Pit Stop

Ethan and Greg finally came to a stop after what felt like an endless stretch of walking. The forest around them had grown dark, with only the faint light of the stars peeking through the thick canopy of trees above. Ethan's body felt heavy-the weight of the day, the encounter with the bandits, and the long trek settling into his muscles. For the first time since entering this human body, he felt the deep need for sleep.

He found a small, secluded spot off the main path, nestled between a few large rocks and trees, where they could rest safely for the night. He sat down, leaning against one of the rocks, and stretched out his legs, finally allowing himself to take a breath of relief. Greg stood nearby, watchful and still, ever the silent guardian.

As Ethan's body begged for rest, a new feeling began to creep in-nervousness. The last time he had been unconscious in this body, it hadn't been peaceful. That overwhelming surge of mana, the pain that followed, and the strange blackness in which his mind had been trapped... it all came flooding back. He had felt awake in that darkness, completely aware but unable to do anything, trapped in his own mind.

Now, as sleep beckoned, he feared that same experience might happen again. What if he activated his mana by accident? What if something went wrong while he was asleep? He had no control over his powers anymore, and the thought of slipping into that dark void once more filled him with unease.

Ethan shifted slightly, glancing at Greg. The golem was his safeguard, the one constant in this world that seemed to follow his commands, even when he couldn't sense the Mind Element anymore. Maybe that connection was still there, buried under the layers of his new human form. Maybe it was enough to keep him grounded.

"Stay close, Greg," he muttered quietly, his voice filled with a trace of his nervousness. "I need to... rest."

Greg, as always, remained still, his presence reassuring even in the silence.

Ethan closed his eyes, willing his mind to relax, though the tension still lingered in his chest. He had to trust that sleep would be normal this time, that he wouldn't get pulled into that strange blackness again. He focused on the steady rhythm of his breathing, the cool night air on his skin, and the distant sounds of the forest.

Gradually, the exhaustion won out. His mind began to drift, the fear of the unknown fading as the pull of sleep finally overtook him. Ethan's body relaxed, and for the first time in this human form, he let himself truly rest.

As he slipped into sleep, the world around him faded, leaving behind the quiet peace of the forest and the watchful presence of Greg by his side.


Ethan stirred as the first light of morning broke through the trees, the gentle warmth of the sun hitting his face. His eyes blinked open slowly, adjusting to the brightness as the familiar sounds of the forest greeted him. He took a moment to process it-normal sleep, no strange blackness, no unsettling awareness. Just a peaceful rest. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Sitting up, he glanced over at Greg, who stood exactly where he had left him, as still and vigilant as ever. Ethan gave a small nod of approval, glad to see his companion had kept watch throughout the night.

He stretched, feeling the soreness in his muscles from the previous day's exertion, but the rest had done him good. His human body, though still strange and unfamiliar at times, had recovered well. There was no sense of the mana-induced exhaustion from before.

Ethan quickly gathered his things, shaking off any lingering stiffness. He strapped the steel sword back to his side and checked the rest of his supplies. His thoughts briefly drifted to the bandits from the day before, but it seemed like they hadn't tracked him down. With Greg at his side, they were safer than most travelers.

"Alright, Greg," Ethan muttered, glancing up at the golem. "Let's keep moving."

Greg followed silently as Ethan began walking again, the morning air cool and fresh as they continued down the path toward Greystone. The journey wasn't over yet, but after surviving the first day and night without incident, Ethan felt a renewed sense of determination. Greystone was closer now, and with it, the potential answers to unlocking the magic of this world and reclaiming his powers.

With the sun rising higher, Ethan set a steady pace, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


As Ethan and Greg walked through the quiet forest, a sudden realization hit him: he had left his steel spear with the bandits. The image of him throwing it in desperation, hoping to slow down his pursuer, came back to him. Now, it was likely lost, lying somewhere in the woods, or worse, taken by the very people he had tried to escape from. It was frustrating-he had spent time crafting that spear, and now it was gone. But that wasn't the only thing nagging at him.

A darker thought crept into his mind, one that had been lingering since his encounter with the bandits. He had managed to get away, thanks to Greg, but what if they hadn't run? What if they had stood their ground and fought back? Would he have been able to face them? Would he have been ready to kill if it came down to it?

The bandits hadn't hesitated. They had been willing to kill him for his belongings without a second thought, and that realization made his stomach churn. It was becoming clearer to him that if he wanted to survive in this world, he couldn't afford to hesitate either. Ethan wasn't a fighter by nature-he had relied on his mana in the past, not brute force or weapons. But now, without his magic, he was vulnerable.

He had to face the fact that, sooner or later, he might be forced to take a life in order to save his own.

As they walked, Ethan's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, feeling the cold steel beneath his fingers. It was a tool he had forged, a weapon that now represented the harsh reality of survival. If more bandits came, or if they tracked him down, he couldn't rely on Greg alone. He would need to be prepared to fight, to defend himself with lethal intent if it came to that.

"I'm going to have to be ready," he muttered under his breath, more to himself than to Greg. The words tasted bitter, but they were necessary. The rules of this world weren't like the one he had left behind. If he wanted to reach Greystone alive, he would have to face the brutal truth of survival.

The road ahead wasn't just about unlocking his powers-it was about staying alive long enough to do so.

After hours of walking and taking short breaks to rest, Ethan finally saw the edge of the forest and the faint outlines of another village in the distance. The sight filled him with a mix of relief and anticipation. The journey had been long, and this village could offer a chance to restock supplies and perhaps learn more about the road to Greystone.

