Unlocking His Mana

The wizard didn't say anything at first, his eyes focused on the pot he was stirring.

"Hm, eat your soup, then we shall talk about that," he said, his voice calm but firm. "For now, ask me what you need to know."

Ethan blinked, feeling a wave of confusion. What did that mean? He had already asked what he thought was the most important question-how to get his powers back. Why wasn't the wizard answering?

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked, frowning. "I thought I already asked you what I needed to know. I want my powers back. I want to feel mana like I used to."

The wizard stirred the pot slowly, not looking at him. "The question you asked is not the most important one. You want your powers back, but you must first understand why they were taken in the first place. Why were you brought to this world? Why are you now trapped in a human form?"

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. He had never stopped to fully consider the why-he had been so focused on trying to reclaim his powers that he hadn't thought about the deeper reasons behind his transformation. He had come into this world as a being of pure mana, only to lose that form and become human. But the why had always remained a mystery.

"I... I don't know why," Ethan admitted, setting his bowl down. "I was brought into this world as pure mana, not as a human. I had control over the elements, over everything. Then I lost it all and got stuck in this body. Why did that happen? Why was I brought here in the first place?"

The wizard finally looked up, his gaze sharp. "Now you are asking the right questions," he said quietly. "You were brought here with a purpose, whether you realize it or not. Your transformation into a human form is part of that purpose. You are no longer just a creature of mana-you are both spirit and human, two things that normally don't coexist. Understanding that is the first step toward reclaiming what you once had."

Ethan frowned, trying to make sense of it all. "So... I'm not just a human with a spirit trapped inside me? I'm something else?"

The wizard nodded. "Exactly. You were once pure mana, unbound by the laws of this world. But now, you are something more complex-a being that exists between the spiritual and mortal realms. Your human form limits you, yes, but it also presents an opportunity to grow in ways that you could not as a pure mana being. You are not trapped-you are evolving."

Ethan's mind raced as he tried to process this. He had always thought that being stuck in a human body was a limitation, but now the wizard was telling him it was an opportunity. But what kind of opportunity?

"And how do I get my powers back?" Ethan pressed. "How do I reconnect with the mana I once controlled?"

The wizard's expression softened slightly. "Your powers are not gone, Ethan. They are still within you, but they are now bound to your human form. To reclaim them, you must first learn to channel mana through your body. It will not be the same as before, but once you master this, you will be able to unlock the deeper potential of both the human and the spirit within you."

Ethan let the words sink in. This was not what he had expected. He had hoped to simply return to what he was, but now he realized that wasn't possible. He was no longer just a creature of mana-he was something more, and he needed to learn how to balance those two sides of himself.

"Where do I even begin?" Ethan asked, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

The wizard gave a faint smile. "First, you must relearn how to wield mana as a human. The process will take time, but once you grasp the basics, we can move forward. You are not alone in this journey."

Ethan nodded, his resolve solidifying. This was going to be a long road, but he was ready to face it.

"Good," the wizard said, standing up. "Finish your soup. Tomorrow, we begin."


Ethan finished his soup, setting the bowl aside as the warmth of the meal settled within him. The wizard stood up, gesturing for Ethan and Greg to follow. They moved through the dimly lit tower, passing old bookshelves and artifacts, until the wizard stopped in front of a wooden door. He pushed it open to reveal a modest but comfortable bedroom, complete with a simple bed, a small table, and a chair. The room had a sense of quiet solitude, perfect for rest after a long day.

Greg, ever silent, stood in the corner of the room, his presence as reassuring as ever. As Ethan stepped inside, grateful for the chance to rest, he realized something. I never got his name.

Turning to the wizard, who stood at the door with his usual calm demeanor, Ethan spoke up. "Hey, I just realized... I never got your name."

The wizard paused, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, as if amused by the question. "Names are not always necessary, but you may call me Kaelar," he said, his voice steady. "Rest now, Ethan. Tomorrow, we begin the work of reclaiming your power."

Ethan nodded, still processing everything that had happened, but feeling a small sense of relief at knowing Kaelar's name. "Thank you, Kaelar," he said, his voice filled with both gratitude and determination.

Kaelar gave a final nod before quietly leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Ethan sat down on the edge of the bed, the weight of the day's revelations pressing down on him. He glanced at Greg, who stood watch, and then lay back on the bed, his mind swirling with thoughts about what tomorrow might bring.

With a final, deep breath, Ethan closed his eyes, letting sleep take over, knowing that the path ahead was going to be difficult-but he was ready.

Ethan drifted off into a deep sleep, and soon enough, he began to dream.

