Chapter 72 Escape to the Suburbs

Chapter 72 Escape to the Suburbs

Zuo Qinghuan returned home to find Qin Wanshu in her pajamas, sitting up in bed reading. She paused, watching Qin Wanshu. The feeling of coming home to someone waiting for her was incredibly comforting. A warmth spread through Zuo Qinghuan, bringing tears to her eyes, and she quickly blinked them back.

"You're back," Qin Wanshu said, smiling as she saw Zuo Qinghuan.

"Yeah," Zuo Qinghuan replied, walking over to the bed and sitting beside Qin Wanshu. "It really is wonderful to come home to you, Qin Wanshu."

"Did you get everything settled?" Qin Wanshu asked, placing her book on the nightstand. She reached out and hugged Zuo Qinghuan, who seemed to have been waiting for just that. Zuo Qinghuan leaned into the embrace, enjoying the feeling of being held, like a child needing comfort.

"Everything's set. What are you reading?" Zuo Qinghuan picked up the book from the nightstand, glancing at the cover. Archaeology. She was curious why Qin Wanshu had chosen this book from her small collection.

"I'm discovering your reading tastes are quite...eclectic." Qin Wanshu commented. "Popular magazines, natural geography, gardening, history, archaeology, tea ceremonies, flower arranging, even books on lock picking. Who knew you had such a wide range of interests? People who read a lot are usually deep thinkers, but with this diverse collection, no wonder your mind jumps around so much sometimes."

"I didn't read much before," Zuo Qinghuan explained. "It was only when I became Han Shibin's mistress, with all that free time on my hands, that I started buying books to pass the hours. You know what they say, ignorance is the worst thing. But," she continued, gesturing towards the book, "compared to your study, it's nothing. Since meeting you, Miss Qin, I've specifically bought a couple of books on antique appreciation to try and keep up."

"Zuo Qinghuan, you are a very thoughtful woman," Qin Wanshu said seriously, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Anyone else might hesitate to say it, but coming from Qin Wanshu, who clearly devoured books, it was definitely a tease. Mistresses weren't always shallow, after all. Even someone like Li Xin, who seemed superficial, was a doctor and undoubtedly read a book or two to maintain appearances.

"Are you teasing me, Qin Wanshu?" Zuo Qinghuan asked, her voice slightly nasal, a tone that sounded less like genuine dissatisfaction and more like playful pouting. "I'm realizing you're not always this untouchable goddess; sometimes you're quite mischievous."

"Goddess this, goddess that," Qin Wanshu sighed playfully. "That's just a fancy label you put on me. It's a lot of pressure to live up to."

"Goddess or not, you're my goddess. So, where are we going? What do we need to pack?" Zuo Qinghuan's excitement bubbled up at the thought of traveling with Qin Wanshu. She jumped up, flung open the closet, and began to feel overwhelmed by choices. It seemed like she wanted to bring everything she owned…

Qin Wanshu watched Zuo Qinghuan's flurry of activity, a little surprised. Had this woman never traveled before? She looked like a child on their first trip to an amusement park, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Qinghuan, you really don't need to pack so much. We're not going far; just a short trip to the suburbs..." Qin Wanshu interrupted Zuo Qinghuan, who was frantically pulling clothes from the closet. Even for an international trip, this was excessive. Qin Wanshu always preferred to travel light.

"..." Zuo Qinghuan had been picturing something grander, perhaps even international. Didn't rich people always jet off overseas at the drop of a hat? While Zuo Qinghuan wasn't particularly fond of traveling abroad – her one trip to Paris with Han Shibin had been filled with language barriers and a general sense of being out of place – she'd assumed…

"Think of it as a simple getaway," Qin Wanshu clarified. Her trips were usually around a week long. The recent trip to handle Zuo Yan's funeral had taken four days, and time was still a bit tight. Fortunately, she had a villa in the suburbs, privately owned and unknown to almost anyone, including Han Shibin. It was perfect – discreet and saved travel time, making their limited time together more valuable.

