Chapter 8

**Chapter 8**

Qin Wanshu didn't reply. She simply sat down, opened the piano lid, and let her fingers glide gently over the black and white keys. Music began to fill the room.

Zuo Qinghuan leaned against the wall, silently watching Qin Wanshu play. Whether it was a man or a woman, anyone who could play the piano well exuded a certain grace. Qin Wanshu, who didn't even need to enhance her charm, already stood out, but when playing the piano, she became something extraordinary. Her serene and dignified expression, her elegant posture, and her beautiful hands stirred a mix of complex emotions in Zuo Qinghuan.

No other woman had ever made her feel so humbled, nor had anyone else so easily awakened the insecurity she buried deep within. That feeling of inferiority rising from within was horrible. At that moment, Zuo Qinghuan had to admit she was jealous of Qin Wanshu. Everything about Qin Wanshu—her enviable family background, her elegant beauty and charm, and her cultivated demeanor—was what Zuo Qinghuan longed for but couldn't reach. How remarkable God's hand must be, she thought. Perhaps it was because Qin Wanshu possessed what she lacked and yearned for that Zuo Qinghuan felt herself irresistibly drawn to her.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Qin Wanshu noticed Zuo Qinghuan's intense gaze. The emotions in her eyes were difficult to decipher.

"I can't. I've never touched this kind of thing since I was a child. But I can dance pole. The things I know are all low-class, just like me," Zuo Qinghuan said softly, more as a self-deprecating remark than out of jealousy toward Qin Wanshu.

Qin Wanshu was slightly taken aback. She hadn't expected such bluntness from Zuo Qinghuan. Everything about Zuo Qinghuan—her clothes and possessions—was luxurious, things an ordinary young woman couldn't afford unless she came from a wealthy family. It wasn't hard to guess where these luxuries came from, given that youth and beauty could be a currency. However, Qin Wanshu didn't hold any particular judgment toward women who traded their bodies for vanity. Everyone had their own pursuits. Still, hearing Zuo Qinghuan speak so candidly surprised her. She had a feeling Zuo Qinghuan was different from those vain women.

"I could teach you to play," Qin Wanshu said, neither probing nor exposing anything, smoothly shifting the conversation. She wasn't detached from the realities of the world. In fact, she was skilled at navigating it gracefully. She didn't think Zuo Qinghuan would want her to dig into her personal life. But if Zuo Qinghuan wanted to share, Qin Wanshu would be a good listener.

Zuo Qinghuan wasn't sure whether Qin Wanshu had ignored or failed to catch the hint in her words, but changing the subject was definitely a wise choice.

Zuo Qinghuan's fingers touched the black and white keys again. Could she really play this thing? After pressing a key and hearing the simple piano sound, she found it somewhat fascinating.

Seeing Zuo Qinghuan's cautious fingers move over the keys, much like a child hesitating to reach for a toy, Qin Wanshu couldn't help but smile. She placed her hand gently on Zuo Qinghuan's, guiding her fingers across the piano. Zuo Qinghuan felt the warmth and softness of Qin Wanshu's touch on the back of her hand. The sensation was strange but pleasant. At the same time, Qin Wanshu's closeness—their second physical contact—filled the air with the unique scent Qin Wanshu carried. Zuo Qinghuan didn't mind this feeling at all.

Qin Wanshu suddenly realized that she wasn't someone who easily formed close bonds, yet here she was, getting so comfortable with a woman she had only met three times. It felt incredible. Zuo Qinghuan also had a light fragrance, which Qin Wanshu noticed. It matched her face—subtle and not annoying, Qin Wanshu thought.

Perhaps I'm inviting the wolf into my house, Zuo Qinghuan thought to herself.


Zuo Qinghuan stole a glance at Qin Wanshu's face. Even at such a close distance, her picky self couldn't find a flaw. Qin Wanshu really was perfect. She didn't want such a perfect woman to have any defects. Her coldness in intimacy didn't matter, Zuo Qinghuan thought, because she would help her overcome that minor flaw. Qin Wanshu was the kind of woman who deserved to be adored or worshiped, and she ought to have all the happiness in the world.

