middle-aged wizard stood up and gave a small wave to the crowd with a smile.

A few scattered, half-hearted claps echoed through the hall. Only the first-year students applauded with any real enthusiasm. The upper-year students didn't seem particularly interested.

Why should they be? It was just another temporary professor. There was no need to get too excited since they'd be replaced next year anyway. The students were simply being polite out of respect for Dumbledore.

Professor Oran didn't seem bothered by this lukewarm reception. He probably anticipated it. After greeting the students, he sat back down.

However, whether from disappointment or awkwardness, his movements were a bit exaggerated as he adjusted his chair. He leaned too far, and his elbow jabbed Snape squarely in the side.


Snape inhaled sharply, gripping the arms of his chair tightly to suppress a cry.

"I'm sorry, Severus. Are you alright? Do you need to see Madam Pomfrey?" Oran asked with concern.

"I believe we're not yet familiar enough to call each other by our first names, Professor Oran. Besides, I'm not so fragile that I need to visit the hospital wing just because of a little bump, so there's no need for your concern."

Snape shifted his chair slightly, a flash of disgust momentarily crossing his features, as though he had just seen a Furby caterpillar that had been squeezed dry of its mucus, rendering it entirely useless.

Oran looked a bit embarrassed, opening his mouth as if to say something more.

But at that moment, Dumbledore had finished discussing Hogsmeade and had begun directing the young witches and wizards to sing the school song.

A long, golden ribbon floated in the air, and soon various tunes filled the Great Hall.

Oran could only swallow his words, joining the others in song with the enthusiasm of a bard.





Please bestow upon us knowledge,

Whether we are bald old men

Or children with scraped knees.

What should have been a lovely school song turned into a chaotic concert, with everyone singing in whatever tune they liked.

The most frequently chosen melodies were "The Majestic Hippogriff" and "Symphony of Destiny," which were the favorites of most students.

As for Kyle, he opted for "The Wide Road to Heaven."

The variety of choices was staggering, but if anyone was having the most fun, it was undoubtedly the Weasley twins.

Fred and George linked arms, singing the school song to the tune of "Flight of the Bumblebee" while dancing merrily.

Their antics attracted a lot of attention, and soon, the cheerful Gryffindor students spontaneously joined in, turning the school song segment into a wild celebration.

Yet, it had to be said—they looked genuinely happy. Even Dumbledore couldn't help but join in with a little dance of his own.

When the school song came to an end, Fred and George received the loudest applause of the evening.

"How wonderful! This is the true spirit of the school song," Dumbledore remarked, adjusting his slightly askew wizard hat with a smile. "Now it's time for bed. Off you go to your dormitories."

As the event wrapped up, everyone rushed toward the Great Hall's entrance.

The prefects quickly sprang into action, trying to gather the first-years together.

"First-years, over here!"

"Don't push! Let the new students go first; the first-years need to go first!"

"Hurry up, new students! We need to move quickly."

"Is everyone here? Remember to stay with me; don't fall behind!"

(End of Chapter)