Greystone City

Ethan finished his water and stood up, shaking off the lingering thoughts about his lost connection with Greg. He knew that dwelling on it wouldn't change the situation, and he needed to keep moving. The road to Greystone lay ahead, and every step brought him closer to answers.

"Let's keep going, Greg," he said, giving the golem a nod. The two of them resumed their journey down the path, the sounds of the forest surrounding them.

The landscape continued to shift as they walked. The open fields gradually gave way to more wooded areas, the trees thickening around them. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground as they moved deeper into the woods.

The atmosphere felt peaceful, but Ethan remained vigilant, knowing that danger could lurk around any corner. He kept his hand near the hilt of his sword, ready to react if needed, though he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

As they walked, Ethan noticed more of those floating blue orbs of mana in the air, their presence a constant reminder of the power he had once wielded. He focused on the road ahead, trying to shake off the memories of his dream and the lingering sadness about his old life. There was a new world to explore, and he needed to stay focused.

After a while, he spotted a small clearing up ahead. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow across the area. He slowed his pace, taking in the beauty of the landscape. It was serene, a perfect spot to rest for a moment if they needed to.

"Should we take a break here?" he asked Greg, glancing back at the golem. Even though Greg didn't respond, Ethan felt a sense of comfort in his companion's presence.

He stepped into the clearing, noticing a small stream trickling nearby, its water sparkling in the fading light. The sound of flowing water was soothing, and it provided a nice backdrop to the peaceful surroundings.

Ethan knelt down to take a drink, cupping his hands to scoop up the clear water. It tasted refreshing and cool, revitalizing him after the long hours of walking. He glanced around, taking in the tranquility of the moment, and for a brief second, he felt a sense of calm wash over him.

With the sun continuing to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the clearing, he decided to keep moving for a little longer before making a decision on whether to stop for the night or continue on. The road to Greystone awaited, and the thought of reaching the city kept his spirits high.

As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting the world in shades of purple and orange, Ethan found a quiet spot just off the road to make camp for the night. The sky above was clear, the stars beginning to twinkle as the evening settled in. He lay down, staring up at the stars, hoping that maybe tonight he would dream again. Maybe the dream would offer him some clarity, or at least a glimpse into the strange connection between his old world and this one.

But when morning came, the light streaming through the trees woke him from an empty sleep. No dream. Ethan sighed and sat up, packing his gear once more.

"Alright, Greg," he muttered, "no dream, but we've got a city to reach."

They continued down the path, and as the hours passed, Ethan began to notice subtle changes in the road. The dirt path they had been following became more well-worn, and stones began to appear beneath their feet. The trees thinned out, revealing more open fields and farmland in the distance, a sure sign that civilization was close.

And then, after a few more hours of walking, Ethan saw it.


There it was, just as the travelers had described—tall stone walls, gleaming in the distance, with towers rising above them. The city was massive compared to the small villages they had passed through, its sheer size awe-inspiring. Even from this distance, Ethan could see the bustle of movement near the gates, the faint outline of people, carts, and horses flowing in and out of the city. The sight of it took his breath away.

"Wow," Ethan whispered to himself, eyes wide as he took in the view. "This… this is a fantasy city. A real one."

His heart raced with excitement. This was what he had been waiting for—the chance to explore a world straight out of the stories and games he had always loved. The towers loomed high, and the stone walls spoke of ancient history and magic. Greystone wasn't just a city—it was a gateway to everything Ethan had been dreaming of since he'd arrived in this world.

His pace quickened, a grin spreading across his face as the thrill of reaching the city took hold. He could practically feel the energy coming from Greystone, even from here. The possibilities were endless—magic, knowledge, and perhaps, finally, the answers he sought about his powers and his place in this world.

With Greg following close behind, Ethan felt a surge of anticipation as they continued toward the city. The excitement bubbling inside him only grew as they neared the gates of Greystone.

A few hours later, Ethan and Greg stood at the gates of Greystone. The towering stone walls loomed above them, massive and imposing, yet they sparked a sense of awe rather than fear. The city gates were bustling with activity—merchants, travelers, and adventurers passing in and out, each one adding to the lively hum of the city. Guards stood watch at the entrance, checking carts and travelers, but it all felt strangely inviting, like a gateway to endless possibilities.

Ethan could hardly contain his excitement. His heart raced, and he felt like a schoolboy in a candy shop, surrounded by the wonders of a world he had only ever imagined. This was the fantasy world he had always dreamed of, and now, standing at the entrance to this massive, magical city, he felt that same giddy thrill of stepping into something new and extraordinary.

"Look at this place," he muttered to Greg, though more to himself. "It's amazing."

The sight of Greystone's towers stretching up into the sky made him feel small, but in the best way possible. The city seemed alive with magic and history, its ancient stone walls practically buzzing with a sense of mystery and power. This was it—his gateway to magic, adventure, and perhaps even a way to understand his powers.

As they approached the gates, the guards gave Greg a curious glance, though no one seemed particularly alarmed by the presence of a golem. Greystone was clearly a place where strange things were normal.

Ethan stepped up to the gate, his eyes wide with excitement as he took in the sight of the city beyond. The streets were lined with market stalls, shops, and taverns, and the people moving about the city seemed to represent every walk of life—merchants, mages, knights, and more. It was everything Ethan had hoped for.

He felt a grin spread across his face. "Alright, Greg. Let's see what this city has to offer."

