Chapter 30: The Potions Master and Magic-Suppressing Potions

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Madam Pomfrey was a tall witch, highly skilled in healing spells, potions, herbology, and other medicinal practices.

According to rumors, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries had invited her to join their staff three times, even offering her the position of deputy head healer if she agreed.

But despite these tempting offers, Madam Pomfrey steadfastly declined, stating that she preferred to remain at Hogwarts.

Of course, this was only hearsay, and its truthfulness remained unconfirmed. Neither Madam Pomfrey nor St. Mungo's had ever commented on the rumors.

They neither acknowledged nor denied them, making it one of Hogwarts' smaller unsolved mysteries.

As Kyle entered the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey passed by him, handing a small green bottle to a young wizard lying in one of the beds.

"This is the last bottle of potion for treating boils. Remember, it's for applying, not drinking."

With that, she turned and rushed over to another patient, grumbling as she went, "Why is it every year at this time that so many students get sent here? What on earth are those professors doing? They're all so irresponsible!"

Clearly, she wasn't in the best of moods.

Kyle hesitated, unsure how to approach her, when Madam Pomfrey looked in his direction.

"Merlin's beard! What happened to this child?" she exclaimed, rushing over. She carefully placed Mikkel on an empty bed without even looking back as she asked, "Is it a potion mishap this time? Or Defense Against the Dark Arts? How did he end up unconscious?"

"Neither, ma'am. It happened in Charms class," Kyle mumbled. "Mikkel cast a Wand-Lighting Charm, and then... this happened. Professor Flitwick thinks he's suffering from magical exhaustion."

"Magical exhaustion, yes... but wait, what did you just say?" Madam Pomfrey snapped her head toward Kyle, disbelief evident in her voice. "A Wand-Lighting Charm?!!"

Her expression was as if she'd just witnessed Dumbledore performing a pole dance on the Astronomy Tower.

Disbelief, mixed with a touch of absurdity—she clearly found Kyle's explanation hard to swallow.

Students these days were getting more and more unreliable. If they were going to lie, they could at least come up with something more believable.

Magical exhaustion from a Wand-Lighting Charm... utterly ridiculous. He might as well have claimed that Filius Flitwick had been knocked out by the charm.

"It's true! The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw first-years all saw it happen, and Professor Flitwick can confirm it as well," Kyle explained hurriedly, recounting the events from Charms class in detail.

After hearing the story, most of Madam Pomfrey's doubts began to fade.

If first-years from two different houses had witnessed it, then this story would likely spread around Hogwarts soon enough. If it was a lie, it would quickly be exposed. And on top of that, Kyle had even mentioned Professor Flitwick.

Madam Pomfrey turned back to Mikkel, now looking at him as if he were some rare magical creature. She had never seen a student with such poor control over their magical abilities.

From the earlier description, the intensity of that Wand-Lighting Charm seemed to indicate a magical surge.

Powerful, but completely uncontrollable.

Yet, Madam Pomfrey was certain that when she examined the young wizard, there had been no signs of a magical surge. It truly was just a case of exhaustion.

"Well, I've certainly learned something new today," Madam Pomfrey muttered under her breath, almost in disbelief.

Kyle nodded in agreement, fully understanding Madam Pomfrey's frustration. He felt the same way.

If casting spells was like driving, Mikkel's behavior was equivalent to slamming the gas pedal down and draining the fuel tank while hitting 200 kilometers per hour in a single second.

And no, that wasn't a good thing.

Sure, the speed was impressive, but the crash wasn't far behind.

It was a good thing it was just a Wand-Lighting Charm. If it had been something like a Fire-Making Spell... Kyle shuddered at the thought and silently vowed to keep his distance from Mikkel in future classes.

As far away as possible!

He had thought that next year's incoming "explosives expert" would be bad enough, but it seemed this year's "forbidden spell caster" was equally outrageous.

Hogwarts sure didn't harbor the ordinary.

A few minutes later, Dumbledore arrived, having heard the news, and brought Snape along from his class.

Madam Pomfrey led them to Mikkel's bedside, whispered a few words, then stepped aside.

Dumbledore bent down, carefully examining Mikkel, occasionally tapping his wand over him.

After a long moment, he pocketed his wand without saying a word, then turned to Kyle and asked, "Good morning, Kyle. You brought him to Poppy, didn't you?"

"Yes, Professor," Kyle nodded.

"You did well," Dumbledore smiled. "And I've heard from Sabrina about what happened. If you hadn't helped the other students who fell, Mikkel might not have been the only one lying here."

Kyle waved his hands quickly, "It's what I should have done, Professor, and I wasn't the only one helping."

"But you were the first to act," Dumbledore said, winking. "Many older students, even adult wizards, struggle to stay calm in a crisis, but you did, and you did well.

Your bravery and humility have earned Hufflepuff twenty points."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Snape, who had been examining Mikkel, suddenly turned his sharp gaze toward Kyle, as if noticing him for the first time.

Kyle, however, didn't notice Snape's stare. He was focused on Dumbledore and asked, "Professor, how is Mikkel? Will he be able to attend class again?"

"Of course," Dumbledore reassured him with a smile. "It's a bit of an inconvenience, but nothing that can't be resolved. A little magic-suppressing potion will do the trick, and our Potions Master will have it ready soon."

"One day," Snape interjected coldly as he walked over. "I promise it will be here before Hufflepuff's Potions class tomorrow. But until then, Chopper, there's something I need to remind you..."

Snape paused for a moment, his expression twisting into a mocking sneer. "You'd better tell your friend to keep his feeble mind and wand under control. Constant magical exhaustion can turn a wizard into a Squib. I assume you know what a Squib is, don't you?"

"I do, Professor," Kyle replied.


Without another word, Snape turned and left the hospital wing.

"I think we should leave as well," Dumbledore said. "Mikkel needs rest. I suggest you visit him again in the afternoon."

(End of Chapter)