Zuo Qinghuan mused that something must be wrong with her. Otherwise, why would she have such thoughts? If she helped Qin Wanshu, she might lose her job as the "mistress," and she wasn't about to do something that would harm herself for someone else's benefit. Zuo Qinghuan suppressed the fleeting, wild thought. It was better not to entertain such dangerous ideas. Besides, Qin Wanshu seemed conservative and distant, making her difficult to approach. And if Han Shibin found out, he definitely wouldn't let her off easily. It was best not to stir trouble with someone so dangerous; playing with fire would only lead to getting burned.

However, once some wild thoughts arise, they are not so easily extinguished. And since this idea had taken root in the mind of the morally indifferent Zuo Qinghuan, it was like a ticking time bomb.

Zuo Qinghuan looked at Qin Wanshu's serene and focused face, and wicked thoughts began to grow uncontrollably. She didn't believe that people were devoid of desires. Humans were born to be controlled by various desires; it was just that some could restrain them, while others indulged in them. So, she didn't believe Qin Wanshu was free of desire. It was just that Han Shibin hadn't yet triggered the spark in Qin Wanshu's heart. Zuo Qinghuan wondered what a seemingly abstinent woman like Qin Wanshu would become once her desires were ignited. She was very curious to find out.

Qin Wanshu continued to guide Zuo Qinghuan's fingers over the piano keys with patience and grace. She was the most patient and elegant teacher in the world.

Suddenly, Zuo Qinghuan, with calculated intent, turned her head, pressing her lips against Qin Wanshu's soft ones as if it had happened by accident.

Qin Wanshu was startled by the unexpected situation, unable to react immediately. She didn't understand why Zuo Qinghuan had suddenly turned her head, and why their lips had just happened to meet.

"Sorry, I just suddenly wanted to turn and look at you," Zuo Qinghuan said, her pure and innocent face appearing so sincere, so innocent, that it almost seemed confused.

Initially, Qin Wanshu had only suspected that Zuo Qinghuan had done it on purpose, but now she was sure. Overacting always seemed a bit unnatural, and this was a classic case of "too much is as bad as too little." Although Qin Wanshu felt like applauding Zuo Qinghuan's excellent performance, it only confirmed that this woman had a natural talent for deception. Fate had even granted her a deceivingly innocent appearance.

"It was just an accident, no need to dwell on it," Qin Wanshu said lightly, acting as though she didn't care. But she found it strange. She usually didn't like liars, especially those with ulterior motives, but oddly, she didn't feel any disgust toward Zuo Qinghuan. Maybe Zuo Qinghuan had simply struck a chord with her. Still, she couldn't understand why Zuo Qinghuan had made such a move.

Zuo Qinghuan hadn't expected Qin Wanshu to remain so calm. She felt a bit indignant. Was she really able to remain unshaken, even as if a mountain were collapsing in front of her? Zuo Qinghuan had summoned all her courage to make her move, and Qin Wanshu dismissed it as if it were just an accident. This left Zuo Qinghuan unsatisfied. At the very least, she expected some typical feminine shyness.

"Qin Wanshu, are you really frigid?" Zuo Qinghuan suddenly asked.

Qin Wanshu was clearly unprepared for such an abrupt question. She didn't understand why Zuo Qinghuan was so curious about such a private matter. Given the level of their relationship, asking such a question repeatedly was rude, putting Qin Wanshu in an awkward position where she didn't know whether to answer or not.

"Is it true?" Zuo Qinghuan asked again, unconcerned about whether she was being inappropriate. She was banking on Qin Wanshu's good manners.

"Why are you so interested in this?" Qin Wanshu asked, internally resisting the uncomfortable topic.

"I think I can help you. Maybe I can cure your frigidity," Zuo Qinghuan replied, completely ignoring the original question.

When Zuo Qinghuan, with her seemingly pure face, told Qin Wanshu she could cure her frigidity, Qin Wanshu couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of incongruity in the whole situation.