Just as Ethan and Greg neared the gate, his excitement was interrupted by the sudden approach of a guard. The man was tall and broad-shouldered, wearing the familiar steel armor of the city's sentries. He stepped in front of them, holding up a hand to stop their advance.

"Halt," the guard said, his tone firm but not aggressive. His eyes flicked between Ethan and the towering figure of Greg. "State your business. We don't often see travelers accompanied by… creatures like this."

Ethan glanced at Greg and then back at the guard, doing his best to keep calm. He had expected some curiosity about Greg, but he hadn't considered it might slow them down at the gates. "I'm just a traveler," Ethan explained, trying to keep his voice light and non-threatening. "We've come to Greystone to learn more about the city and… well, I'm looking for work and to find some information about the mage's guild."

The guard's eyes narrowed slightly, though not in suspicion, more in curiosity. "A mage, are you?" he asked, eyeing Ethan up and down. "You don't look like one."

Ethan hesitated, knowing he couldn't exactly explain the truth. "Not yet," he said with a small smile. "I'm hoping to learn. Greystone's known for its mages, right?"

The guard grunted. "That it is. But we've been having trouble lately—bandits, thieves, and worse. We have to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious, especially when it comes to magic." His gaze lingered on Greg for a moment longer before he finally nodded. "Just keep your golem under control. We don't want any trouble in the city."

Ethan exhaled in relief, giving a quick nod. "Understood. Greg's no trouble, I promise."

The guard stepped aside, letting them pass. "You'll find what you're looking for in the mage's quarter, if that's where you're headed. But be careful. Not everyone in this city's friendly."

Ethan thanked the guard and moved through the gate, feeling a wave of excitement wash over him again. They were inside.

As Ethan made his way through the bustling streets of Greystone, his eyes widened in wonder. The city was even more impressive up close than it had been from a distance. Stalls lined the streets, selling everything from freshly baked bread to enchanted trinkets, while people of all kinds moved about—some dressed in elaborate robes, clearly mages, while others looked like adventurers fresh off their travels. The architecture was stunning, with stone buildings adorned with intricate carvings, and the air buzzed with the faint hum of magic.

His excitement was palpable as he took it all in—the colorful market, the smell of roasted meats and spiced wine drifting through the air, the distant clang of blacksmiths working on their anvils. Every corner of the city seemed to hold something new and fascinating. Ethan couldn't help but smile at the sheer wonder of it all. This was the fantasy world he had always dreamed of.

After a while, he decided it was time to find some food. He stopped at a small stall, picking up a hot meal—some kind of roasted meat wrapped in a warm, fluffy flatbread—and savored the taste as he walked. The food was simple, but the flavors were rich and satisfying, and it gave him the energy he needed to keep exploring.

When he finished eating, Ethan started asking around for directions to the mage's guild, but it wasn't as easy as he thought. Most people were either too busy or fobbed him off with vague gestures, clearly not interested in helping a newcomer. But just as he was starting to feel a bit frustrated, a young boy approached him with a bright smile.

"Hey, mister," the boy said, tugging at Ethan's sleeve. "I could give you a tour of the city if you want. I know all the best spots. Just a few coins, and I can show you everything."

Ethan grinned, relieved. "That sounds great," he said, reaching into his pouch and handing the kid a few silver coins. "Lead the way."

The boy's eyes lit up with excitement as he pocketed the coins and gestured for Ethan to follow him. "Alright, come on! I'll show you where to go, and where you definitely shouldn't go."

As they walked, the boy pointed out various landmarks—from the bustling market square, filled with traders and performers, to the quieter, more dangerous alleyways, where it was best to keep your head down. "Over there, that's the adventurers' guild," he said, nodding toward a large building with a sturdy wooden door. "Lots of people come through there looking for work. If you're ever in need of a job, that's the place to go."

He also shared a few facts about the city's history. "See that tower up there?" the boy pointed to a tall spire in the distance. "That's one of the oldest buildings in Greystone. They say it used to belong to an ancient wizard. No one goes in there anymore, though. Some say it's haunted."

As they walked, the boy chattered excitedly about all the different people in the city and the things he'd seen. When he saw Greg, his eyes went wide. "Wow! I've never seen a golem up close before!" he exclaimed, bouncing with excitement. "You're really lucky to have one with you. Most people have to hire mercenaries to stay safe."

Ethan smiled at the boy's enthusiasm and couldn't help but be impressed by his knowledge of the city. They continued talking, and the boy opened up about his life. "I live with the other orphans here," he said, a little more quietly. "We help each other out. Showing people around, running errands—it's how we get by. If I do a good job, I get fed."

Ethan felt a pang of sympathy for the boy and his friends, living off the streets and working just to survive. When the tour came to an end, and they arrived at the imposing doors of the mage's guild, Ethan decided to give the boy a little extra. He handed him a few more coins, more than he had asked for.

"Thanks for the tour," Ethan said with a warm smile. "You've been a big help."

The boy's eyes widened as he looked at the coins, clearly not expecting the extra generosity. "Thank you, mister!" he said, his voice full of gratitude. "Good luck at the mage's guild. If you ever need anything else, just ask around for Jak, okay?"

Ethan nodded and waved as the boy ran off, disappearing into the crowd. He took a deep breath, turning to face the mage's guild. It was an impressive structure, its tall, arched entrance guarded by intricate carvings of magical symbols. This was it—the place where he might finally find some answers about his lost powers.

With Greg at his side, Ethan pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside, ready to begin the next chapter of his journey.