As they approached, the trees began to thin out, revealing more of the open land ahead. Ethan's thoughts drifted back to what he had been doing during those moments of rest. He had spent some time meditating, sitting quietly and focusing inward, trying to reconnect with his mana, the power that once came so naturally to him. Each time, though, it felt just out of reach.

It wasn't like before, where he could simply call upon the elements-now, it was as if there was a barrier between him and his powers, something his new human body couldn't easily bypass. Still, the act of meditating felt strangely peaceful, even if it yielded no results. It allowed him to clear his mind, center himself, and calm the rising frustration that came with feeling powerless.

While meditating hadn't unlocked any of his former abilities, it helped him stay grounded. He had been relying on his instincts and Greg's protection, but in the quiet moments, he found a measure of calm that kept him focused on the goal ahead.

As the village grew closer, Ethan thought about the next step. He would need to find out if this village could offer any useful information-perhaps someone here knew more about the mage's guild or had connections to Greystone. At the very least, he could restock his food and gather any necessary supplies for the journey ahead.

"Let's see what this place has to offer," Ethan said quietly as they stepped out of the forest and began walking toward the village.

His sword hung at his side, a reminder of the dangers that could still be lurking nearby, but for now, he was focused on finding out what this new village might hold.


As Ethan and Greg approached the entrance of the village, two guards stepped forward, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords. They wore simple armor, but the intensity in their eyes showed they took their jobs seriously. One of them, a tall man with a stern face, held up a hand to stop them.

"Halt," the guard said, his tone wary. "State your business. We've had trouble with bandits recently, and we can't just let anyone stroll in."

Ethan stopped in his tracks, hands raised slightly to show he meant no harm. He could feel the tension in the air-the village was clearly on edge, probably due to the same kind of bandits he had narrowly escaped from earlier. Greg stood silently beside him, his stone and bronze form looming large and imposing, which likely didn't help calm the guards' nerves.

"I'm a traveler," Ethan began, keeping his tone calm. "Just passing through. Looking for a place to rest and gather some supplies. I ran into bandits on the road myself, so I understand your caution."

The guards exchanged a glance, their eyes shifting to Greg. The second guard, shorter but stocky, frowned as he eyed the golem.

"What is that thing?" he asked, nodding toward Greg. "Some kind of golem? You don't see those often around here."

Ethan nodded, thinking quickly. "Yeah, Greg's with me. He's my... protector. Helps me stay safe on the road, especially with bandits about. We don't mean any trouble."

The tall guard studied Ethan for a long moment, clearly weighing his words. His gaze shifted between Ethan's worn appearance and the massive figure of Greg standing at his side. After what felt like a tense pause, the guard finally sighed and lowered his hand.

"Alright, but keep an eye on that thing," the tall guard said. "We don't need any more problems here."

Ethan nodded gratefully. "I'll keep him in check. We're just here for supplies and information, then we'll be on our way."

The guards stepped aside, but the taller one called out as Ethan and Greg passed. "Be careful in town. Folks are jumpy, with the bandits causing trouble. Don't give anyone a reason to think you're with them."

Ethan acknowledged the warning with a nod and continued into the village, Greg quietly following behind. The tension in the air was palpable, and he knew he'd have to tread carefully here. But for now, at least, they were in-and hopefully, he could get what they needed before moving on.

Ethan took a deep breath as he and Greg entered the village. The tension in the air was palpable, but at least they were past the guards. Now that they were inside, it was time to take care of business-sell a few rings, restock on supplies, and figure out the next step toward Greystone.

He glanced around, spotting a market area not too far from the village center. The market wasn't large, but there were a few stalls selling food, tools, and other basic goods. Ethan made his way over, carefully choosing a merchant who looked trustworthy-a middle-aged man selling various items of jewelry and trinkets.

Approaching the stall, Ethan reached into his pack and pulled out a small pouch containing the rings he had crafted during his time at the base. He selected two of the simpler rings, each made of finely worked steel and bronze, then placed them on the counter.

The merchant eyed the rings with interest, picking them up to examine the craftsmanship. "These are well-made," he muttered, turning one over in his hand. "You a jeweler?"

Ethan shook his head. "Just picked up the skill along the way. How much would you offer for them?"

The merchant tapped his chin thoughtfully before nodding. "I'll give you 15 silver for both."

Ethan, remembering his earlier experience with the blacksmith, decided not to haggle this time. It wasn't a bad price for what he needed, and he still had a few other pieces if necessary. He nodded in agreement, and the merchant handed over the silver coins.

With the transaction done, Ethan pocketed the money and made his way to a stall selling food. He picked up some dried meat, bread, and a few fruits for the road. After paying for the supplies, he found a well near the edge of the market and filled his glass water bottle. The fresh water was cool, and he took a few sips before sealing the bottle and tucking it away.

Feeling better with food and water in his pack, Ethan knew the next step was figuring out the best route to Greystone. He approached a stall keeper, a woman selling herbs, and asked casually, "I'm heading toward Greystone. Do you know the best way to get there from here?"

The woman looked up from her work, wiping her hands on her apron. "Greystone, eh? It's a bit of a trek from here. You'll want to head northwest, stick to the main road. But be careful-bandits have been more active along those routes lately. Stay on the lookout. Should take you a few days on foot."

Ethan nodded, thanking her for the directions. It confirmed what he had heard before, but the mention of bandits was a reminder that the road ahead wouldn't be easy.

Now with supplies and directions, he felt more prepared for the journey ahead. It was time to move on, get out of this village before trouble found him again. He gestured to Greg, and the two began to make their way toward the outskirts of the village, ready to continue their path toward Greystone.