"Then, what should I bring?" Zuo Qinghuan asked blankly, clearly lacking any experience with casual outings.

"Just a change of clothes or two. I'm going to change now, and then we can head out." Qin Wanshu stood, opened Zuo Qinghuan's closet, picked out a simple outfit, and went to the bathroom to change. Jeans and a casual jacket – clothes Qin Wanshu rarely had occasion to wear. Looking in the mirror, she was pleased with the transformation. She looked younger, almost like a college student. Standing next to Zuo Qinghuan, the age difference wouldn't seem so pronounced.

Zuo Qinghuan watched Qin Wanshu emerge from the bathroom, her usual sophisticated style completely transformed, yet still uniquely elegant on Qin Wanshu.

"You should change into something casual too," Qin Wanshu suggested. Zuo Qinghuan's current outfit was far too city-chic.

When Zuo Qinghuan returned, dressed in casual clothes, she looked even younger, almost like a college student standing next to a middle schooler. Qin Wanshu felt a slight pang of dismay. She was six years older, but Zuo Qinghuan's youthful appearance made the gap seem wider. Age, it seemed, was a difference that couldn't be entirely erased.

"What's wrong?" Zuo Qinghuan asked, noticing Qin Wanshu's slight frown and wondering if something was amiss with her own appearance.

"Looking at you, I suddenly feel like I'm playing mother," Qin Wanshu said, a smile returning to her face.

"Mom Qin…" Zuo Qinghuan purred playfully, the endearment almost making Qin Wanshu's skin crawl. Okay, maybe that joke wasn't such a good idea. This woman, with her potential Oedipus complex, might actually like that.

"Don't call me that. It's… unsettling," Qin Wanshu quickly cut off Zuo Qinghuan's disturbingly saccharine tone. She was clearly more suited to innocence than seduction; the "enchanting" act felt…off.

"But I haven't called you enough yet…" Zuo Qinghuan said with a teasing smile.

Just as I thought.

"I'm afraid of you. Let's go," Qin Wanshu said, swiftly changing the subject.

"Drive?" Zuo Qinghuan asked.

"We're taking the bus." Alone, Qin Wanshu would undoubtedly drive. But with Zuo Qinghuan, she wanted to experience the bus ride together.

"Looks like someone's never ridden a bus before, Miss Qin," Zuo Qinghuan chuckled. "Why else would you be so eager to pay the fare? I guess this is your way of experiencing the common life."

"I have taken the bus before," Qin Wanshu declared with mock indignation. "Just not often. And putting in the coins is fun." She genuinely thought it was.

Zuo Qinghuan simply smiled, amused. Ordinary people hardly considered coin-operated machines "fun."

"You know, I don't think I've ever been to the suburbs before," Zuo Qinghuan said, watching the city fade behind them as the bus drove on. The unfamiliar scenery unfolded outside the window, and even the sky seemed a brighter blue than in the city. "Have you been?"

"A couple of times." And bought a villa, by the way. "Sometimes, when the mood strikes, I like to spend a few days out there. You can see the stars and the moon so clearly in the suburbs." Qin Wanshu secretly longed to play the piano under the moonlight, but she suspected Zuo Qinghuan would just call her pretentious. Qin Wanshu definitely had some… unique hobbies.

Qin Wanshu's villa was part of a mountainside complex. It wasn't a weekend or holiday, so many villas were empty, and few were occupied year-round. Most were owned by people like Qin Wanshu – wealthy individuals who only visited on a whim. Zuo Qinghuan took in the surroundings. Tennis courts, billiard halls – the entertainment facilities were extensive. It was undeniably luxurious. Rich people really knew how to live. Why hadn't she thought of buying a suburban villa herself? The air was so clean, and she could hear birdsong – a world away from the city smog. Zuo Qinghuan felt her spirits lift immediately.

"I knew you'd like it here," Qin Wanshu said, smiling as she watched Zuo Qinghuan close her eyes and take a deep breath.

"Yes," Zuo Qinghuan nodded, "I really do."


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