This time, the dream was different from the confusing images of his past and the people he had left behind. He found himself standing in a vast, open space-a void, not unlike the place where he had first lost consciousness after entering his human body. But here, the void was alive with swirling colors and light-flickers of mana dancing through the air like glowing threads. The elements were all around him, brushing against his skin, making him feel alive in a way that he hadn't felt since he lost his true form.

In the distance, he saw something-an indistinct figure, barely more than a silhouette, standing at the center of the swirling energy. It radiated power, pure and unfiltered, like a manifestation of mana itself.

Ethan took a step forward, feeling drawn toward the figure. As he got closer, the shape became clearer. The figure looked almost human, but there was something otherworldly about it. Its eyes glowed with the same light as the mana threads, and its body seemed to be made of the same shifting energy that filled the void.

"You seek to reclaim what was once yours," the figure said, its voice echoing through the space, calm yet powerful. "But the path you walk is no longer the one you knew."

Ethan stopped, staring at the figure, feeling its presence hum through the air. "I know," he said, his voice steady despite the uncertainty he felt. "I was brought here as a creature of pure mana. I want to understand how to use that power again."

The figure tilted its head slightly, as if considering his words. "You seek the freedom of the past, yet you are bound by the present. To become what you once were, you must learn to accept what you have become."

Ethan frowned, not fully understanding. "What do you mean? I've lost my connection to mana. I can feel it, but I can't use it."

"You have not lost it," the figure said, taking a step closer. "You are simply different now. Mana does not flow through you as it once did because you have changed. You must learn to balance both the spirit you once were and the human you are now."

The words echoed Kaelar's earlier advice, but here, in this dream, they felt even more profound. Ethan took another step forward, feeling the energy around him hum more intensely. "But how do I do that? How do I regain control?"

The figure raised a hand, and the swirling threads of mana began to gather around it, forming into a bright orb that pulsed with energy. "You must learn to wield mana through your new form. You are no longer just mana itself-you are a bridge between two worlds. Understand this, and you will find your way."

Ethan reached out, his hand brushing the edge of the orb. The moment he touched it, he felt a surge of power rush through him. It was different from when he had been pure mana-there was resistance now, like his human body was a filter, slowing the flow. But it was still there, pulsing beneath the surface, waiting to be unlocked.

"Remember," the figure's voice whispered as the light around them grew brighter. "Balance, not dominance. Harmony, not control."

And then, with a sudden rush, everything dissolved into light, and Ethan felt himself being pulled back into the waking world.

He opened his eyes, the first light of morning creeping through the window. The dream still clung to him, its message clear in his mind.

Balance. Harmony. He wasn't just a creature of mana anymore. He was both mana and human. And if he wanted to reclaim his power, he needed to understand that union.


Ethan stretched as he woke, the weight of the dream still lingering in his mind. The message was clear-balance, not just raw power, was the key to reclaiming his connection to mana. With that realization, he felt a sense of purpose and clarity. It was time to get back to Kaelar, the wizard, and begin his journey to unlock his potential.

He got up from the bed, feeling more refreshed, and glanced over at Greg, who was standing silently by the door, ever-watchful. Ethan smiled, appreciating the golem's quiet presence, then gathered his things and made his way out of the room.

As he stepped back into the tower's main hallway, he remembered how Kaelar had said they would start today. He could feel that today was different, the air in the tower charged with potential.

Making his way back to the central room, Ethan finally got a good look at the wizard, Kaelar, who was seated by the fire, still tending to a pot of herbs simmering gently.

Kaelar was a man of tall, slender build, his figure draped in layers of dark, flowing robes that hinted at his mastery over magic. His face, though slightly weathered, carried a sense of calm wisdom, framed by long silver hair that flowed past his shoulders. His sharp, piercing blue eyes had a way of seeing through everything, as if he could look directly into Ethan's soul, reading his thoughts before he even spoke. A short, well-kept beard lined his chin, giving him an air of authority, while his robes bore intricate patterns of gold and silver stitching, marking him as more than just an ordinary wizard.

Despite his powerful aura, there was something almost relaxed about Kaelar's demeanor, like someone who had long since made peace with the mysteries of the world.

"Ah, you're awake," Kaelar said, his voice smooth, the flicker of firelight dancing in his eyes. "I trust you slept well?"

Ethan nodded, stepping closer. "I had a dream... something about balance and harmony. I think I'm starting to understand what you meant. I'm ready to begin."

Kaelar smiled faintly, his eyes glinting with approval. "Good. Then we have much to discuss." He gestured for Ethan to sit by the fire. "Today, you will begin learning to channel mana through your human form. It will be unlike what you've done before-no longer pure instinct, but deliberate control."

Ethan took a seat, feeling the weight of what was about to begin, and nodded. "I'm ready."